I Hate Equestria Daily 642 members · 642 stories
Comments ( 35 )
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Because I said I would do something and have not been told it is unnecessary I now feel obligated to follow through.

Ah good at least a fraction of your group has tried to change things. Hopefully for the better but I do not have sufficient evidence to decide if it was helpful of harmful. I would give tentative praise but I don't know who to direct it at.

Oh I don't actually care that much about your group reviewing submissions from your group. It is more the denying reality. If you claimed that you were not biased I would then have to assume that you were not acting reasonably. However as you seem to be admitting to the unfortunate fact that bias exists I no longer have much reason to care. That being said for all I know you all may or may not be letting your preconceptions play a big part but I don't consider it that big a deal compared to some other things. Perhaps later evidence will prove me wrong and you guys really are a blight upon all that is good in the world or some such. I will reserve judgement on that matter for the moment as Kits has apparently brought into question how to assign any blame for any possible previous transgressions due to possible interference from the site owner.

As for specifics yes I would find it preferable if the prereaders constrained themselves to authors they had no previous experience with. Authors sending notes directly to the prereader before the work has been reviewed also seems like a bad idea. Of course taking into account that I don't really care that much at the moment and we are dealing with the difference between "Eh, whatever, not a big deal." and "Eh, that is neat I guess."

Corporations. I would presume that they are generally set up to make money. Hopefully you guys are not allowing such a profit motive to drive your decisions and policies. I think that is enough of that subject for the moment. Feel free to bring it up again if you want but I am not going to pay you such an insult for what may not be intended as such.

Hmm do juries routinely judge the same case against the same person multiple times. Well that is not really putting it right. It is more like would there be a concern of bias if a jury member discussed a case with someone not on the current jury that had previously judged the same case against the same person. If I am to believe popular media discussion of a case with someone outside the jury much less someone that was intimately connected with a previous iteration of the case is a concern.

Hmm well this is a problem. At times I will neglect to fully consider some of the connotation that a word holds when I chose to use it and I then may seem like I am implying something that I did not intend. Anyway, please don't assume that I am saying you are bad at your jobs due to bias or that you are good at your jobs in spite of bias. Due to reasons previously mentioned I just don't have enough evidence to decide as of now.

Well I did say I was biased on the matter.

All right then. This would be the perfect time for a humorous jest about group think but I am afraid it would be taken the wrong way.

That you have such a profound impact on the emotions of each other does not help your case in my eyes. Anyway I am not saying that you all have the same opinion. There is always the possibility of overriding factors. I apologize if my lack of clarity has led you to read more meaning into my words then I intended there to be.

By the by what was the disagreement in the Derpy fic over, if you would be willing to satisfy my curiosity? Actually it would help if you would also point me towards the work in question. I may or may not have read it but I certainly don't remember what the actual work would be and don't want to confuse it with something else.

Discussion among people is good for some things and bad for others. I am certainly not making such an absolute argument about every possible group in every circumstance ever.


He's whining about EqD pre-readers actually being friendly with each other, judging by the previous discussion.

As my dad would put it, it looks like he's a special kind of special.


ahh i see well since my ''hate'' for EQD does not come from the fanfic side i will proceed to not give a fuck :rainbowlaugh:

Author Interviewer

I have no idea what you're responding to in any of these. This post is bad and you should feel bad.

303244 I already used that one! Ergo:

lol this thread


He said he was going to move the discussion that WAS on the front page to an actual thread. Which...he attempted, anyway. Fuck yeah image macros.

Group Admin

>Keep it civil. This is not 4chan.

Also, if we're doing out of context images, then:

Author Interviewer

>keeping it civil in a group dedicated to hate

Goddammit, why didn't my carroty thing go purple? >:| OH LOOK NOW I HATE FIMFIC TOO

time to actually reply to this thread.

We had reservations about certain issues with it's grammar and punctuation, and then a few of us flat out didn't like it.

Group Admin

>Just because the rules don't make sense doesn't mean that they're not the rules.



Also it then turned out the author didn't like it, and he ended up completely rewriting it

Author Interviewer

This is entirely the best response.

why the hell has this not been posted?


yo dawg fanfictin is serisos business dont talk shit about fafiction or emoficons will havepen


Mr. Anon should learn where the comma key is on his keyboard.

>Comments on grammar and punctuation
>Incorrectly used "it's"

your fired :P

Trolling is a art

I hate "it" and I will one day find a shoehorn with which to eviscerate said word.

>Not "You're"
>"a art"
>Not "an art"
Hand in your badge and pack up your belongings. You're off the force.

Happens to the best of us (even me!). I often find myself stumbling over it when it's used as the contraction for "it has".

I have only one response:
To quote Foster's home for Imaginary Friends

(it's my favorite anime)

Author Interviewer

Why can't I, fave all this post?

because you fail at DA urls/hashtags?

Welp, can't argue against that logic.

Get busy for a while and people spam up the place. Ah well I suppose I will just have to throw an insult at everyone by pretending that I am taking the high road by ignoring them.

Anyway now that the pleasantries are taken care of on to the only actual continuation of the discussion that I could see.

Hmm would you mind being more specific on flat out didn't like it. Surely there was something other then personal preference going into that segment of the assessment.

Oh and while this may have been lost in the image spam I still am not absolutely sure what the story we are talking about actually is. This is the one that you mean is it not.


It turns out I already know where that key is located. Perhaps you should have advised me to learn how to use it correctly instead.

Grade three English, sonny. Read it out loud, listen for when you take a breath, chances are that's where a comma should end up. Your body can do it until your brain catches up to the rest of your class. Just try to keep it down so you don't bother the people reading beside you.

Mostly with the diary format, which can be technically described as telling.

Regardless, reasons for disliking it are irrelevant. half of us didnt' like it, and as blue said, it has been rewritten so it's impossible to show what we disliked.

It turns out that my speech pattern is not really compatible with that method. I just don't automatically breath in when I pause. Although given the random pauses that may be a good thing.

I would make a joke about dismissing things on technicalities but I doubt it would turn out well.

Well considering that you were using it in a discussion about how people form judgements. But I understand if the example is unable to be explained due to a rewrite. It was just a tangent due to idle curiosity on my part in any case.

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