Human in Equestria 16,857 members · 17,054 stories
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If they have horns and wings, and are considered badass, are they also Earth Ponies in addition to pegasi and unicorns?

EDIT: The reason I said it here is because I'm an ass and I think this is the general forum. But I believe this can help other HiE writers who don't participate in the general forums.

One reason is that we need to know if Celestia could farm, which is very important for the MOST OBVIOUS REASONS and Luna's strength.

Just thought some HiE writers would need this tidbit of info more, feel free to delete as I go to bed to be dumb in the morning.

Yes, they incorporate the strengths of all three species.



Most say yes.

Alicorns are basically all three pony races combined, so in short yes

A better question is WHY is this posted in a group about Humans in Equestria? :facehoof: Just saying, not that I'm complaining, but it is maybe valid point.

That being said, I guess I consider them to be all three species, like in few stories have read with the concept of Alicorns being explained, even if only briefly as wasn't obviously the focus of the story or a major point that needed to be focused on, exactly.

I agree with Permanent Temporary. It also makes sense from a metaphorical standpoint--they rule all three unified tribes, after all.
Luna said it in "Three Magics," an excellent read. Can't remember the author's name off the top of my head.
Also, why isn't there a Luna emoticon?

If I remember correctly; Alicorn comes from "alae" which means "winged" in French. So it would roughly translate to Winged-Unicorn.
But some people believe that while the Pegasi have wings and Unicorns have magic, Earth ponies are physically stronger and more durable. Then some people believe at Alicorns incorporate all three species, making them much stronger than average ponies.


Oh shit. I'm that tired. Let me fix something to make sure I don't eff up again.

That's always bugged me, too. My theory is that Earth Ponies are distinguished from Unicorns and Pegasi in their personalities as well as their physical makeup. Unicorns are sort of bourgeois/intellectual (I mean that in the most non-insulting way possible) and Pegasi are sort of Spartan personalities (in general). Earth ponies don't have any inherent personality flaws general to their entire race, and none of the alicorns we've seen so far have personalities that really resemble unicorns/pegasi. Celestia acts regal and formal, but it's heavily implied that's just her public face.
Uber nerd-theories to the rescue!

Yeah, that came to mind for me as well, among few examples I thought of. Was Arkensaw Pinkerton, easy enough to look up if do a search on right portion of this site (as doesn't work everywhere anymore). :derpytongue2: And emoticons are kinda broken for groups, for some reason, only showing the default ones, even if you have the downloaded ones for Greasemonkey app.

Ah, that's better! Though wasn't ragging as I'm not anybody with power in this group or any groups that I'm currently in (thought about creating one or two specific ones toward specific ship or whatever, but haven't acted on it, if'd be worth it), but just thought it should be asked, heh. :twilightsheepish:

But I think I understand, maybe, why you wonder if Celestia or Luna could farm and do other tasks Earth Ponies (normally) do. If has to do with Equestria's past and such, after its founding.

No they don't. Earth ponies are strong and built for hard work, if an alicorn was like that, they wouldn't be able to fly! It's all a lie to keep the earth ponies working for little pay while the other races get all the big jobs! DOWN WITH CELESTIA! RAGE! ... Sorry, got carried away.

Where Alicorns come from (according to me):

If a male and female pony of two different types, who both have strong backgrounds in the third type, have a foal, then there's a small chance that the foal will be an Alicorn.

Pegasus with lots of Unicorn relatives
Earth Pony with lots of Unicorn relatives
small chance of Alicorn baby

("Baby Cakes" actually supported this idea - I was so happy)


Heh, my main wonder is that I was interested in Celestia and Luna going back to their roots in ancestry. As you know, farming was only for slaves back in ye olden America-eth times, so I found it amusing that Luna would be doing the lawn, with all the rumors of black ponies being the white pony's 'slave'.


This certainly could be relevant to a HiE fic, as it likely would be one of the earlier questions a human might ask, once he's determined that there are three "normal" pony types, and the alicorns stand alone and also rule things (even Cadance gets the Crystal Empire). One of the more interesting questions, which is really left up to we authors and philosophers, is whether they were always alicorns, or if they were created somehow. We know from "Baby Cakes" that a couple can have foals which are not of their type; is it possible that alicorns came about that way? Or, perhaps through exposure to artifacts, like the Alicorn Amulet? In my current HiE fic (in progress), I am using the premise that the alicorns had normal pony parents, but were born alicorns. In a previous one-shot (Ed Parker in Equestria), I used this image

as inspiration for their parents. I have also read fics where the alicorns created all the other pony types 'in their own image.'

I read somewhere that an Alicorn is a mixture of the other three sub-species.


Alicorn comes from Italian Alicorno. Alicorn was the name of the substance that makes up a Unicorns horn. It is only recently that the term Alicorn is used for a Winged Unicorn.

I see. Thank you.

Pegacorns would be just winged Unicorns, but an Alicorn is supposed to be a combination of all three races with all of their strengths.

Anything more than that about them isn't even pseudo-canon without being specific to the Princesses.

There are lots of theories, but generally, just decide on what you want them to be and what such a being would be like.

I believe that Alicorn was mentioned in season one. They are all three ponies mixed.

IIRC, I read a story on this site where Celestia trid to get Luna interested in the garden she had raised in secret as a hobby off and on, off in the mountains.

Although you were partly right. In Latin, the word for wing is ala, and the word for horn is corn. And French is derived from Latin. So it is possible that is where the modern definition comes from.

I like to imagine that Alicorns are basically a species of 'super-ponies', if you will, that earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi evolved from and are seen as dieties by the the pony races but in reality are just insanely powerful beings and are as mortal as you and I.

They're sort of like 'completely invincible as long as you don't get close to me with that sword oh god my magic is doing nothing to you I'm seriously fucked' instead of 'ALL POWERFUL GOD TREMBLE MORTALS IN MY PRESCENCE'.


Hmm... possible, after all, Celestia does have a Golden Apple tree, so it's possible that alicorns have agricultural abilities, but other than that, there doesn't seem to be any more evidence that Alicorns have the earth pony strength, stamina and endurance, seeing as how when they're shown, they're generally just using magic, or flying, not really running any long distances, or lifting heavy objects, so it's just a maybe coming from me here.....

At least in my headcanon, Celestia and Luna are alicorns, meaning earth-pegasus-unicorn combinations, but Cadance is only a pegacorn, meaning pegasus-unicorn. Thus Cadance doesn't have the earth pony side of her.

To me, it makes sense that a pegacorn could be born to mortal ponies, but an alicorn, no, an alicorn could not be born to mortal ponies.

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