Bronies With Blades 150 members · 41 stories
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Most video game characters are best known for their swords. From Ragna the Bloodedge's Blood Scythe, to Sol Badguy's Fire Seal, to the Master Sword, Buster Sword, Keyblade etc. So, what are your favorite video game swords that you would love to have in real life and why?


Speaks for itself, I think

Either a Lightsaber or an Energy Sword (Halo). They would be perfect for conceal-carrying. Who would expect that?

4075106 lightning blade/gun sword

Lightsaber. All day evry day.


Evil's bane and the Keyblade./

4075106 master sword
4075269 How is the keyblade even a sword?


Depends on the model, in Birth by Sleep we see the Keyblade graveyard where there are diferent makes of Keyblades that resemble swords. Heck, Terra's blade is very much a sword. But the keyblade is also a blade in a meta sense, it cuts through the darkness in one's heart to relase the inner light of a person.

4075276 To be called a sword, it must have a elongated blade that is sharp to be called a sword

I'm gonna say this up front, you've made a terrible mistake by giving me free reign to discuss swords in games, don't worry I'll keep it to one per franchise to keep this manageable.

First thing's first, Master Sword

A blade crafted the goddess Hylia, for her champion, bathed in the flames of the three goddess' of creation to become the ultimate weapon against darkness, the blade of evil's bane.

Then there's the Gunblade

I don't care if I loose points for saying this instead of the Buster Blade, the thing's a freaking sword, with a gun barrel, THAT'S AWESOME!

Soul Edge

An evil blade that corrupts souls, many wars have been fought for its power, and more then a few people have had it in some form or another.


From Fire Emblem it was made for man to protect themselves from dragons, and is welded by the royal bloodline, what else do I need to say?


In the Warden's Keep expansion for Dragon Age, there is a chance that you'll encounter a map event similar to that of Superman coming to earth (some farmers finding a baby in a crater) but who cares? We're here for that metal! Star metal, you take it to the keep and the blacksmith will exclaim that he can create either a long or great sword from it, choose whichever suits you and kick major butt with the best sword in the orignal game AS EARLY AS YOU GETTING OUT OF OSTIGAR! I mean it, after you complete the keep and get access to this guy, if you stumble on the event you have this thing.

I'll probably be back with more.

I`m a weird one on this since I like the FF8 game so here's my fav.

Best of the best has to be the Master Sword.

#2 would have to be Yoru.

Beyond that, the only one I like is the Oblivion Keyblade.

4075106 Walter's Microfiliament wires from Hellsing Ultimate.

Yeah yeah, I hear you. I might be cheating here, but there's no denying how much of a badass this old man is.

Impractical as balls, but with kickass abilities and attached to an awesome game. The Transistor. Part sword, part computer-tech and entirely awesome.


If I got to pick any sword from any game, and assuming I would actually be able to use it (that is, without being the one chosen hero or whatever) then I would probably have to go with the Sword of Hisou, Tenshi Hinanawi's sword from the Touhou game Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.

It's basically a magical lightsaber that absorbs spiritual energy and uses it to adapt to the weaknesses of the opponent. It can also cut/absorb spirits, control the weather, change its shape according to the wielder's will, and fire massive energy blasts when fully charged. Going by the depiction in the game, the wielder may also be able to summon or dismiss it at will, similar to how keyblades work. Most fanart depict it as a glowing, flaming energy katana.

Artist's interpretation.

Just so I can troll a sombitch, before I kill 'em.

It's either Quelaag's Furysword or the Silver Knight Straight Sword from Dark Souls.

Comment posted by Blade Crysto deleted Oct 21st, 2015
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