Humans are Superior 4,453 members · 1,248 stories
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So... this shit has reached a new level in this group...

LINK Password is Dakimakura

There's like fucking what? Four or five of these now?

Anyway, Patlestia and RedShirt want to be shipped together... for reasons that I cannot comprehend...

And they want a wedding/clopfic... again, for reasons that I cannot comprehend...

Anyway, they want me to write about a grandiose wedding ceremony with all of the great people of this group...

I'm not writing the fucking honeymoon though... that's just not my department... DROPBEAR?!

No? Oh yeah, he an Aussie, he ain't awake right now...

Anyway, you guys are going to fulfill this application and I can use it to create you in the story...

So... it goes something like this...

And mods, this isn't roleplaying, just a proper application for inserting them into a private story for this group and not for going live on the site... unless if you want it to... which no one should...

Name: ClassyGeneral
Wedding ceremony clothing:
Personality: Always pissed off at something, always ready for a fight and hates weddings...
Position on Wedding: (Hate it, love it, indifferent, or just came for the food?) Hate it...

So... just go at it my comrades...

Are we doing Human OCs or Pony OCs?

Group Contributor


Da fuq do you think?

Is the group not named "Humans Are Superior"?!

...Fuck it, just pick what you want...

Name: Handyman
Wedding ceremony clothing: Black Jacket and pants, nice shoes, white shirt, blue cravet and cream waistcoat
Personality: Generally cynical and sarcastic, but mostly quiet
Position on Wedding: (Hate it, love it, indifferent, or just came for the food?) Honestly he's here for the inevitable shitstorm

Group Contributor


The inevitable shitstorm?


Anyway, they want me to write about a grandiose wedding ceremony with all of the great people of this group...

I shall be taking my leave...

Group Contributor


*Sees Gucci*
*Begins to laugh his ass off*

Group Contributor


You do realize I said that in total sarcasm, right?

I can't name a single person in this group that is all that great...


Alright, I'll bite.

Name: KaBar41

Wedding ceremony clothing: (My apologies for the blue jeans, just imagine they're khakis. I was too lazy to change into my school clothes completely.

Personality: Loves drama that involves people making fools of themselves.

Position on Wedding: Weddings are fun. There's always some drunk fuckwad I can beat the shit out of. And no one cares because he ruined the fucking wedding!

Group Contributor


I know, I'm way too kind to the people here... I should've killed them when I had the chance...

Shamefur dispray...

Group Contributor


Dat skillfull windsor knot...

much loose


Go ahead.

Try to kill me.

A katana wielding samurai against a shotgun and .38 special wielding Kentuckian teenager. It'll be interesting to see who wins.


Pssh, like I fucking care.

I at least know how to tie a tie. That's a lot more than a lot of guys can say.

Group Contributor


Well, over in Kentucky it may be like that, but up here in civilization we are classy enough to all know how.

See what I did there? No? Fine...


Anyway, I'll just leave this here....

Name: Rule Britannia (or Robert Montague)

Ceremony wear:

Personality: Polite, rarely trusts anyone, dislikes lamp posts, hates safety pins, never the one to turn down a fight and doesn't believe in Platypi.

Position on Wedding: There for the alcohol and wenches-I meant inferiors women.


Over here in Kentucky, we have the best High School in the US.

And, yes, I did see what you did.

Gender: Male
Wedding Wear: Captain's Dress Uniform

Ancestry: Northern European (Norwegian, Irish, Scottish, Swiss)
Nationality: American
Hair: Red; Short with close cropped beard (full)
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: Snarky Idealist.
Mood: Overjoyed and Nervous
Number of Hidden weapons: 2; One Type-1 Phaser and one Combat Knife
EDIT: Deleted extraneous information and added more relevant information.

Majin Syeekoh

3300448 I'll bite...


Ceremony clothing: jeans, T-shirt, and navy blue converse

Personality: Quiet and unassuming but sociable

Here for the food.

I would come but I'm not allowed at online weddings. I blew one up. That and Redshirt probably would not wish me present so I shall respect his wishes.

Group Contributor


...You blew one up? How the fuck...?

You don't have to be in the ceremony... you could be that weird guy that no one knows that just... sort of hangs around...

Well... Its a long story... involving busting a cap in a guys face, a choir of Zutara shippers, several plasma grenades, and some really bad crossover parings.

But then again I have presided over a Runescape wedding before so... Fuck it I'm in.

Name: Ranger24 (or Andrew on formal occasions)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Ancestry: WASP (with Irish, Scottish, and some french, German, and Dutch thrown in.)
Nationality: American
Hair: Dark Brown messy (Close cut beard and Mustache)
Eye Color: Brown

Wedding ceremony clothing:

Go with Faramir's outfit.

Personality: Trying very hard to be respectful to the proceedings, but dropping the occasional snark by accident.
Position on Wedding: (Hate it, love it, indifferent, or just came for the food?) Happy for Pat, trying desperately not to upset Redshirt by dropping any dead guy jokes. Is presiding over the ceramony, unless someone objects. (lol wedding pun.)



I played that once. I joined the same time that the glitch that allowed people to be killed outside PvP.

I stopped playing back in 08 I think... maybe? When did I start playing WoW instead?

I stopped playing when a high level player killed me for my low level equipment. (About 1 hour including the tutorial.)


Name: Dropbear
Mood: Honestly thought it was him being married to Patlestia, was disapointed. Spends wedding drinking heavily and eyeing attractive foreign women. Thing is, no one knows if he wants to seduce them or eat them...

Has a habit of climbing things and jumping off onto people below.

Hates the wedding, and Redshirt is a large target of his hate.


Honestly thought it was him being married to Patlestia, was disapointed. Spends wedding drinking heavily and eyeing attractive foreign women. Thing is, no one knows if he wants to seduce them or eat them...

Has a habit of climbing things and jumping off onto people below.

Hates the wedding, and Redshirt is a large target of his hate


Position on Wedding: Weddings are fun. There's always some drunk fuckwad I can beat the shit out of. And no one cares because he ruined the fucking wedding!

I found the person! Yay! :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

Just make sure nobody called

Otherwise that plate I'm wearing might come in handy.

3300448 I love your enthusiasm, eh. :trollestia:


Because I always rock around in my armour at this group, well, sometimes?... eh.

Mood: Super excited for the wedding, and after the ceremony I would go on a drunken, sexual rampage, eh.

Personality: Talks a lot like in Patlestia and the Power of EH! because I'm Canadian and it would be radical to keep things consistent, eh. But acts like a proper Sororitas praising The Emperor and suspects everyone of heresy, eh.


Human OC

Name: Micah

Wedding Ceremony clothing: The guy on the left, but replace yellow with dark blue, and with a thin rapier like sword on one side of the waist, and a red dagger on the other side. He also has a hairstyle similar to Buccaneer from FMA Brotherhood. Body shape is overall lean.

Personality: Usually kind, but only tolerates oh so much stupidity and foolishness. Enjoys a good laugh, but despises stupid jokes, or any manner of sexist or racist jokes (as he is Jewish). Along with that while he loathes fighting, he will do so if he has to, in the manner of Syrio Forel or Arya from Game of Thrones. Also, is not an overtly flirty type unless he knows the lady quite well.

Position on wedding: Enjoys it, at least somewhat.

3300923 You're loving it, eh. :trollestia:


Name: Iron Galley

Wedding ceremony clothing:

Personality: Fucking loves everything and everyone. Is secretly trying to murder one of the bridesmaids, but no one should know. Shhh!

Position on Wedding: Love it! YEY!

3300923 How did this shipping come to be?

Group Contributor


...Here we go...

Classy, I made a couple of edits to the character description.

3300944 Through the friendship of magic! :heart:

If reins of Castamere starts praying I'm killing anyone between me and the exit.

...I don't get it.

I don't watch Game of Thrones.

Am I going to be added to your family list?

Frey Wedding Planners 1800-RED-WEDN

Search up House Frey

I already called presiding over the ceremony.


You can try, it all depends on who ClassyGeneral likes more.

Actually you just called giving the sermon. I called presiding over the ceremony.

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