Pinkie Pie: Pinkamena Diane Pie 1,626 members · 1,867 stories
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Contrary to popular belief, there actually IS a difference between the two.


Means a being of below average intelligence or a severe lacking of simple facts of the world around them.


Means being delusional, paranoid, hearing voices, or general randomness with an accelerated or lackluster train of thought.

Why do I bring this up?

Because the writers seemed to have adopted a strange trend of making Pinkie more stupid silly, than crazy silly (especially in Season 3; 'Crystal Empire', 'Wonderbolts Academy', and 'Games Ponies Play')

Has anyone else noticed this?

What are your thoughts on it?

Those episodes are just some flanderization, in my opinion, based on "Too Many Pinkie Pies" I can say they know how to do it right.

I see Pinkie Pie as the comic relief of the show, the writers pretty much write her however they need to write her in order to suit the context of the setting and provide the ideal comic relief.

1683505 It's foreshadowing. Pinkamena will return... for her vengeance...
On a serious note I say I like her in either flavour. Crazy or stupid doesn't matter to me as she acts in a way we mere mortals can not comprehend anyway.

1683508 1683510 1683511

I prefer her being 'Crazy' to be honest, either Pinkamena or just the eccentric kind doesn't matter to me all of that much.

It's just the dumb character stereotype I feel has been done to death, and I find her stupidity in the episodes she is portrayed as such more annoying than endearing.

Crazy can be depressing yes, but it can also be fun!

I don't know about you guys, but for some reason I prefer the straight-haired Pinkie Pie. They failed Pinkie in Equestria Girls, and she was just way too dramatic than usual. Somehow she knew about Twilight coming from Equestria, so clearly they are starting to get worse with Pinkie's development. Since we are currently up to the fourth season, she will eventually run out of jokes. Sadly, this will probably be the end of our favourite little pony... :fluttershysad: Hasbro writers, why aren't you paying attention?

(My opinion, and I personally think that they've gone a bit soft on 'the girl's show' thing. I'm starting to actually worry about what they'll do in the future. One bad move, and I'll send them to the moon!


I'm about the same. While I understand that she's the comic relief, I still find her extremely annoying when she's portrayed in the stupid/silly way.
I find crazy Pinkie much more enjoyable.

1683525 For me as long as the rules of the universe are thrown to the wind, I'm happy.

1683530 What they did with Pinkie Pie was called "Leaning on the Fourth Wall" and to be honest it wasn't entirely bad. Also the only flanderization of Pinkie Pie in Season 3 was in "Games Ponies Play" and "Crystal Empire". Otherwise she was actually written fairly well, I guess most people are just bummed that she sucked away too much screen time that could've gone to Rarity.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who has realized about this. Indeed, in my opinion Pinkie's humor and Pinkie in general went downhill in the last episodes of Season 3. Which is a shame, because I really like how they portrayed her in Too Many Pinkie Pies.

If I'm honest, I'm not comfortable with neither Crazy Pinkie nor Silly Pinkie. Don't get me wrong, I do like her crazyness and silliness too; but the Pinkie I want to see the most is Nice Pinkie.

That's how Pinkie is supposed to be, a nice pony, the nicest and happiest pony in town. Her crazyness and silliness should be a side-effect of her overall niceness and child-like innocence, not the other way around. Her song is Smile smile smile, not Crazy crazy crazy. She got her cutie mark because she made other ponies happy, not because she did stupid things.

I think the main problem is that the writers are trying too hard to make her funny, when they should just make her, well, Pinkie.

I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't complain, seeing that I myself find Pinkie to be very hard to write right, so maybe I should be a bit more comprehensive with the writers. I actually like how they portrayed her human version in Equestria Girls. I thought she was overall nice, a bit excentric but not insane, a bit silly but not too stupid. When she guessed Twilight's secret, I admit it felt like a bit of an ass pull; but I still laughed anyway. So maybe they'll do Pinkie right once again in Season 4, who knows.


In all fairness, it was an ass-pull but, they ran out of time while simultaneously working on Season 3 and they needed to keep the film relatively short for the timeslot on the HUB (which ultimately didn't matter as scenes were cut during the broadcast anyway.) and children generally tend to have very short attention spans.

I agree with you. I feel like Pinkie's character's been almost abused as of late, in the way that she's only random. Sure, she can be a little random, but that shouldn't be the only thing we see from her. I tend to like episodes that focus on her, rather than her appearances on the other ponies' episodes. I don't know, but when the special attention is put on her, they generally give her more personality than a simple comic relief.

Eh... I really didn't like Pinkie's portrayal in "Wonderbolt Academy". It really irked me, and I'm not just saying that because I don't like RainbowPie. She seemed... clingy. I mean, she could've been handled better in the episode; she didn't have to freak out the way she did. I love that episode, but not Pinkie's appearances. :unsuresweetie:

Honestly, the whole 'crazy' thing is purely a fandom trope based off of one retarded take on Party of One, and one that annoys me to no end.

Pinkie is a bit weird, yes, but she's perfectly reasonable within the context of the show. The 4th wall stuff is sight gags that are comic relief, and which are pretty much universally terrible when an author attempts to use them in prose rather than a visual medium like the show.

I like you. you just took the words right out of my mouth, I hated how pinkie was in season three and how the fanfic writers played her off from there. She isn't stupid she is nuts i mean good crazy which is why i love her.

1683645 I didn't know that. It actually explains a lot of things, like why the movie feels so rushed sometimes.

Maybe someday we'll get an extended version that looks better. Unlikely, I know, but hey, a man can dream :pinkiesmile:

1683664 Well she wasn't out of character, her behavior from "Party of One" was just turned up a bit. And in the end were it not for her clingyness Lightning Dust's recklessness would never have been exposed. So in the end Pinkie Pie's antics unintentionally served a greater purpose.

The only episodes that gave Pinkie Pie bad character in Season 3 were "Crystal Empire" (she should've been able to play the Flugelhorn), "One Bad Apple" (She really could've just been replaced with a random pony), and "Games Ponies Play" (though I think that might just be because Pinkie Pie wasn't really thinking straight and was running out of ideas). And even then it's a far cry from her writing in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" and "Over a Barrel".

Pinkie does lots of random stuff. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. She has always been that way.

Who knows. Maybe she has used the spy approach in the past with success. In "out of time" she was able to move around stealthy.

When you mention "Games ponies play" are you talking about the scene with the "Round room, known for its roundness"?

Cause if it might want to consider the situation. Was that a dumb thing to say? Yes! But what would you have said? Imagine giving a tour guide of a place you know nothing about. Anything you say has to be made up on the spot. Doing that right is not an easy thing to say. And arguably "Round room, known for its roundness" is better than just standing there stuttering.

I don't think it was. Pinkie having awareness of other worlds makes a certain amount of sense. In fact a lot of fan work was made into that direction most notably Double Rainboom.

Besides, it didn't really impact the plot. It saved Twi time, but what really sold the story was talking dog Spike.

I must admit I to found her performance in Wonderbolt academy a little bit over the top. Though as it as been point out it is fairly consistent with her established character.

1684959 I'm talking more about "Duh whatever. And boingy boingy boingy." At that point it seemed like Pinkie wasn't even thinking and was just doing whatever came to her mind. And that was basically "Look at me."

Doesn't ring a bell. Guess I will have to watch again


Not to mention the care basket running gag was the reason the originally intended Lightning Dust redemption scenes had to be cut from the episode...

I say the proper Pinkie is a bit crazy, but more eccentric than insane, and she isn't stupid at all. Sometimes she does stupid or seemly illogical things, and sometimes is a bit of an airhead, but her actuallly being stupid conflicts with how she was portrayed earlier in the series and is flanderization resulting from writers being unable to understand how a "crazy" character works. I say it's best to think of Pinkie as being more intelligent than she appears, she just has her own ways of doing things, and she doesn't always think everything through before she says or does something.


Lol, that's like the opposite of Spike. He's pretty cool, except when he is given his own episode in which he becomes a dick.


I think it's more that Games Ponies Play was just a terribly written episode on the whole. Which is really sad, given how it's tied into Just For Sidekicks, which was fun.

1687619 Well if you call it redemption, after all she just suddenly does a 180 in personality. They don't even mention what prompted the change. I kind of wish we could blend the endings together so Lightning Dust stays but learns her lesson.

Comment posted by AnOldAccountFromtheDead deleted Sep 6th, 2013

Well, if you ask me, I think Pinkie's more of a crazy kind of silly than stupid silly. (Pinkie Pie you weird pony you. Making Crazy a good thing:rainbowlaugh:)

And I never really thought of it the writers are portraying her, I mean.

Personally, I think Pinkie is more intelligent than we make her out to be, like what Ganondox said. I think she's more in depth then what we see on screen when she's not in her own episode.

And yeah, I guess you guys are right, the writers seem to be using her more for comic relief than anything else. :applejackunsure: They're so intent on making her funny that they're leaving her real character out of it. Which is why I'm really hoping there are more Pinkiesodes, cause learning more about Pinkie is always a good thing! :pinkiehappy:

...And I actually liked Pinkie in "Wonderbolt Academy"..Though I will agree that she was odd in "The Games Ponies Play". But like someone else said, she was probably being weird in that last episode 'cause she was running out of ideas.:twilightblush:

Watched it, don't see it. Sure she did the occasional random behaviour, but she was focused and on the job as much as anyone else. She even was the one that brought up the spa and led the ponies to find the real game inspector.

1699260 Her behavior still kind of rubs me the wrong way there. Still it's better then "Feeling Pinkie Keen" and "Over A Barrel".


exactly. she's a ditz but it takes intelligence to come up with songs about cupcakes
and making people happy as well as coming up with ideas for parties. she can be
quite irksome and annoying, but she also has the mentality of a 6-year-old. also,
creative folk are often eccentric.

Pinkie is not a ditz. Nor stupid. She is highly intelligent -- probably Twilight Sparkle's equal. She just has a very alien mode of problem-solving.

I always thought it was strange when people complain about the episode "Too Many Pinkie Pies" in terms of how it portrays Pinkie. They talk about how crazy Pinkie is in that episode but it is like they don't see that the clones act completely differently than the actual Pinkie. Pinkie Pie does her best to not bother Dash when she is sleeping while the clones bother her relentlessly. Pinkie cares about helping her friends while the clones care not at all. The list goes on. It is actually great at showing how Pinkie is actually different from the flanderized version you see in some stories in a very direct manner.

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