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I don't know her that well, but she has two accounts, Mensonge Singer (which represents her darker side) and Script Singer. She is constantly struggling with suicide and suicidal thoughts. As of now, it seems that nothing has helped her to overcome them.

Sadly, as of this past Saturday, her friend Rose Diamond committed suicide. She wrote a couple of chapters about it in Enough reasons to die, Chapter 4 and in a new story, Regrets.

I'm worried that, given her darker writings, that she might... go over the edge, shall we say, over this... or, in her own writing;

I will be able to be reunited with all my lost ones, people that I’ve longed to be with over the years. The people who would truly understand my pain… and who knows, maybe I’ll have a chance to start over with life. Nobody can tell for sure what happens after death.


I sit under the large oak tree where my parent's gravestones are. I can't help but feel an urge to join them in death. I don't really have a purpose here anymore, I just ruin everything... nopony needs me... I should just go and join the others who I long to see again... My body grows tired as I sit there, so I lay down for a moment seeking comfort.

I open my eyes to find myself in darkness. I find my parents before me, along with my grandmother and lost friends. Tears well up in my eyes as I long to be with them again.

I turn to my unicorn friend, Rose Diamond. She looks at me with a smile as she runs off and hides. I chase after her, letting out a soft giggle. As I chase after her, our surroundings change to a playground, and our bodies age back to fillies. I find Rose hiding in the tunnel slide as I sneak up on her, jumping out to surprise her. We both laugh as I turn to run and hide. I let out a giggle as she comes closer, jumping out to surprise me as well.

I see somepony walk up to us. I look up, finding my Grandmare standing in front of me. I run around her excitedly as the surroundings change once more to her house. I lay in her lap as she reads me a bedtime story. I rub my eyes drowsily as I let out a yawn. I feel my dad ruffle my mane as he reads a history book and my mom knits in the corner. I felt safe here, with my family once more. I open my eyes, finding Rose in front of me once more, holding out her hoof.

"You can be happy with us again, Script," she uttered. "Just take my hoof, okay?"

I hesitated for a moment, then took it. I found myself being dragged into the darker parts of my mind as the surroundings change back into darkness, then slowly back to my graveyard.

I open my eyes as I find myself back at my parents grave. I hang my head, wanting to have a reunion with them...want those precious moments with them again.

Quote is from (actually, is) Chapter 4 of the aforementioned story.

If someone could do anything, offer any true assistance, give her some hope, some comfort... hopefully any good thing that will keep her from... going over the edge, please, do so. I... don't know how else to put it. She needs help, and I don't have the experience or know-how to stop someone from committing suicide or to help them out of depression.

Please... anything good... anything... please help. I don't think standing back and waiting it out is going to do any good.

Edit; one of her videos says she doesn't want her channel to become a chat forum (she has a discord for that, she says), so please be respectful of that here too.


I find my parents before me, along with my grandmother and lost friends. Tears well up in my eyes as I long to be with them again.

I blame religion for this one. It gives people false hope for the time after death. That's why they don't have the will to deal with their problems in the real world.

If you want, I could go talk to her and try to open her eyes.

Comment posted by Darthdarius117 deleted Jul 22nd, 2019
Group Admin

You have to admit though that the person's problem seems to be religion; the idea that there's something beyond and it's perfect and serene and all those you love are there... This basically just tells people to give up and give death a shot because "nobody knows what really happens after death." Unfortunately, we do know what happens before birth and there's no reason to assume there's anything special after death but going back to that state. So now, instead of revering in that single shining moment of eternity that has been given to her, she feels confident enough in throwing it all away for a feel-good fairy tale. It's not about telling her, "hey, your religion is wrong," it's about telling her that she gets only what she has and there are no do-overs and continuations. This is all she has, all she'll ever have, nothing more ever, make the best of it.

If it's harsh but it's true then it's better than something soft but a lie. Especially if it's a lie that kills her.

Comment posted by Darthdarius117 deleted Jul 22nd, 2019
Group Admin


Do you have proof that the afterlife is a lie?

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof. It's not up to me to disprove something. If I claim that there's an invisible pink penguin that made the world, talks to me, and is the one true god, are you going to believe me? You should, you can't disprove it after all. And that's exactly the reason that everything needs to be proven, not disproven.

He is blaming Religion as a whole and is looking to shift her view toward his own.

Religion IS at fault here as its romanticization and claims of unprovable existence is their bread and butter. "There might you, you can't know, you will be happy and free of mortal cares," etc, etc. This is what they sell, by definition. It inspires reliance on others and most often to put your hopes and efforts on something that "might be" instead of self-reliance, and moves the focal point from the real and the one life we know with absolute certainty we have to something imaginary while promoting that our life doesn't matter except as some sort of test (so fuck this planet, we all get to heaven anyway if the planet dies on us).

It IS her problem right now. Religion claims that heaven is happy and solves all her problems. Bad Dragon, despite being extremely upfront and shameless, has always promoted his own view: it's your life, you can find the faults, you can work on fixing them, you should find your own happiness instead waiting and hoping it will be delivered to you like a pizza at home. Bad Dragon says make your own pizza. Religion says the pizza is inside you if you accept it.

Meanwhile, she's starving.

Huk #7 · Jul 22nd, 2019 · · 1 ·


Ugh, this is BS :ajbemused:, this has little to do with religion, and everything to do with your mindset.

Look, after our 'little' chat about religion and afterlife two years ago, Bad Dragon actually did make some change in my mind. As a believer, I was scared of suicide and hell and whatnot... and now? The idea that instead of hell/heaven, there may be nice oblivion doesn't seem scary anymore, it seems comforting... very comforting. So comforting in fact, that I recently bought myself tools needed to do the job when the time comes, and looking on how things are going, this may be sooner then I have planned.

My religion was holding me back, and preventing me from even thinking about it 'for real,' but now I don't give a damn. My mindset has changed from 'Try to have a good life here because it'll earn you a nice afterlife,' to 'What's the fucking point if we're all dead anyway? All this struggle for nothing? Might as well go into that oblivion, ahead of schedule...'

It's all about mindset - if you find no joy in life and believe you'll be better off six feet under, then it doesn't matter whether you're religious or not. Atheists kill themselves too, you know:ajbemused:.

Group Admin


Ugh, this is BS :ajbemused:, this has little to do with religion, and everything to do with your mindset.

I do concede that her mindset is, of course, part of the problem, but religion is that very least an enabler in this case here. Frankly, the mindset change is the most optimum possible change, religion however does have powerful damping mechanisms against that.

As for your case, to say the truth, I think it is better for you that you're not being terrorized towards a course, despite the unfortunate complications you drive forward. I would be immensely happy to see you one day have that go-to attitude that you display here on offing yourself towards bettering your position, ya know? :scootangel:

Huk #9 · Jul 22nd, 2019 · · 1 ·


I do concede that her mindset is, of course, part of the problem, but religion is that very least an enabler in this case here. Frankly, the mindset change is the most optimum possible change, religion however does have powerful damping mechanisms against that.

... have you ever been thought the teachings of the Catholic Church? Ever heard what they say about hope, family and stuff like that? If there is one thing that church emphasis, it is that you're not alone and there is always hope, and that family is the most important thing. Suicide is always frowned upon, and until recently, it was considered a grave sin that automatically shuts your way to heaven. They didn't even want to perform the full funeral sometimes (something I experienced with my dad). Hell, this whole 'there is always hope, don't give up!' attitude is precisely what is grinding my nerves every time I go to church.

Hope, prayer and family, hope prayer and family... like a broken record full of lies:ajbemused:. Makes your stomach turn... I hate it. BUT, how is that an enabler? If she follows the teaching, she should 'give herself to and trust in Jesus' (whatever that means), not off herself...

You think that an atheist is less likely to kill himself? Why?

As for your case, to say the truth, I think it is better for you that you're not being terrorized towards a cause, despite the unfortunate complications you drive forward.

Honestly... I re-read that a dozen times and still have no idea what you meant :applejackunsure: Care to re-phrase?

I would be immensely happy to see you one day have that go-to attitude that you display here on offing yourself towards bettering your position, ya know? :scootangel:

Sorry to say, but don't count on it. I don't want to restart the old threat, but let's just say that every day just keeps reassuring me that this is all a mistake, and I shouldn't be here.

It is what it is...



Uh-oh... Both her accounts just became crossed-out... This is not good :applejackunsure:


oblivion doesn't seem scary anymore, it seems comforting

More comforting then Heaven?

What's the fucking point if we're all dead anyway?

If you can't enjoy the now as you are, why would going to Heaven change that? It would be just eternity of feeling what you're feeling now.

All this struggle for nothing?

You reap what you sow. It's not for nothing. Every action you make has a reaction in the world. Positive actions will usually have positive reactions.

I think we might need to talk some more. The lessons you learned weren't the lessons I thaught. I never promoted suicide and I never will. The shorter the life you have, the more precious it is. What you're saying doesn't make much sense. It's like throwing a gold bar in a thrash bin because you had a dream of a planet full of gold before. You wouldn't know what to do with a planet full of gold, but you sure can make use of a single gold bar you have. Don't throw it in the trash. It's precious.

I often hear religious persons say how they'd rape and pillage if they ever lost their faith. And now, seeing how the loss of religion can bring one closer to suicide, I think I should focus my efforts more on preventing religion on getting its claws on children more than opening people's eyes.

6931059 Maybe it really is too late for Mensonge Singer. She's too far gone down the religious path to be saved anymore. But maybe I can be more like a catcher in the rye, preventing children from falling into the abyss of religion in the first place.

Professor Plum
Group Admin

Please remain civil, guys. And please remain on-topic. Having an argument between yourselves about the merits (or lack thereof) or religion doesn't help them.



We already had this discussion, I really don't want to repeat 20 000+ thousand words I said back then - anyone can go to my user's page and read it for themselves.

But don't misunderstand me here. It's not that that talk made me suicidal. What it did is made me rethink the stance on eternal life vs. oblivion. That, in effect, made me study various interpretations of suicide in the Bible, and it threw the whole belief into delightful chaos.

Once you start reading the interpretations made independently by non-church people, you find out interesting things, that's all I'll say.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that:

  • if the church is right about Jesus, God, and stuff, then suicide should get you to Heaven. Because either, you're insane (and insane people are not responsible for their actions) or, because God loves you even when you sinned, and he should forgive you (otherwise, he's just a liar)
  • if skeptics are right, then this is all pointless (from my perspective, anyway - I know you disagree) and it doesn't matter whether we die today or tomorrow or 50 years from now. We'll end up rotting six feet under anyway, so why bother? Yes, I know - 'You reap what you sow'|'You make your own destiny'|'Only you can give yourself happiness' etc. This is true but doesn't change much from my perspective.

What you did was removing my fear of the void. Nothing more.

More comforting then Heaven?

I don't know. Since my brain cannot really fully process neither the idea of Heaven, nor oblivion, it's hard to compare the two. But oblivion doesn't seem scary anymore, that's for sure.

The shorter the life you have, the more precious it is.

Seriously:ajbemused:? How exactly does that work, huh? What exactly makes life precious? Is it precious at all? Why?

What you're saying doesn't make much sense. It's like throwing a gold bar in a thrash bin because you had a dream of a planet full of gold before. You wouldn't know what to do with a planet full of gold, but you sure can make use of a single gold bar you have. Don't throw it in the trash. It's precious.

More like throwing a gold bar away, because you live on a planet that has 7 billion golden bars, and that makes your (and every other) equally worthless.

I often hear religious persons say how they'd rape and pillage if they ever lost their faith. And now, seeing how the loss of religion can bring one closer to suicide, I think I should focus my efforts more on preventing religion on getting its claws on children more than opening people's eyes.

  1. I didn't lose my religion, I adjusted it using the knowledge acquired from various sources
  2. Unlike a lot of people, I never had real suicidal thoughts during my teens. I began having them after real-life cracked opened my skull and burned the bubble of lies I've been surrounded with for the 20 years.

If you believe religion had anything to do with my attitude, then that's your prerogative, but that's simply not true.

For me, it seems that some people just cannot accept that some people really don't see the point in all this. It's as if someone would say 'Pizza sucks!' and you would then try to convince him how pizza is great, because... you like it, so it must be great. You cannot understand why he says he doesn't like it, so you just assume he must be wrong...



Are you saying, we should stop this discussion?

Professor Plum
Group Admin

Perhaps take it to PMs, if you wish to continue it.

Group Admin


... have you ever been thought the teachings of the Catholic Church?

Considering Professor Plum wants the topic limited (so at to not hurt tender young minds and start a shitshow with others, I presume) I'm just going to cover the answer in very wide, non-specific, terms and having to do with the belief of an afterlife. The issue is that very few persons won't cut and measure beliefs to their own specific measures rather than contort themselves to specific value systems, and that is far easier to do when there's incentive. If I want to kill myself and believe in an afterlife, it won't be hard for me to circulate logic that if I suffer then Budha will gladly give me nirvana despite saying the opposite because he prefers forgiveness rather than bitch-smacking people. The afterlife is a concept which by definition makes this life secondary and devalues it.

The second issue is that any institution's values and metric of happiness won't coincide with yours and lead to poor results. Case in point you, where it's been drilled that this is what happiness is about, you didn't find it in them, and now are unhappy. Worst, it stole from you the tools and mindset of making your own goals and values of what is worth. While you may ("you" is used very generally btw) no longer abide by those, there is residual damage and part of your psyche will still expect that this was the only way to get happy or retain unhealthy expectations of what happiness is (you will positively glow with inner light, love will infuse your very being, it's complete bliss, etc, etc).

Honestly... I re-read that a dozen times and still have no idea what you meant :applejackunsure: Care to re-phrase?

I mean that it feels to me that it is better to be more open towards suicide if the alternative is being a life of instilled terror. It's better to be able to contemplate ideas, even those, rather than being told, and believing, that this will condemn you to an eternal hell, that there's wrongness in you that goes against the very will of the divine creator, and so on. It's being bullied towards a mindset. I prefer if you're not bullied, even if you make decisions that I don't agree with.

You think that an atheist is less likely to kill himself? Why?

I think that's an issue for researchers and statisticians to discover. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same or if it's more for atheists OR for religious. I can see it going either way. I don't think the issue is religion vs non-religion but self-reliance, self-discovery, and self-help (not in a predatory self-help book way) vs not having those tools. Religion has the issue of... let's say giving a cure-all and making you drink it till it works or you die. Atheism doesn't give you that but of course, since atheism isn't an institution or collective, atheism doesn't also GIVE you those tools either. It might allow for looking for them, but you have to do this on your own which... kind of leads into a loop (you lack the tools to find the tools). And that is a combination of religion/social issue, since we don't place much importance of those tools because we have religion to give their cure-all instead (or predatory people will try to give you a cult hidden under the guise of self-help and such).

Listen, this shit is fucked. I don't have the solution. I figured things out for myself but that doesn't mean I know how to make the whole world do so. All I know is that learning, being open-minded, and exploring everything about yourself helps.

Seriously:ajbemused:? How exactly does that work, huh? What exactly makes life precious? Is it precious at all? Why?

Let's take this:
More like throwing a gold bar away, because you live on a planet that has 7 billion golden bars, and that makes your (and every other) equally worthless.

Seven billions bars of gold, that's a lot! Wow, that makes the price really drop, huh? But... let's take a wider look.

On November 4, 2013, astronomers reported, based on Kepler space mission data, that there could be as many as 40 billion Earth-sized planets orbiting in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars and red dwarf stars within the Milky Way galaxy. 11 billion of these estimated planets may be orbiting Sun-like stars.

Simply put, you could put a bar of gold on each planet, and you wouldn't even have enough for the planets that orbit sun-like stars. And that's just our galaxy, which isn't even that big. You have (let's assume) 80 years of life vs 13.772 billion years. Think of how amazing it is for some elements to combine together, form life, evolve into sapient life that has self-awareness, give birth to you, you being here for so little... and then going, "meh, fuck it." I mean... if you're not enslaved, not being forced into the sex trade, not tortured, not under a ton of things that people still pushed through and just go "meh," because... it doesn't feel good enough or the what-ifs of the future... I don't know, man. You said you don't want to talk about it, but still. It boggles my mind a bit. Anyway, said you don't want to talk about that. The point I want to make is that objectively, yes. Life is super-duper precious, by rarity alone.

For me, it seems that some people just cannot accept that some people really don't see the point in all this.

I do believe that Bad Dragon and I (sorry if I put words in your mouth, mate) don't say that there's a POINT. There is NOT. There is NO point. There is no destiny for you, no path, no reason. I am saying you MAKE your point of being. Better to light a candle than curse the darkness. I've got my candle. I didn't find it, no one gave it to me, it didn't soar down to me from on high. I made it myself. It took a very long time, but hey! I got light!

6932111 Indeed. Those who think about suicide often forget, that the lack of objective meaning of life does not translate to there being an objective meaning to death. There is no objective meaning to death, nor oblivion. Even if there was Heaven or Hell, there is no objective meaning to those, either.

And since an objective meaning is absent from all available views, it shouldn't even be relevant to the debate about suicide.

6931766 If I promised you a cake but then only gave you one piece of cake, would you throw that piece away?

Blogs on both accounts say that she's back from a mental hospital and will not be here for personal reasons. Having been to a mental hospital for weeks myself, it can be easy to see why... let's wish her the best.

Group Admin

Good. Honestly, mental health shouldn't be taken as taboo as it is or so hard for someone to decide to check it out. If you sprain your ankle you go check it out at a hospital to make sure it's not broken and then stay off it for a while. The mind is very much like that. Kudos to her for going to get some help (and we should think it no different than someone getting their broken arm or appendix taken care of) and then making the wise decision to let her mind rest a bit and reflect.

More people should be like that. Bravo.



Hmm, still a little weird that her accounts suddenly became crossed-out - as far as I know, that indicates either a lock-down or a ban...

Let's hope she's OK.


Fine, I'll also make the religion-part brief:

If I want to kill myself and believe in an afterlife, it won't be hard for me to circulate logic that if I suffer then Budha will gladly give me nirvana despite saying the opposite because he prefers forgiveness rather than bitch-smacking people. The afterlife is a concept which by definition makes this life secondary and devalues it.

I've yet to find a single person that would contemplate suicide for real because 'afterlife seems awesome, and this life sucks.' I bet such people exist, but they're few and far between.

The fallacy I see here is that practically all research I've read about it indicates that people start contemplating suicide not because they want to die (and go to heaven or wherever), but because they want to stop the pain that is eating them at the moment. And surprisingly, a lot of them suddenly 'finds Jesus/Allah/Buddha' and by praying to them, find the hope they so desperately need at the moment. Whether this is true or false hope is not relevant, what matters is that it prevents them from suicide.

I don't wanna go into an argument whether religion increases or decreases the chances of suicide (although, if I remember correctly, atheists did have a higher suicide rate), it just seems to me that a lot of people are spreading misconceptions about religion based on their own beliefs, and not the actual facts.

Think of how amazing it is for some elements to combine together, form life, evolve into sapient life that has self-awareness, give birth to you, you being here for so little...

Yes, there are amazing things in this world. Yes, it is interesting to learn about how some things work, how the universe was forged, and so on. For me, it was fascinating, looking at how we evolved from Commodore-64 to powerful beats we use today and all in less than 30 years.

So, yes - there are fascinating things. But lately, it seems that for every good thing, there are 10 bad things. For every solution, there are 10 new problems. Life is getting more and more complicated... too complicated, or maybe it's just my perception of things, and it always was like that, I don't know:applejackunsure:.

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness. I've got my candle. I didn't find it, no one gave it to me, it didn't soar down to me from on high. I made it myself. It took a very long time, but hey! I got light!

Maybe for some people, looking for that candle is just too damn hard? Or perhaps we're just lazy...

Look, I get it, I hear people telling me that over and over - life's precious/beautiful/a gift - I just don't see it that way, I don't know why. For me, it all just seems not worth the effort.

Add to that some stupid phobias, problems and family and it may come to the point like a few weeks back... You hit buffer overload and are actually thinking of trying something... for real. If back then I had the tools I have now... there is a high degree of probability we wouldn't be chatting right now...:applejackunsure: And to make it funnier, it was all caused by a bunch of BS-problems that would make most people arch their eyebrows.

So, yeah seeing life as precious when a bunch of bs problems can get you down to the point you're looking for a rope is rather hard.

Fuck me, I can't believe I'm writing this... Sorry, I guess that mindset is really growing on you with time... :ajsleepy:


If I promised you a cake but then only gave you one piece of cake, would you throw that piece away?

We had this discussion, remember? Nothing really changed during those two years (nothing for the better, anyway). We would end up running in circles..

6931059 I wanted to reach out to her, but it looks like both of her accounts were banned. I'll be keeping her in my prayers. I hope things will get better for her and she can find lots of support with people who care about her. :heart:

6934152 I think they ban people who are confirmed to be dead.

I hope that's not what happened in this case.

Professor Plum
Group Admin

While I can't disclose what the ban was for due to privacy reasons, I can confirm we've no reason to believe the user is dead.


Phew. I was getting worried, thanks for the update.

6934152 Yeah. :( Although I'm not sure why, I'll be keeping her and her family in my prayers.

6934336 My head-canon is that they advised her in the mental hospital to make changes in her life. Shutting off toxic being like myself was probably one of the changes she wanted to make. I've seen some users getting banned solely on their own request. My head-canon is that she herself issued such a request and her wishes were granted.

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