I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
Comments ( 20 )
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I'd hate to start a topic about one particular member of EQD, but it does add to the general displeasure with the site because the mods have done little to rein this guy in. Everytime he posts, he instantly makes the general atmosphere unpleasant. A lot of his posts are about his "conservative moralvalues" and how liberals are ruining the country. He's made several homophobic statements, often backed up with a healthy dose of Bible verses, and has even once said Hitler was trying to fulfill the prophecy of the destruction of the Hebrew people as described in the Bible, which makes no sense because the general theme is repeated over and over that the Israelites are God's special people. Anyway. Off topic. I'm so fed with seeing this guy constantly spreading his Alex Jones bull with seemingly nothing done to delete him for good or curb his comments. The aggravating thing is he's not like the trolls of early day EQD. His earnestness just makes it that much worse, knowing he's not a troll but just a clown. I don't go to pony places to hear this nonstop "infallible word of God" nonsense. I don't care what people believe. I don't need the Sunday School noise because I operate on logical deduction and evidence. If nothing is done, I may have found the one final nail to turn me off EQD for good, ironically in the form of something that has nothing to do with fanfics or pre readers.

1448531 That's... not cool. That is so, inescapably not cool. Not because I'm an atheist. Not because I'm a liberal. But insinuating that Hitler was right of all things - being the hopeless little Jewish boy that I am - I'm left utterly shocked that this hasn't been dealt with. I don't give a seabiscuit's barking fuck about religious freedom. This goes entirely against the whole 'be nice to people' rule. Racism is objectively wrong and all about hatred. There's no dancing around that. If I can get banned because I was cussing, and this clown gets a free pass, I'm left not even able to give the site a passing glance let alone a chance. I'm so disappointed, Equestria Daily. I at least expected better of you than this.

EDIT: If something gets done about it, then capital! Still, though. it shouldn't have by any means taken this long.


So, someone from EqD is being a religious nut and no one has done anything?


When you say "EQD member" i assume you mean pre reader or some other position in there, and not just some random troll who has nothing to do with EQD other then being there to troll...

But damn if thats the case that whoa. :pinkiecrazy:


If its just some random guys post you hate, there is addons that allow you to block out his posts automatically, i dont remember what it is called but thats what google is for i guess,. Now im not sure if it would work for EQD but you can try.

He's had comments deleted before, but I've seen profiles deleted for less. I guess knowing he's not the typical garden variety troll, they want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he's admitted several times he's only there to rile people up.

1448719 Oh do tell! The lack of a block button or a hide post feature is one of the more annoying aspects of EQD's system.


Two or so years ago i heard about it in a forum where someone was complaining about a trolls posts, then someone mentioned and linked that addon, but that was years ago. Ill ask and see if someone remembers.


Got a name I can hunt down? We EqD mods can bring the pain, and gladly so, for something like this!

That's his name. Pre_Paradox. You can't miss him. His posts usually start up a long list of complaints. I think one of his most recent posts was on the thread about the Big Mac comic. I'm not sure where he used that as an opportunity to open up about his favorite topics of conservatism and religion. When he's not doing that, he acts like every other guy there. He seems to love complaining about shipping stories and saucy drawfriend pics. I don't go to EQD to be pestered with nonstop sunday school and conservative talk radio from this guy.

Speaking as an active pre-reader: I have literally never heard of this guy. I agree that he sounds like an ass, but he's certainly not affiliated with EqD.

i'm a Christian, and i can safely say that this guy (the subject of this discussion) is full of crap. specially that hitler BS.
makes the rest of us true beleivers look bad, makes ppl uncomfortable, spreading his crap everywhere. i agree man. something needs to be done.

1448531 Post this as a response to his every comment:


Yeah, I have to second Aqua's comment. We have gotten no reports or notifications of his comments. This guy is no EqD member.


I too thought he means a member of EQD as in a staff member, but he means just someoen with an blogger account who leaves comments in the "posts/topics/whatever to call them" on EQD.

I try to see the best in people; I really do, but this guy makes it really difficult. I know he made this comment -which I captured for reasons I forget- a while ago in some post that (if memory serves) loosely involved cloppers.

Thought I must have been the only one bothered by this at the time, because he seemed to go off on a real tangent.

As for Paradox's recent post you mentioned, I found that. His initial comment, and the couple following that, weren't disagreeable, talking about how he can't sneak a couple of comics onto the anti-brony base where he's stationed (I assume he's a military man, which is kind of ironic), but then someone said this.

To which Mister Clever responded.

Followed by

Is he the reason downvoting comments on EqD was disabled?

In any case, he appears to me to be a fundamentalist christian, and by that I really do mean grass roots christian, since his concept of Satan is so old (quite literally fabricated in its birth).

Oh god I H-A-T-E people like that. He definitely should be banned (keep your crap to yourself idiot).:flutterrage:

There's a few other people on there who need to be banned also because it's obvious they're trolls, including lumiunako bashes Luna and her fans every time Luna pops up in an article. FSinRarity ·is another who tried to start a flame war with Luna fans in the Children of the Night article.

Well, as far as banning people goes, it's basically just Chromosome moderating comments, and he only does it once in a blue moon because usually no one cares one way or the other. If it's seriously bugging you, I guess you could try to get in touch with him, it might be more expedient for everyone if you just let him do his own thing and don't get involved. Regardless of whether he's serious or just screwing around, giving him an angry response every single time just encourages him. Given that this is the Internet, it's actually an viable strategy to just ignore him.

I am not as nice a man as Aqua when it comes to dumb shit like this. Banned.


Next topic here will be EQD banning people without a reason. :trollestia: :rainbowlaugh:

Although i suspect he can just make a new blogger account and continue to do what he did before?

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