Crossover-verse 106 members · 25 stories
Comments ( 61 )
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Because why not? :pinkiehappy: Well, might be a good idea to get to know the others in this project a bit better, have a place to talk, and whatnot.

*Waves* I'm RK_Striker. I love Transformers, GI Joe, Star Trek, Star Wars... and have never done an RP session in my life. Also, I have no clue why the Mass Effect III ending is so awful. This, admittedly, is because I really don't know a thing about the series, or HALO or... actually. I haven't bought a video game/new console in 7-8 years. And the last one was a wrestling game for the CAW feature!

So... how are you fine folks all doing?

Hi I'm Celestia's Paladin, or CP for short. I am a die hard Honor Harrington fan, and I tend to have varied tastes in cartoons, TV, movies, and anime. I am currently a Brony that follows the Frozen fandom. I have done RPing before and enjoyed every moment of it, I haven't played MEIII either though I can understand why the ending was bad. I don't play much in the way of video games but when I do it's Nintendo.

Oh and my OCs tend to talk to me and to other. *ahem* Sorry Megan, and canon characters as well.

Ah, what the hay?

Hello. My name is comicfan616 (CF for short). I like Pokémon, Doctor Who, Marvel Comics, the Harry Potter books, and Star Wars (but not Star Trek; I never got into that). In my spare time I enjoy watching old cartoons that I missed out on as a kid (I call this an animation renaissance). I am a devoted Nintendo fanboy, currently owning a Wii U, 3DS, and DS Lite (though I have played Xbox 360).

For FiMFiction, I am writing two series: an AU fic starring a Mane 6 made up entirely of background ponies (Doctor Whooves, Derpy Hooves, Bon Bon, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, and Lyra Hearstrings); and a proper Doctor Who crossover series. I am also an admin for a group that specializes in Alternate Mane 6 stories.

That's about all I got.

Group Admin

Well, I'm Dramatic_Spoon.

Been around, use to be part of the Lunaverse, even tried to write for it, but left over different opinions.

After that, I went off on my own, mostly doing Crack Ships and other stories, with Crisis of Infinite Offspring doing the best.
Also tried writing an AU where a heroic Discord rules, and the Mane Six consist of Time Turner, Big Mac, Rarity, Thunderlane, Lemon Hearts and Dizzy Twister.

Other then that, I typically bum around in the Transformers, Marvel comics, and a few other fandoms.
Do a little Alternate History writing too , but nothing official.

Also, I live in Hawaii.

I'm alchemystudent. I have been writing fanfics since I was 13 years old but only got good recently. I used to read nothing but lemons for the longest time and ditched multichapter and unfisihed fics like the plauge. I now stick to it.

I am a huge fan of Tranformers, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Doctor Who, currently campagning to get W.I.T.C.H more recognition everywhere and to get a ponfied version of the girls, and One piece.

I also love to pal around wiht good friends whenever I can

Allrighty. I'm Trinary and I'm huge into a ton of fandoms, from comic to cartoons, TV shows to books, and music to movies. I RP regularly, though usually for story/dialogue inspiration.

Some of my fandom interests are listed below:
Books: Warriors, Lord of the Rings, history
Comics: MLP, Blue Beetle
Cartoons: MLP, Transformers, Gargoyles, Avatar, Rupert, Sonic the Hedgehog, ReBoot, Stormhawks, Legends of Treasure Island
TV Shows: Babylon 5, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Firefly, Xena, Arrested Development

Well, I'm not part of the actual fic you guys are writing— though I'd love to get in on a sequel with my boys— but I'm Warwolf. I've done a few fics here on fimfiction and a bunch more over on

When it comes to fandoms, I have a lot. Godzilla, Kamen Rider, Mobile Suit Gundam (minus Turn A, which I can't stand), Ghost Rider, a good chunk of Marvel....up till the last few years at least when I fell out of it, DC's New 52, Fred Perry's Gold Digger, Transformers, to a lesser extent G.I. Joe, Voltron, Evangelion, Code Geass, Star Trek (grew up on TNG! Best era of the Federation, bar none!), Star Wars (though admittedly more of a Trekker than a Warsian), Dr. Who (though I'm still relatively new to Whovianism) and a bunch more. My current projects here on fimfiction are The Shogun Six, its first sequel The Warrior's Way (a crossover with the Conversion Bureau concept.), its second sequel The Shadow of Ages, which also crosses over with the now classic story Not Alone sometime after the events of that story's conclusion, Inversion which turns the Conversion Bureau concept inside out, and I'm working on anther new project based on Twilight Sparkle, but that one's still not ready to even consider putting up yet, so don't expect much info on that for awhile yet.

I also RP on a few mu*s.

Also, I created the Shogunverse.

I'm Whiteeyes and hoo boy do I have a ton of fandoms. MLP, Dr. Who, Dresden, Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy, DoTA, Dragon Lance, Transformers, He-Man, Thunder Cats, tWEwY (finally got a sequal on the horizon), Pokémon, Warhammer, 40K, Warmachine, Marvel, Green Lantern, Street Fighter, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, DBZ:Abridged, Ranma 1/2, Avatar and Korra, etc.

My favorite things are AU and Crossover stories. So a multi-AU crossover into another AU is like crack on a stick to my fandom brain.

I am a minor contributor to the Lunaverse, and have been toying with the idea of starting my own Shimmerverse AU.

B5 too? Sweet, don't run into too many people these days that even know about the series these days.

3014136 Hiya, I'm Gilimmar, and I'm named after a misread texture pack name for Minecraft. I like Minecraft, ponies, art, comedy, Team Fortress 2 and video games in general. I hate bad grammar, and find myself unable to read a story with glaring grammar issues.

3014892 "What do you want?"

That is a very dangerous question to ask, along with "What do you want", never know who's listening.

Any reason why I should stick with "Paladin" instead of CP?


What can I say, I am a huge Sci-fi buff and it was one of the first ones I watched with a myth arc.


Yeah, I just got into it a few months ago and loved the ride

3015738 Have you read the comics? It can be a bit hard to hunt them down, even on the net.


I bought the fist graphic novel on Amazon and I found a website that has some of the comics.


I am a minor contributor to the Lunaverse, and have been toying with the idea of starting my own Shimmerverse AU.

You might want to think of a new name, otherwise, people might confuse it with this.

Ah'm Jackie. Ah "created" the Manehattanverse, ah'm workin' on another new universe, ah'm supposed ta be writin' right now, an' ah have been very sick for several days now. Ah do RPs on Tumblr (in theory) an' Skype (sometimes), an' ah'd list mah fandoms but ah'd prob'ly forget most of 'em (Sonic is a big one though). Ah'm only postin' this right now because ah don't wanna forget to. Now, ah am gonna sleep if ah have ta bludgeon mahself into unconsciousness.

3016917 I'm sorry to hear that. Feel better! I've been coughing all week myself, but otherwise I'm good.

3016057 *eye twitch* Sunsetverse it is then.

3016917 Sorry to read you're sick. Hope you feel better.

3014136 Back from work.:twilightsmile:

I'm La Vallett1, I have been a fan of MLP since January 2012, I'm from Malta and I'm a Scout.

My interests are MLP, fantasies, history, Runescape, Scouting, Science, sometimes local politics, Doctor Who, Civilization, Harry Potter and Asterix.

Pony Preferences:

Best Pony: Twilight.
Best Princess: Celestia.
Best CMC: Sweetie Belle.
Best OC: Nyx from Past Sins.
Best Celestia: Mumlestia.
Best Shipping: Twilight and Big Mac.

Fimfiction Preferences (Top 10):

1. Past Sins
2. Paradise
3. My Little Alicorn
4. Scootamom
5. Under the Northern Lights
6. Myths and Birthrights
7. Mirror's Image
8. Night's Favoured Child
9. Duties
10. My Choices: Twisted Tales Through Time


I'm the person going by the title Talon and Thorn.

I've been writing here for just over a year mostly non-canon Lunaverse stuff as well as a few stories in the Cadenceverse. MLP has largely taken over my life for that time although I'm also a big Dr Who fan (mostly the classic series) as well as Warhammer 40K books, Table based Role Playing games and a range of other stuff.

I live in the UK and based on the poll from the site last year I'm in the oldest 2% of users.


Get well soon.


"Why are you doing this?"

Yes, that's actually a Question. Freaked the Minbari the hell out, too, from what little I remember of the series.

Okay, I don't know any other place appropriate enough for this, so I'll just ask here.

I'm trying to upload an avatar image, but everything I've tried has just blown up in my face. Is there a trick to it? What methods work for you?

Please help! :pinkiesad2: :fluttershysad: :raritycry:

Group Admin

Man, it's been a while.
How's everyone doing?


I'm doing fine, thank you.

I'm working on my third Cadenceverse story which I hope to get done around the end of the month thanks to having a few days off work around the weekend.

Work itself is a bit stressful at the moment as we have a lot of new people in who need training on top of our normal work but it's not to bad so far.

To nights my weekly roleplay game and I'm GMing, is a DC superhero setting and we just started last week so I'm hoping to finish the introduction story tonight. The system is taking a bit of getting used to (M&M 3rd ed) but I think I have most of it sorted out or at least house ruled now.

3296622 Exhausted, honestly. My work week just ended yesterday and it was long. I'm also doing reviews for all 91 episodes/the movie for FIM, writing a semi-prequel to 'The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds' and deciding to go full-tilt on said fic to get it done.

3296622 Been trying to get my next few stories written. Writer's block is no fun. My main problem is figuring out how to continue, and I mean that in general.

3297023 Oh? What are their plots?

Could be better. Lost a member of the family two weeks ago now. But from all I've been told, he went peacefully in his sleep. He was 86.

Otherwise, same old same old. The one high spot was the new Godzilla film. Working on my fics still and of course, working on my novels intended for publication. Contemplating going to the New York Film Academy to obtain a degree.


I am sorry for your loss, although 86 is a fair run.

I don't know anything about it but the Academy sounds prestigious.

3300582 My sincere condolences.



Thanks guys. Grampa had a pretty damn good run, and he always had a great sense of humor. :twilightsmile:

As far as I know the Academy is supposed to have some interesting alumni, but I dunno much about how well the classes work out.

Hello, all, I'm SpiritTrax85, author of the newly created Sentai Zone. My non-MLP interests are Power Rangers/Super Sentai, Pokémon and Sonic the Hedgehog. *dodges shoes, tomatoes and the like* Anyway, I hope to make new buddies here.

Group Admin

It feels like it's been a hella long time since anything happened here.

So how're people doing?

4270946 It's been a long, cold winter for me. Fortunately it looks like spring is finally springing.


Busy at work, there's just been the biggest change in UK pension legislation since... well ever and we were in no way organised and everything seems to be going wrong.

4271819 That... sounds like it sucks.

I've also restarted my reviews of FIM.


I've noticed, they've been good so far, as you planning to go through the whole series so far?

How about extending to fan fictions?

4271983 Thank you, and yes I am. Eventually. :p Although since I use the DVDs it's semi-slow going. Also means I can't do season five until after it's finished.

Fanfics? Never really thought about reviewing them. I do have an idea of two other review series, though...

1. My favorite characters from various franchise, and

2. the worst Transformer toys I own.


2. the worst Transformer toys I own.

Worst as defined by?

Worst looking?
Most likely to fall apart?
Most likely to injure you if you step on it?

4272107 It's a semi-complex combination of transformation, look, articulation/poseability, price, and certain intangible factors. There's also that no G1 toys would be on the list due to ye old grandfather clause.


I'm doin' good. Spring is starting to kick into high gear. Downside? I'm on the west facing side of my building, so the sun is in my face at about 1-3 pm without fail every day when there's no rain. And my computer monitor is set right in front of the window. Thank God I have shades to block it out, or that could get ugly.


Oh hey Striker, why not use youtube? Hasbro allows them to show the episodes, often on the same day they air. That can get you a look at all the eps of season 5 quicker than worrying over the wait for DVDs. :twilightsmile: And speaking of reviews, would love to hear what you think of my fics.

Speaking of my fics, I'm working on updates to a few of them as we speak, and considering a set of short 'side stories' for the Shogun Six.

I'm also working on my novels with the hopes of getting them published at some point.

How about everyone else?


Ah, all I ever got was G1 toys, my very first transformer was Red Alert, good old die-cast models most of it was practically a solid block of metal, you could really hurt someone with it if you really tried.

4272176 Well, admittedly I still got to get through seasons two, three and four first before season five. ;) I'm a methodical guy. I can't mentally 'jump ahead' with the episodes. Good success on the publishing front, too. :) *Cheers on*

4272188 The G1 toys I have I do love. Admittedly I've scaled quite a ways back on my purchasing. I concentrate on two lines right now, the 'Masterpiece' line and the 'Classics' umbrella.


Makes sense. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, I loved all my G1 toys. I never did get my hands on Rodimus Prime, yet I had Galvatron. Go figure. Never got Fort Max or Scorponok either. Yet I had Metroplex and Trypticon. *shrugs* In any case, my all time favorite G1 toys had to be a tossup between classic Optimus and Powermaster Optimus.

Group Admin


I don't remember what my first one was, but I do remember having G1 Grimlock, Blitzwing, Slag, Bumblebee and I found my G2 Scrapper.


Combiner wars are pretty nice.

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