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Not sure if this group is still alive, but I thought I'd throw my hand in.

TEmpty Horizons
Twilight wakes up, alone in the dark. And she's drowning.
Goldenwing · 186k words  ·  1,382  37 · 20k views

The surface isn't safe anymore.

In the ruined depths of Canterlot, a team of brave salvagers discover six mares, long forgotten but miraculously preserved. Though these mares cannot remember what happened to their world, they possess powerful magic that hasn't been seen for centuries.

Now the Elements of Harmony are thrust headlong into a world beyond recognition. Twilight and her friends must dive into the sunken remains of history to determine what happened, but Equestria isn't the harmonious land it once was. Before they can focus wholly on the past, they may first have to survive the present.

It isn't going to be easy.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story: I'm gonna be honest, I'm not one for starting a story with a complicated theme in mind. I really just want to tell a good story, inspire other writers, and have a good time. That said, the strongest theme of the story is probably moral relativism.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: There's a lot of stories written in the post-apocalypse, but this is more of a post-post-apocalypse. The world has ended a long time ago and everyone's gotten over it. I'd say the highlight of this story is the dive sections, when Twilight submerges into the sunken ruins of her homeland trying to find out what's gone wrong. Aside from that, I don't pull punches when it comes to making sure actions have consequences, and people tell me they like my worldbuilding. Give it a shot.

1) Title:


2) Description:
What is it to be human? What is human? Hominid, Homo sapiens sapien or roughly translated as the wise man. The last surviving variation of the genus homo. A species capable of feats both great and terrible. Destruction with a love for creativity. A kind with a fear of the unknown and an all-consuming curiosity. Our species down to its very core is and always will be the epitome of tenacity and adaptation. It is because of this as well as an instinctual compulsion to dominate and manipulate the world in which we reside, I say let this new world know what a human truly is.

3) What I aimed to achieve with this story: I hate stupid villains, so I wrote a better one.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool: He instead fights with words as opposed to brute force. Possessing both a silver tongue and cold calculating mind, he utilizes them both with ruthless efficiency. A far more dangerous weapon than any spell, blade or claw is that a sharp mind and as the saying goes; "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

My submission to this group is as follows.

[Adult story embed hidden]

Equestria has long been known as the land of ponies. However, the name of Equestria is misleading. For far too long, a certain element has been missing from the world. And now, that element has been brought back. But for better or for worse?

While every other story on my account is connected to this story as either a spin-off, sequel, prequel, etc, The Lost Element specifically is what I am suggesting. What I set out to do in the first place was create a story that serves an overarching purpose of examining the human condition in a world where humanity is largely alien and how it would fit in the world of Equestria without causing unneeded strife. Although by this point, I’m also just trying to write a good story to the best of my ability for those who have been watching my work since the start.

As for why it may deserve a place here, there are several criteria that I believe may qualify. It is one of the longest stories in the MLP fandom at over 2 million words by now and is still going strong. It’s quite possibly the single longest running fanfic in the fandom, having been in development since July of 2011. But possibly the most important aspect is that I strive to treat the source material and characters with as much respect and dignity as possible, potentially moreso than most of the source material’s own writers. The characters have been repeatedly praised as being constantly in character in comparison to their show counterparts and I strive to write the human protagonist as both believable and genuinely human instead of following a specific character archetype. While the first volume is regarded by many to be the weakest link, it really catches its stride early in volume 2.

That’s my pitch. If my work qualifies, I hope it will not disappoint.

Title: The Road of Courage

Description: Johnny Test is a gung-ho, young kid, who can take anything and have some fun. At least. what everyone sees him on the outside... On the inside, he felt abused and hated by everyone... The pain and misery has been building up during those times.... One day, he had enough and left his world to start over, while taking his best buddy along. Arriving in a new world and in a new form, they will start their journey leaving their past behind for a new future, paving a new road of courage!

What you aimed to achieve with this story: I want to expand the range of mental state and what happens, if it gets damaged. I used Johnny Test, since there is much more than meets the eye. In the original series, he just wanted fun in the beginning, but his mental state got worse and worse in the later seasons, given he felt like an outcast in the society. Abuse, neglect, bullying. This is something, that in reality, you can't shake it off. Most of the time, Johnny would let everyone easy, but on one fateful day, everything fell apart and he snapped. By moving to Equestria and taking his best friend along would bring him a new possibility to start over. Of course, later would go there, as Johnny's disappearance caused a big impact, causing some of them see the truth and a few of them even reform. However, the stance of society can be one-dimensional, like in real life. However, there are minorities, who think otherwise.

What makes it unique/special/cool: It basically shows about actions and their consequences, since those, who were responsible, never see the consequences. Plus, one can take so much, until he/she has enough. It also tells about different stances of opinions, guilt, redemption and a long journey to stand up against their demons with courage and go forward to the future.

Mind you, it's incomplete. However, I planned to make some redemption arcs and a spiritual journey in the future.

I'm not entirely sure how one would go about reviewing this story, given it's the sequel to one I submitted a while back and it picks up right where that first story left off, but I figure it can't hurt to submit this one too. (Side note: Incidentally, that first story did get reviewed and accepted here.)

1) Title:

The Ponies who Played with Fire

2) Description:

It's been a year since Discord cut Fluttershy out of his life after the events of The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo, but their paths are destined to cross once again when two of Fluttershy's close friends are murdered and all the evidence seems to point to a certain draconequus.

3) What you aimed to achieve with this story:

When I read Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy some time back to see what all the hype was about, I found it to be a frustratingly mixed bag. There was a good story idea buried in there, but I also had to wade through a lot of elements I didn’t like to get to it.

But in an odd way the two main characters’ relationship made me think of Fluttershy and Discord (*Laughs and shrugs* Don’t ask me why.), which sparked the idea of cherry-picking elements I did like from the original story and loosely retelling it with MLP characters as the cast. While at the same time toning down the more R-rated elements in Mr. Larsson’s trilogy, and trying to keep mine reasonably close to the MLP show’s feel considering the stories are centered around murder mysteries.

4) What makes it unique/special/cool:

Though I felt the need to include the crossover label due to some changes I made regarding Discord’s appearance, no knowledge of the non-MLP source material is required to understand and follow this story. I’ve gotten positive feedback on it, both from people who are familiar with the Millennium Trilogy and from people who know little to nothing about it.

Side Note: There’s one more story after this one called The Pegasus who Kicked the Changelings’ Hive. It’s currently about two-thirds done, and I hope to have it completed soon.

1) A True Person
2)Driven by his deepest desire, a person comes into a new world. Time will tell whether he will achieve his goal or die trying.
But one question remains:
How far can a person without magic go with his ambitions in the magical world?
Thus begins the villain's path.
3) I wanted to write a story about a true person. I also wanted to talk about morality, good and evil, human life, life in general, freedom, meaning of life and all that.
4) One secondary reason why I started writing: I haven't found antiheroes/villains that meet my standards. I also didn't find stories about ambitious people. I think I did a pretty good job correcting this oversight.

I'd also like to quote feedback from one of my readers. I think that's more honest than telling why my story is so awesome myself (even though I can).

I don't think the MC is supposed to be a likable character, but It doesn't make the story in of itself bad. I view it the same as one of Cormac McCarthy's books, Blood Meridian the MC "The Kid" is objectively a horrible person but that book isn't bad because of it. If anything it makes it more interesting because in 99% of books the MC is this great chivalrous guy who saves the day but in this case he is not. The MC does horrible things but is neither evil or good he just is, which makes it human. Many people in real life look up to people who did objectively horrible things, but because of what they accomplished in life people look up to them and their ideals. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson owned slaves but people idolize them. Mao killed 80 million people and China loves him. What is good and evil it is quite subjective and irrational most times but often it is what society finds easiest to accept. People need to be put in boxes and have simple labels it's what our pattern seeking brain finds pleasing and necessary but at the same time it hides the true meaning behind life and how people function and operate. Which is why I enjoy this story not for some sort of sadomasochistic reason but because there is a lot of depth to the story because of the way the MC operates he acts truly beyond what society expects and demands. He is a human with society removed from the equation a complete oddball neither sane nor insane. He just is and it even confuses me to a degree but keeps me keep reading just the same.

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