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Post what you like, dislike, or would change about the following episode:

The Ending of the End Part 1

Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow successfully unlock the power of Grogar's Bewitching Bell to make themselves all-powerful. They betray Grogar and drain him of his magic, revealing him to be Discord in disguise. Discord travels to Canterlot and discloses this to Twilight and her friends where they are making preparations for Twilight's coronation ceremony. Discord explains that his actions as Grogar were intended to prepare Twilight for her new role. Despite Discord's good intentions, Twilight and her friends are horrified and furious by his actions and poor planning; Twilight rallies her friends and allies to prepare for the attack. The villainous trio soon attack Equestria, with Cozy Glow invading Canterlot castle, Chrysalis ravaging the School of Friendship and capturing Starlight Glimmer, and Tirek defeating the Pillars. The villains regroup at the castle and defeat the Mane Six and their friends, where the villains reveal that they have managed to turn the pony races against each other. After her friends insist that she retreat, Twilight teleports away while the others are overwhelmed by the villains.

The Ending of the End Part 2

The villains imprison the defeated ponies and celebrate their victory, but argue over what to do with the magic they have stolen. A remorseful Discord enacts a ploy to free Starlight Glimmer and thereby release the other captured ponies. She, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Discord engage the villains while the rest of the Mane Six and Spike escape searching for Twilight. They find her taking refuge in the Crystal Empire, fallen to despair and without hope. The Windigos return as a result of the animosity between the pony races, bringing forth freezing weather. After encouragement from her friends, Twilight regains her confidence and they go back to Canterlot to confront the villains. The villains seem to gain the upper hand until a giant army consisting of all of Mane Six's allies, united by the students of the School of Friendship, appear and assist in the final battle. After a final blow by the magic of friendship, the Windigos are evaporated, the villains' power is removed and they are frozen in stone together per Discord's suggestion. With Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow defeated, Celestia expresses that she is proud of Twilight and that she is officially ready to rule Equestria. Twilight postpones her coronation so she and her friends can spend some quiet time after the battle.

The writers have seen Iron Man 3 and/or The Last Jedi too many times.

Dislike that Grogar was Discord obviously, I thought it would be an epic showdown not a 'Flipping the bird' plot twist by the creators for the first half and the second half is the Mean 3 should have use the bell to absorb that massive magic of friendship and turning them to stone

Oh dear lord where do I even begin, first off first off discord being grogar is total bullshit he put every one he care's about in danger and the worst part is that by the finale not only does discord not get any punishment in the end but it's somewhat implied he get's with a mane girl and with fluttershy no less I mean come on, and celestia and luna were so useless in this finale I honestly think the writer's just outright despise them if were going by that logic then I think the writer's hated the pillar's even more giving how they were also treated in the finale, and why did the citizen's of equestria suddenly hate each other, this finale is a disgrace to FIM and it's fandom these episode's are one of the prime example of why subverting expectation's is the worst thing you can do as a writer.

Lin #5 · Aug 1st, 2020 · · 2 ·

The worst battle episodes ever...:facehoof:
Pillars were took down by Tirek just in 3min, it didn't make sense, why they were so weak???:derpytongue2:
And villains turned the pony races against each other too easily.
When three races tried to hide, an unicorn and a pegasus who we didn't know stood out and persuaded everypony to unite.
Pillars and Discord escaped from Canterlot castle just in a second, just because of the magic of friendship???

Group Admin

Or Probably Avengers Endgame

If I start giving my opinions on this, I’m not going to be able to stop. So I’ll just summarize with these two being the worst episodes in the entire show. No contest.

Hell no, what? Endgame managed to have solid payoff and everyone acting in-character. It was absolutely true to the tones and themes of the series it concluded. I’m not gonna go to bat and say that it’s like the best movie of all time or anything, but none of its problems in any way resemble the problems of “The Ending of the End”. None of them represent fundamentally forgetting what the series is about.

No. That was just a reference. Fakeout Big Bad? They watched Iron Man 3 too many times. One of the usurpers being way younger than the usurped? They've seen The Last Jedi too many times.

7289345 It's amazing how one poorly thought out plot twist can cast a shadow over what should be an epic final battle. Why oh why did they feel the need to troll fans with Grogar only to reveal that it was Discord all along in the most stupid of justifications?! No one asked for his help, his help was not needed, and at no point did he ever think it would backfire despite the fact that two of the three he's working with betrayed him or captured him in the past! And I still can't wrap my head around how Cozy Glow not only becomes an alicorn but also gets turned to stone without any attempt to discover why she's evil. :facehoof:

This episode was just stupid and I hated it. Here's how I would rewrite it.

1. Don't have Discord pretending to be Grogar.

2. Include a conflict where Twilight decides she doesn't want to take Celestia''s place as ruler of Equestria (after Twilight has a talk with her parents), leading to an argument between her and Celestia.

3. Have Twilight, Flurry Heart and Discord kidnapped by rouge Changelings Thorax mention in Triple Threat under the orders of Grogar.

4. Have Grogar lead Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis to Tambelon where he plans to rewaken some of his most loyal and dangerous monsters. Also as a reward for kidnapping Twilight, Flurry Heart and Discord, he transforms the rouge Changelings into more powerful creatures.

5. Grogar uses the combine magic of the kidnapped trio to change Cozy Glow into an Dragon/Alicorn hybird. He reveals he's dying and wants Cozy to be his new heir.

6. Celestia is horrified and disgusted by Grogar's actions where we get this dialogue.
Celestia: How could you do this to a child?!
Grogar: She should be grateful. She wanted power and now as the Queen of monsters she can.
Celestia: Did you even consider what she wanted? What gives you the right to forced this destiny onto her?!
Grogar: And that's rich coming from you! You've have always decided Twilight's destiny.
Celestia: I never...
Grogar: You've picked her friends, you made her a princess and you planning to retire and leave the duty ruling Equestria to Twilight. So when you have asked what she wanted?! Never. So tell me Celestia, what differences is there between you and I?
Celestia doesn't answer.
Grogar: Yeah, that's what I thought.

7. So while Shining Armor and Tempest are leading an army of all the friends and allies the mane Six ever made (including Lightning) against Grogar's army and Celestia and Luna are fighting Grogar, Twilight's friends are searching Tambelon to rescue Twilight, Flurry and Discord.

8. The spirit of the tree of Harmony sends help by recreating the Elements of Harmony and giving them to the Young Six who blast Grogar and his army, saving the day.

9. Celestia and Twilight have a heart to heart talk where Celestia apologizes for controlling most of her life and tells her Twilight she doesn't have rule Equestria if she doesn't want to.

Also if you really, really have to Discord pretend to Grogar, then have Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow accidentally awaken the real Grogar who uses the bell to steal Discord's power. Then after the final battle when Discord tries to get the bell to restore his powers, Celestia snatches the bell with her magic and tells him he's not getting his powers back for a good long time.

So what do you all think?

I got alot of mixed thoughts about this finale.
Starting with the positive thing..
I loved how Spike actually got included in the final rainbow laser. Like he is finally included with the girls and not ultimately in their shadows since he's now turn out to be connected to Harmony stuff too. Closest we could get for him being the 7th Element. I am really relieved that he didn't get shafted in the finale.

But on the other hand..
Luna and Celestia got pretty terrible sendoffs here.
This finale was their last chance to truly show they are still capable of protecting Equestria but.. instead on their freaking last days as rulers they ended up looking like failures again.
They just embarrassingly lose their magic and technically got captured TWICE.
All they could do is just freaking distract the trio(and get captured again), that scene there is the writers shouting "See? Luna and Celestia are not useless :D"
No writers, the main problem is the Royal Sisters kept getting sidelined too much or get taken out if they do get involved.. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED HERE.
Luna and Celestia ultimately got sidelined from the final battle and weren't even included in the final rainbow laser despite they wielded the Elements before and their Cutie Marks were on the Tree Of Harmony(Apparently all of that means NOTHING since they lost the connection to the Elements and that's a huge problem). And the part of them turning the powerless trio to stone only shows they are incapable of dealing with villains until after they were already dealt with, its basically kicking someone who's already down. It made the Royal Sisters look bad in more ways than one there.
What happened in the premiere for the sisters during Sombra's attack was a step in the right direction(the issues weren't solved but its a start) but they backpedaled hard in this finale.
It hurts so much for Luna's case since it felt like she got wasted here. Like she started the show off with her story and being the first antagonist as Nightmare Moon, she could have gotten something here to make things come full circle. Like starting the show off as a bad guy but ends the show as a huge hero(no, distracting the trio doesn't freaking work there).
It was bad enough Luna was retiring despite she didn't rule for much long nor did she got to rule anywhere near as Celestia did, bad enough she is most likely going to live with a bunch of old wrinkled ponies(Silver Shoals) and giving up whats part of her freaking destiny/Cutie Mark despite she didn't get to enjoy it for much long compared to Celestia raising the sun. The fact Luna(and Celestia, yes) ended their rules on pretty notes here really made the retirement bit much worse for me.
And its all Discord's fault with his dumb plan. Even if it didn't went haywire, it would most likely cause Luna and Celestia to get taken out. He would end up making them look like "failures" on their last days as rulers while Twilight succeeds. While he's trying to boost Twilight's confidence, it most likely destroyed what confidence the sisters had left. And it rubbed in the fact destiny basically tossed Luna and Celestia aside with them no longer being connected to the Elements with how they weren't included in the final rainbow laser. Discord screwed the sisters over big time here.
I was left pretty bitter from how the Royal Sisters were handled(and Chrysalis's fate and about Discord's iffy plan and what it did to Spike, Luna and Chrysalis)
Before someone goes "The sisters are not main characters, who cares" or "The sisters were shafted before, this is not new", just because the sisters are not main characters doesn't mean how they were handled here is all right. Same with it kept happening before, just because it happened alot doesn't make it ok AT ALL.

About the Grogar twist.. I didn't know about him much but even I acknowledged it was a slap to the face of many fans.
I.. felt really mad at Discord for his iffy plan there. I got too many thoughts or so to share on it so I might just post it in a separate reply if someone wants me to.

Sorry about the rant but.. I was left pretty bitter inside with how things went for the Royal Sisters..
Especially for Luna for me.

Why did I get a dislike on the big post I made here and the big one I made on The Summer Setback?
Did I really said something wrong? I was only saying what really bothered me there..
I said a bunch of posts but I am baffled on those 2 getting a dislike like that. Like.. what did I say wrong there big time?
It just.. worries me..

I think, you should just make your own story. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the finale too, hence I'm writing my own fic with my own vision.

I'm probably the only one who found the episodes enjoyable.

First, it shouldn't be a huge surprise after one and a half episodes revolving around them already that Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were the main villains, I knew they had to be leading into major plans for them and they already said they were planning on backstabbing Grogar.

Now relax, for the primary complaint about this episode, I didn't much like Grogar turning out to be Discord either, as good a job as they did at hiding it beforehand. Maybe if the trio had destroyed Grogar as a demonstration of their new power, and drain Discord's magic at some point if the plot (you know what I mean) demanded he be powerless like in To Where and Back Again (perhaps have him spying on them when they betray Grogar, saying he was aware of the whole thing and waiting for the final battle). Or just have him choose to stand by and let the Mane 6 save the day like with Sombra. Yes, people would've complained that Grogar didn't get to shine, but as it is, technically he never even appeared.

One thing I WILL say for it though is that it explains why "Grogar" was aware of Sombra's fate but unaware that Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow had the bell - he didn't watch Sombra on his crystal ball, he witnessed Sombra's death in person.

Starlight's fight with Chrysalis was kinda entertaining where Chrysalis says "Stay still so I can blast you!" I've heard lines similar to this a lot, but Starlight's the first to respond with something like "Oh yeah, real motivated."

Anyone who feels sorry for Cozy Glow, she (along with Chrysalis and Tirek) tried to murder Twilight on more than one occasion, and would have succeeded the first time if not for Rarity. If Cozy Glow had killed, say, Spike, or Celestia and Luna, would you have felt sorry for her just because she's a filly? Not to mention her sadistic moment at the beginning of Part 2 where she says to the other Mane 5 and SPIKE, including FLUTTERSHY: "Now for your complete destruction! Won't that be fun?" with an evil grin on her face. Sure, Chrysalis wanted to torture them and threatened to dismember Spike, so she's arguably worse, but still. Also "to crush our enemies to dust and laugh as they all scream!" And she directly referred to herself as a villain and led the song "Better Way to be Bad" so she KNOWS she's evil and she's OK with it.

Discord: Fly you foal!

Another Lord of the Rings reference. I love that MLP has so many of them, because to people with the flawed and sexist mindset that only girls can watch shows with a set of five or more female protagonists, by that logic only men can watch Lord of the Rings, which has nine male protagonists and only four prominent female characters, one of which is a spider. But there are references in FiM they're counting on viewers having seen Lord of the Rings. In reality no show is only for a single gender, though Twilight (the vampire series) is generally more appealing to female viewers due to its male characters.

People think Discord should've been turned to stone with the trio for what he did, but he did atone for it and presumably learn from it. He ran from Grogar's lair all the way to Canterlot on foot, which must've been absolute torture for him, but he did it anyway to try to make things right. He expressed sincere remorse for it, and released the other Mane 5 by aggravating Tirek (who had singlehandedly defeated the Pillars moments earlier), risking his life to hold the villains off while they escaped. And while it was incredibly stupid to lead the villains to the bell so they could betray him (all three of them being extremely untrustworthy) and remove his safety net, rather than forge a quest for a fake bell (like Raiti and Zaacro in Dragonball Z), notice how the other Mane 5, Spike, and Starlight's attempts to improve Twilight's confidence were unsuccessful where the Sombra thing did do what Discord intended - though on the flipside, maybe he should've stopped once Twilight stopped Twilighting. Nevertheless, he didn't have malicious intentions, he's just not all that smart, and hasn't learned as much about friendship as the others, and IMO he regressed worse in A Matter of Principals.

Now for the final battle. It was clearly a reference to Avengers: Endgame, which is fitting because I was waiting for Thanos's final fate in that film and Chrysalis's final fate both for 7 years. Not even kidding. (Even though the final battle was an alternate timeline Thanos five years after the original Thanos's death) That said, while I'd have preferred for the villains to be destroyed by that rainbow (though at least the Windigos were), Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow's final fate is satisfactory for me. I'll headcanon Jim Miller's word on them being in a state of dreamless sleep (implied to apply to all instances of petrification except Discord) and that two alicorns and a draconqeuus casting it together makes it permanent (or reversible only by Discord, who can revive the dead). That effectively leaves their minds in a permanent state of nonexistence (unless they're smashed to pieces and wake up in hell), which is satisfying enough for me and serves the same purpose to what I wanted for Chrysalis for 7 whole years.

I know some people didn't like that, but more people would've been outraged if they reformed, especially after the whole thing with Caballeron and Ahuizotl. Plus, since they weren't actually destroyed like Sombra and the Storm King, there is opening for people to write fanfics or headcanons where they are later released for redemption, perhaps by Luster and her friends, or the next generation a thousand years later like with Discord. And plus there's also room to headcanon that Luna's setting them to share a dream and they're comically annoying each other in that dream forever (perhaps Cozy Glow having it better as she seems less annoyed by Chrysalis and Tirek than they are by her and each other).

One more note that might be overlooked: Despite Twilight's apparent immortality next episode, during Twilight's speech she says:

But there will always be more to do, which is why we teach others about the magic of friendship. Others who will continue our mission after we are gone.

Implying Twilight will not live forever after all. And while I know I just spoke of how evil Cozy Glow was trying to kill her, I know she'd prefer to die peacefully of old age rather than outlive her friends by eternity. That's why Arwen gave up her immortality to marry Aragorn. (Hey, another Lord of the Rings similarity. Perhaps Discord will do the same for Fluttershy)

Remember this is Tirek, who Twilight had to possess all the alicorn magic to be evenly matched with. He had Discord's magic then, but Grogar's magic now. Cozy Glow beat the princesses, though she almost lost to the Mane 6 despite her alicorn/Grogar magic, and Starlight Glimmer, who is extremely powerful, lost to Chrysalis, though was evenly matched for most of the fight. And the Pillars had to seal themselves in limbo to defeat the Pony of Shadows.

Cozy Glow only "beat" the princesses by using the bell to steal their magic.
Which was pretty dumb since the sisters KNOW they had the bell and shouldn't have assumed that Cozy Glow wouldn't have it.
The writers really screwed Luna and Celestia there..
Cozy Glow couldn't use the bell on the others due to obviously they wouldn't let her get the chance to use the bell at them.

Waste of time if you ask me! The writers destroyed MULTIPLE characters in these episodes and made them look like incompetent fools! And the ponies of Equestria being turned against each other so easily?! What the heck?! And don't even get me started on Celestia and Luna actually retiring!! Worst plot idea in this show EVER!!

While I was able to get some entertainment out of it like the Starlight vs Chrysalis battle, there are some real problems here.

  • The ponies of Equestria had been united for what seems to be thousands of years, and then all of sudden they start to split up because of few ponies of their kind told rumours about the other without proof? Heck, Chrysalis was a complete stranger to that unicorn chef, and then he just believes her like that? C'mon.
  • Pillars were really underwhelming. They should've just shown up gathering the rest of Equestria if they were going to beaten that easily.
  • That Grogar twist really didn't do Discord any favours, and while I applaud the writers for foreshadowing something well for once, I really can't get around how a former villain wouldn't think or at least consider this plan would backfire on him. This guy singlehandedly endangered all of Equestria. It doesn't help that they were really hyping up Grogar, so I understand those were rooting for Grogar battle and got extremely disappointed.
  • Appledash was implied, but why? The last episode they had together showed off why they shouldn't be a couple. And with how the Mane Six were basically all about friendship and all that, it kinda contradicts what they stood for.

While there are glaring problems that finale would do well without, and I did end up enjoying watching this episode.

I wouldn't worry about it. I got downvoted because I pointed out that Tirek is actually a bucentaur(bovine body) not a centaur(horse body).


Anyone who feels sorry for Cozy Glow, she (along with Chrysalis and Tirek) tried to murder Twilight on more than one occasion,

Completely unlike, say, Starlight or Tempest, who never tried to murder anyone.

No, they didn't. Starlight never tried to kill anybody, and Tempest set out to capture Twilight and her friends.

I’m less bothered by the fact that you lie and more bothered by the fact that you’re so bad at it, even after all this time.

Also the time she trapped Twilight and Spike in crystal and let them fall to their deaths with no care at all for if they survived the fall.

There's nothing to suggest that would have been lethal, as opposed to just painful.

The fact that she wasn't surprised to see Twilight moments later implied she knew Twilight would break out.

I think some fans have forgotten that Starlight did some pretty evil things in that episode.


The fact that she wasn't surprised to see Twilight moments later implied she knew Twilight would break out.

No, it only implies that she wasn’t surprised that Twilight was capable of it. That doesn’t remotely mean that it was part of the plan. You’re stretching and contorting the situation to fit your preferred narrative of Cozy somehow being uniquely evil. I don’t know why.

By the way, Tempest wanted to capture Twilight. She didn’t care at all what happened to her friends. She has also already helped the Storm King conquer kingdoms in the past and promised to help him conquer a hundred more. You’re delusional if you think that Tempest never killed innocents nor planned to kill innocents.


You're the one "stretching and contorting" here. Starlight started out with good intentions. Cozy wanted power for herself from the start.

Tempest grabbed Twilight, and just ignored her friends.

You're just assuming that, with no evidence.

What the hell are you talking about? You sounded delusional here.


Starlight started out with good intentions. Cozy wanted power for herself from the start.

Which has nothing to do with whether or not Starlight was willing to kill or at best was flippant and uncaring about the potential consequences of freezing Twilight and Spike in a crystal and letting them fall to their deaths.

Tempest grabbed Twilight, and just ignored her friends.

Which has nothing to do with whether or not Tempest has conquered nations and offered to conquer more, and the simple fact of the matter is that war kills people.

This is a person who has seriously in the past demonstrated difficulty in grasping the concept of linear time. "Delusional" is the wrong word.

You forget: Cozy is a foal. That makes her actions all the worse.

In most civilized societies what it means is that she's not fully responsible for and is not capable of being fully responsible for her actions, no matter how intelligent she may seem or even actually be.

She is fully responsible for her actions. She chose her path in life.

Not according to any modern way of approaching crime, justice, and punishment. She is not capable of actually choosing her path in life. That's why children are judged according to different standards in the real world, with difference sentences for crimes committed and different structures to their punishments.

We can look at this through the lens of the real world or through the lens of the fantastical world of the show, Bluecat. Pick one.

7290008 Not sure about you, but I'm pretty sure if a child tried to take over the way Cozy Glow did the first reaction would probably be "Why?". And there would be at least an investigation to establish a motive and an attempt to contact legal guardians, rather than hand down a punishment without a trial. That's basically what happened to Cozy Glow both times. No one tried to find out why she did what she did, they just immediately decided to inflict capital punishment on her that they didn't inflict on adults for similar crimes.

Exactly. It's a blatant, awful double standard that Bluecatcinema tries to defend because...I have no idea why. I honestly cannot comprehend defending it and considering it moral and good.

Cozy may be a kid, but she is very smart. She chose to try and steal all the magic from Equestria, all by herself. Using the "she's just a kid" excuse isn't good enough.

Twilight did try to find out. She asked Cozy why she did what she did.


Using the "she's just a kid" excuse isn't good enough.

That's not how it works in the real world. So can I take this as admission that you want to use the standards set by the show and not real-world standards?

She asked Cozy why she did what she did.

Like she did Tempest Shadow, and Tempest Shadow spent about three minutes singing to her about how stupid and pointless friendship is. We the audience see Tempest's backstory. Twilight doesn't, there's no way she could; the flashback portions of the song are nondiegetic. Twilight only hears the lyrics to the song that Tempest sings, which boils down to a sung version of what Cozy screams at Twilight: "I want power and I want it on my own terms", with the only difference being Tempest saying "I don't need friendship" while Cozy says "Friendship is a means to an end".

7290042 That's not thorough enough, it doesn't establish a motive beyond just because. And if you're going to inflict a sentence as severe as life in prison I would think one wouldn't be satisfied with such a vague answer, especially when there's so many unknowns about Cozy's plan.

I'm gonna be honest, dude: you're wasting your time. I've been arguing off and on again with Bluecat since the finale premiered and this guy is the brickest of walls - a very, very thick wall - and is totally convinced that lifetime imprisonment without trial or chance of parole of a child is justice.

I'm only getting sucked into this because I'm an argumentative bastard and have an immensely hard time stopping myself (I've actually said to myself with each notification to this thread "I'm gonna read it but not respond", and yet here I am, going at it again). I genuinely advise you to back out now while you can.

Yeah I agreed, it's no point to argue with this guy. Just ignore it.

kids in real life being sent to jail or executed so Cozy Glow being sent to Tartarus or being petrified is not as extreme as some think it is. So in my opinion, Cozy Glow got what she deserves for her following actions.

1. Attempted Murder/Negligent Homocide/Genocide=

1st day, all unicorns lose their magic and spell fail. On 2nd day, all creature lose their magical abilities. On 3rd day, all magical artifacts lose their power.

Cozy Glow encourage Starlight Glimmer and Rainbow Dash to take Twilight's class to Cloudsdale with full knowledge that she was draining all the magic of Equestria. Not to mention without the crystal heart, all of the crystal ponies would freeze to death. So she put the Crystal Empire, Starlight, Spike, and other non-winged being in mortal danger and never did she show any remorse for it.

2. Kidnapping/Wrongful Imprisonment= She trapped the C.M.C. in a closet, Starlight in a sphere of magic, and the mane six with Spike in Tartarus. She left them with no amenities and no way to contact anybody.

3. Jingolism, Hate Crime= Just like Adolph Hitler who scapegoat the Jews, Cozy Glow turn the pony students against Smolder, Yona, Ocellus, Silverstream, and Gallus by intentionally blaming them for imprisoned Starlight and draining the magic from Equestria. Not to mention that she said that friendship wasn't in non-ponies nature.

4.Regicide, Usurped, Coup = Cozy Glow threaten to kill, imprisoned, or drained the magic from Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. She destroy the pegasi weather system and hurt ponies all in a bid to conquer Equestria. She also work with Trek and Chrysalis to divided and conquered the pony tribes.

5. World Destruction = If Cozy Glown succeed in draining all the magic from Equestria and sending it to another world, she would have destroy two world on an apocalyptic scale. Not to mention her action brought back the windigos and eternal winter.

Hannah Ocuish
Brithdate: March 1774
Killing Date: July 21, 1786
Age:12 years and 9 months
New London, Connecticut United States
Sentenced to death
Executed on December 20, 1786

Twilight Sparkle: But I still don't understand why.
Cozy Glow: [growls] Why?! Because friendship is power! You might be the Princess of Friendship, but as headmare of this school, I can collect even more friends than you!
[students murmuring]
Twilight Sparkle: You're the one who doesn't get it, Cozy. Friendship is powerful, but power isn't why you make friends. I'm sorry I couldn't teach you that.
Cozy Glow: Honesty? Loyalty? Generosity? Blah-blah-blah! I can make more friends without using any of them! And if I can't do it here, I'll do it somewhere else!

Huh. You have a point that I hadn't considered, Tatsuwwaaaaaaait a moment, that says she was executed in 1786.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that would be the 18th century, right? Not the 21st century? Are you saying that you think Equestria should have legal and moral leanings in line with the 18th century?

So...who are the slaves? Earth ponies? Zebras? And I knew we couldn't trust those griffons. Always trying to grift us. Filthy bit-grifting griffons...

I'm pretty sure that Equestria is supposed to be a lot more 21st century in its leanings. In which case...

The United States Supreme Court prohibits execution for crimes committed at the age of fifteen or younger.

Now personally speaking I peg Cozy Glow at age 12, but frankly I think that's the upper limit of how old she could realistically be interpreted as if we accept that she is a child (as the show's creators made her) and not an adult with some form of systemic hypoplasia.

And places like juvenile hall exist in the real world because not every misdeed committed by a youth is punishable by a simple grounding.

Tempest was motivated by years of bitterness, pain and resentment. Cozy? Not so much. Saying "she's just a kid, so she can't be held responsible for her actions" is laughable. Her actions nearly destroyed Equestria, twice. And she relished every second of both experiences.

Her motive was to become the "Empress of Friendship", to have power through making as many false friends as possible. And removing all the magic from Equestria was her way of making sure no power could rival hers.

Personally, I thought the finale should've been a four-parter to make it extra special. That way they would have time to include everybody. Aside from the Grogar twist and the Mean Three's ultimate punishment, I thought it went okay, but would've benefitted a lot from more time for more characters, like Shining Armor and Cadence for example. Really, the Last Problem was unnecessary after this. It ended the same way the season one finale did- seven friends in a donut shop, which I thought was perfect.

I like the outline you've put here. You should write it, and let Twilight's final lesson be to finally say 'No'.

Do you got anything for Luna there?
Since she certainly got the short end of the stick due to Celestia deciding to retire like that.
Like.. Luna just got back from the moon and didn't get to rule much long or enjoy her destiny of raising the moon/dreamguarding and being the princess of the night.

Honestly Twilight keeping Cadance and Shining Armor from helping by going "You need to protect Flurry Heart, she might be our last hope" is rather flawed due to Flurry Heart can't save anyone due to being a baby and by the time she gets old enough(if the trio didn't get to her), it would be way too late. Everyone would have been screwed

When was it said that Celestia alone made that decision? The opener depicted it as a decision both sisters made.

Better a distant hope than none at all.

A decision Luna most likely had to agree with sadly since she doesn't want to be without Celestia.
OR upsetting Celestia if she refuses.
Luna is pretty much forced into a "Pick your poison" scenario

Sadly that distant hope isn't going to work since with whats happening now, Equestria would most likely end up being in a state that is beyond repair with everyone probably dead or worse.

They had tragic backstories and they didn't seem to get as much pleasure out of it as Cozy Glow did. Cozy Glow is a psychopath, and too dangerous to not be imprisoned at the very least. They even asked Cozy Glow her motivation after Season 8 before locking her in Tartarus, and her response was quite different than Starlight and Tempest's. She may have even killed her parents, though there is no direct evidence of this.

So Equestria is supposed to be real-world Earth? I don't see pegasi controlling the weather in our world, princesses raising the sun, unicorns, dragons, or hippogriffs, or even talking ponies, and people can get startled OUT of the hiccups instead of the other way around. It's a fantasy cartoon with its own standards, and Cozy Glow so happened to be one of the irredeemably evil villains. Plus, they let Chrysalis walk last time. In real life they wouldn't have even given Starlight, Tempest, or Discord a second chance.

If she was in Season 1, people would consider her a classic MLP villain and not question why she's iredeemably evil any more than why Stewie is the way he is in Family Guy. (And he at least has some redeeming qualities unlike her)

That's definitely not "most likely". If it were, don't you think Luna would have brought it up during their big argument in "Between Dark and Dawn"?

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