Tabletop Gaming 378 members · 82 stories
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Group Admin

In this thread, feel free to introduce yourselves and give an overview of your tabletop gaming experience. Please do not discuss specifics here, such as the exploits of a particular D&D character. Instead, take that to a more specialized thread.

I got into tabletop gaming when I was in my late teens, about 15 years ago. Since then, I've had experience with several RPG systems and more board/card/dice games than I can possibly count.

RPGs I've played include: every version of D&D through 4.0, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Vampire: The Masquerade, Star Wars, Dragon Age, Mutants & Masterminds, and a few other systems I didn't play enough for them to make an impression. I'm an experienced GM in most of those systems.

Some of my favorite board/card/dice games are Risk, Last night on Earth, Zombie Dice, Cthulhu Dice, Cards Against Humanity, Munchkin, and Small World.

I currently play on most Saturday nights with a group of four friends. I have no online games running, but am open to trying it.

Hey, since we're about gaming here, is it okay if we mentioned any MMORPG's that we play in case there are others? :rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

1979567 It's not really in keeping with the concept of the group, but as long as it doesn't start to dominate the conversation, it's fine.

Hi, I'm cosmic mind. I started by playing Mutants and Masterminds 2nd ed with friends, moving onto White Wolf's Scion and Exalted and later the WOD and Aberrant games.

My favorite games include Scion, Exalted (LUNARS AND ALCHEMICALS ROCK!) , Aberrant, Eclipse Phase, Cthulhutech, Hunter the Reckoning, Mage (Both Ascension and Awakening) Changeling the Lost, Geist the Sin-eaters, In Nomine, Pathfinder, Legend of the Five Rings.

Hey, guys. Moniker here, and I've been dabbling in tabletop gaming for a few years now. I tried my hand at D&D 3.5 back in high school, but I didn't really get into it until I met a group of buddies during my tour in Korea a couple years ago that I really started enjoying it. Since then I've played D&D 3.5 and 4.0, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Fallout: Equestria, and the Zombies!!! RPG.

My favorite card/board games would probably be Zombies!!!, Settlers of Cataan, and anything involving liquor.

I don't want to give out enough specifics for people to do the math just yet, but I started playing D&D as a pre-teen, and 2nd Edition didn't exist yet. I'll try to remember as many other titles I've played as I can:

Star Frontiers
Top Secret
Star Trek (two different gaming systems/publishers)
Star Wars (the West End Games release)
Champions (a/k/a the Hero System, two different editions)
the Palladium System (including Heroes Unlimited, Robotech, and TMNT)
Marvel Superheroes (TSR)
Vampire: The Masquerade
an experimental RPG I helped create with some friends
Amber diceless RPG
Teenagers from Outer Space
Heavy Gear
Mage: The Ascension
Warhammer Fantasty Roleplay

I had to use this Wikipedia cheat-sheet to remind me of some titles, and I still have this nagging feeling I forgot some...

I was a professional DM in the 80's, then went into computer game design and graphics. I worked in the industry for about fourteen years, and then retired. I helped create the old '', which at one time was the number one games site on the internet (for one lousy week, but still!). I've worked on a lot of games that most people here are probably too young to even know about. I've played a lot of different games, both computer and tabletop.

Now, I don't have a regular group to play with, but I still enjoy the times I do get to play tabletop games. It's much, much rarer, though. Life happens as you get older, you know? That said, I still retain my life-long love of the art and science of tabletop (and computer!) game design.

Designer and artist:

Multiverse (sold to, but never released by Activision)
Dr. Who
Gary Kitchen's Game Maker: Science Fiction Game Theme Pack
Twirliquin's Peek A Boo

Consultant/or Artist-animator/or Level Designer/or whatever they needed:

Legacy Of The Ancients
Robin Hood
Revenge Of The Pharaoh
Bee-Gee Air Rally
Adventure Construction Set
And a bunch of other games I can't remember now.

A-ha! I knew I recognized your user ID from somewhere! This explains your familiarity with the Elric Saga...

Group Admin

Alas, I'm afraid you're mistaken about that. My profile contains no intentional references to Moorcock's novels. The name is taken from tvtropes. When I formed a gaming clan with a few friends a couple years ago (now defunct because half of us no longer have xboxes) we were all pretty active on that site and decided to make trope names our theme. I've been using it ever since.

And in case you're curious, the avatar is from The Gamers: Dorkness Rising. If you have not seen that movie, go find it. It's a low-budget indie film, but it's really clever and a ton of fun.

No, I mean when you commented on my user page, I was sure I had seen your FIMFiction ID elsewhere on the site. That's all.

Group Admin

Ah. I get your meaning now.

I have rules for quite a few systems, but it isn't often I play. Right now, I'm in the process of running a Pathfinder game with some of the new books.

Greetings. Hm.. well I just found this group and it looks interesting.

I role play a lot but it is only for the last six months that I've ever tried tabletop variations. So far my experience only includes, and please don't hang me for this, D&D 4th edition and Gamma Worlds (modeled after D&D 4 by Wizards of the Coast). I'm rather new to the whole thing and am enjoying what I have seen of it but since me and my entire group of players are rather new to the whole thing we sometimes bungle up the rules.

Any advice would be most welcome and recommendations for other rule sets appreciated. I've found what we use now is a bit limited for my taste particularly and indeed perhaps for everyone in my local tabletop group.

I'm Alanith, And I'm also clinically insane. At least according to myself at times.

I've played Dungeons and Dragons (3.0, 3.5, 4e, and Pathfinder), Exalted, the 40k RPG System (Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader especially, Death Watch, Black Crusade, and Only War), Star Wars (Core Revised and FFG's Edge of the Empire and Force and Destiny systems), and also run most of the same as I am a forever GM.

My current games are Ship all the Things, a Pathfinder/Ponyfinder game based in a alternative fantasy setting , Wands and Wings, a Pathfinder game based in a AU Equestria, and Ponys and Smugglers, an EoTE game.

I'm NeoSilver. I've been actively gaming since high school, though I bought my first books a few years earlier.

I've played a fairly large number of games. Dungeons and Dragons (3rd edition or '74 Gygax rules), Shadowrun, Battletech/Mechwarrior, Exalted, Mage: The Ascension, Trinity, Deadlands, Traveller, Robotech, Mekton Z, Heavy Gear, Jovian Chronicles, Victoriana, etc, etc...

Yes, a lot of those deal with mecha. Mecha is my obsession. Well, one of them. Tabletop gaming is something of a passion, and my collection of games isn't small.

Currently, most my efforts at the tabletop have been teaching my fiancee D&D 3rd and Traveller, though I am hoping to expand that at some point.

Never posted here, how did I miss that? Skipped right over the formalities and went straight to making posts in the forum. Hi, the alias is Gamer Brash, (Met me at BronyCon anyone? No?) and I've been gaming across all platforms my entire life. Picked up an NES controller at the age of four, a N64 controller at 5 or 6, and so on... Just never really left. Tabletop experiences started with TCG's, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic: The Gathering, (YGO is my primary game, but sadly more people play Magic.) and more recently my local library has been hosting D&D, with 5th Edition. Which, I find funny, because earlier last year I had been studying the fourth edition rules and then fifth was announced midsummer. I promptly quit right there, not wanting to adapt... But when a local nerd herd had formed around me, one of the librarians started hosting the game with 5th edition rules. So, I've been forced to adapt and I've enjoyed pouring over the books. They're not as tedious as 4th.
I also got to play a forgotten gem of pen and paper RPG's in June of last year, called "Cyberpunk." Gave me some idea of how tabletop RPGs work.
Glad to be here, expect me to be posting questions about being a good DM.

Hmm, why on Earth not?

I am Extradimensional Alien, a brony from Russia. I create my own dimensions where my stories happen and share them with you!

My tabletop experience is relatively small. I started with Dungeons and Dragons (4th edition); I still hold an interest in it, and DM'ing a campaign, but lack of time on all sides keep stemming us. Currently my primary interest lies with Warhammer 40000: Dark Heresy (2nd edition), where I swear like a sailor when the dice keep screwing me over and over again (hyperbolizing), and also Warhammer 40000 strategy game, but as of now, I don't have possession of an army. Recently I have been introduced to Star Wars: X-Wing, which also sounds interesting to me.

Hi, I'm Aristagtle.

My tabletop roleplaying history really only includes Das Schwarze Auge. I played Dungeons & Dragons for a short while as well, but stopped because I didn't really like it, so I ended up returning to Das Schwarze Auge. In other words, I'm a fairly typical German tabletop player. :pinkiecrazy: I do like most of the Dungeons & Dragons computer game adaptions though. Baldur's Gate is still one of my favorite game series of all times.

I started playing tabletop games when I was around sixteen years old, but then stopped for quite a long time, and only started again about four years ago, i.e. after about ten years of not playing.

Aside from RPGs, I'm also an active Magic: The Gathering player (mostly Casual, FNM and Prereleases, since I don't really have the money for other formats :pinkiecrazy:), and I also love good board games - particularly Risk-style games.

Hello there!
I'm Ultraviolet. I've been playing RPGs since I discovered the existance of them, which was like six years ago. I'm brazilian, and I started playing RPG with a local rulesystem we have called "3D&T", which means "Defensores de Tóquio 3ª Edição" (portuguese for "Tokyo Defenders 3rd Edition").

After becoming more skilled I moved on to the D20 System. I started playing an old school dungeon crawiling system called Old Dragon (also brazilian), and then learned Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition. I also played a similar OGL system called Tormenta RPG.

I stopped playing national systems when I learned english. I discovered many other awesome RPG systems, like Dungeon World, Fate, Fudge, Risus, other OGL games like Pathfinder, etc. As a gamemaster, I was looking for a perfect system but now I know that it's impossible.

Today, my favorite game systems are Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Pathfinder RPG, Fate Core/Accelerated and Apocalypse World. And if any game involves magical ponies, I'm probably into it too!

Hello everybrony (everpony? Everyone? Everyperson?),

my name is Randomame1. I've dabbled in a lot of systems, but primarily play PF and D&D 3.5. I also like ponies :3
...And I'm not good at introductions, which should be obvious by now :twilightsheepish:

1977383 Hello.

My first introduction to tabletop rpgs started with Rifts. Later I started playing games like Fantasy Age and DnD 5e. I am also thinking of trying to make my own tabletop rpg. Not sure if I want ponies to be in it or not. We shall see.

I'm relatively new to tabletop RPGs, and I think I only started around last year or near the beginning of this year. I can't remember for sure to be honest. At any rate, my first and only tabletop RPG that I've played is Dungeons And Dragons 5th Edition. Never been a dungeon master, but I want to at some point in the future. Also, I love looking at homebrew stuff for D&D.

I have done trading card games in the past, more specifically Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, and Magic The Gathering. I also know some games with regular playing cards, and I know some other classics like chess and such.

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