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G4 deserves another chance and a better ending. If you agree, join the Save MLP campaign and help convince Hasbro, et al to do the following:

  1. Revise and re-release Season 9 of Friendship is Magic and all other official material building on it accordingly.
  2. Continue Equestria Girls for a third season and additional specials, including a proper series finale.
  3. Reboot old, popular G4 merchandise and release brand new ones that complement the new/revised media above.

This can be done. Fans have gotten Kim Possible a fourth season and the Snyder Cut of Justice League released in the past. Seeing as G4 is the most successful MLP generation of all time, and Hasbro's finances have tanked since its main media series ended, with G5 failing to match its predecessor in terms of success, I have no doubt this would be a good investment on their part. My fellow campaigners and I have been reaching out to Hasbro's key executives to explain as much. You can join in on that and help get through to them.

As a fandom, we don't have to accept a badly-written ending for FiM, or, in EG's case, a lack thereof. We don't have to be complacent and think nothing can be done to fix what's happened to MLP other than writing fan fiction. We don't have to stand by and watch as Hasbro continues to run MLP off the rails. If enough of us band together and speak with a single, loud-enough voice, we can make them do right by this franchise and its beloved characters. I ask you to stand by me and help make that happen.

News alert: No one fucking cares.

We've been over this dozens of times already, MixMaster226: It's not gonna work.

Yeah, haha. No. Look man, I’m all for fandom movements (heck, I’m even starting one), but you’re completely delusional if you think you can get a multimillion dollar toy company to revise the ending of a previous generation just because you didn’t like it. Grow up and move on. G5 is here to stay and I couldn’t be happier about that.

If you’re so mad about Season 9, write your own fanfiction to fix it. That’s literally what this site is here for.

Yeah he's been doing this for about 4 YEARS now.

He needs to grow up and move on as you said.

4 years?! Yikes. You know, if I didn’t have any success or positive acknowledgement in that time, then I’d pretty much stop and think about why I’m not reaching people and/or whether or not my goal is really attainable, especially when Hasbro’s move towards Tell Your Tale-exclusivity next year proves that they want to move beyond G4 anyways. He should realize by now that this isn’t going to work and he’s just alienating himself further by doing this.

(Sorry for double replying. ^^')

If you’re so mad about Season 9, write your own fanfiction to fix it. That’s literally what this site is here for.

He's just so stubborn that he refuses to do such a thing on that matter. :/ I mean, he thinks it's because it won't erase what already happened in canon. :/

Yeah, or in other words.... he's losing all sanity within himself.


The worst part is I don't think this guy even believes the crap he's spewing. I think he's just doing it for attention.

This can be done

No, it can't. The few examples given don't account for the other series that didn't get endings, like Dan VS, or The American Dragon, My Life As A Teenage Robot, etc. If it ever does get another chance at an ending, it'll be in 2035 when we're all content with the ending we got and they try to profit off of nostalgia.

You think? It’s honestly hard to tell. If he doesn’t actually believe it, then that proves that he is at least sane and is just an attention-seeker, which is still bad, but arguably less so. But if he does actually believe it, then I don’t know what to say. That is just a sad existence. These sort of “remake this” campaigns have never worked (the Remake The Last Jedi campaign being a good example, feelings on the movie itself aside) and just come off as the petitioners being delusional af just because they didn’t like something. I really hope for his sake that you’re right.


(To Admiral: Now sorry for triple replying this time. ^^')

Get this though: Last month he partook in Brawny Buck's Brony Debates podcast in which Brawny did his best to expose MixMaster226, but not even getting his voice heard on a podcast and being exposed on there is enough to make him stop. :/

I literally did a double take when he used the Snyder Cut movement as an example of success. Like he knows that was an alternative director’s cut that got released and not a remake, right?

Don’t worry about replying multiple times, it’s alright. You can choose to reply to multiple comments within your same comment if you just click on the small double arrow button to the right if that makes it easier. I honestly didn’t know that happened. Sad to see him try to do that to Brawny Buck, but I’m glad he got his karma served right then and there. That must’ve been embarrassing.

I’m sorry, but nothing you can say or do will convince me Save MLP won’t work. You’re both wrong anyway. It can be done, and eventually, it will. I will never sell my soul to Hasbro and see nothing wrong with what they’ve done to MLP or cheer them on as they continue to ruin it.

Okie =3

And yeah... I'll link ya the livestream if you're interested. :ajsmug:

It wasn’t embarrassing. There’s not a single thing Brawny said to convince me what I’m doing is wrong or impossible to achieve. We both disagreed, but we were civil to each other. You could learn from that.

Have fun trolling for the rest of your life, bro.

I’m advocating, not trolling.

Whatever Mix.

Honestly, you're just doing this to yourself all BECAUSE of YOU not liking what happened in the final season of MLP FIM and just being that selfish jerk of trying to reach out to Hasbro and have them do what YOU didn't like.

It's not how life works in the world when being an fan you know.

Just give up your pointless little crusade, write your own fanfiction, and STOP bugging Hasbro officials, VA's, and fans of your pointless endeavor at thinking that Save MLP will ever work! >:/

Oh yes. When confronted, always choose to say that the other person is wrong and never take into account what they’re saying or even respond to it. That’ll help you win in every situation (NOT!). You know how much infamy you’ve garnered in this community, right? Your “campaign” hasn’t seen any sort of acknowledgement in 4 years and it’s not even feasible. Like, just take one look at what you’re even saying. Do you really think you can get Hasbro to backpedal everything just because you and about 4 other people don’t like G4’s ending?! I hate what happened to Equestria Girls too, but I’m not going to spend 4 years whining about it.

Just grow up already. Hasbro is never going back to G4 as they’re already trying to move beyond it.

Correction, a lot more than 4 people don’t like G4’s ending. About 8,000 people support Save MLP, and many thousands more, without a doubt, see the ending for what it is. I just have to get the rest of them in my corner and I’ll be golden.

Says you.

Do you even know those type of people that "support" you? Need proof otherwise on that matter.

Oh yes, I am. I’m curious to see what happened for myself. :pinkiehappy:

I could learn from that. Yeah, like how? I literally wrote you a PM being civil in response to your apology, telling you that you had a lot to work on, but that I believed that you could earn your place back in the community. I was never rude to you or anything like that, only calling you out when you deleted my comments like you do to anyone who gives you a single iota of criticism.

If your main beef with me is that I stand up for myself and shut people down with objective facts about G5, then I invite you to take a good hard look at yourself and compare the both of us. Neither of us are perfect in any way, but at least when I respond to people, I do it in a civil manner and only respond back harshly when they take the aggressive initiative, something that I myself am trying to work on so that I don’t come off as a jerk myself. Thanks to what Humanity told me in a previous thread, I’m working on my responses and striving to be better when spreading my ideology around. You’ve learned nothing in 4 years and spout the same whining bullshit everywhere you go. You and I are nothing alike. We may be the face of our own movements, but I at least want to learn from my mistakes. You don’t. So f*ck off with that crap, dude. You’re not fooling me.

I make a point of vetting people who follow Save MLP’s various social media accounts. Most of them take the trouble to explain that, yes, they do support the campaign and why.


It can be done, and eventually, it will.

If it did, it wouldn't be immediate. It would be like what happened with Invader Him or Samurai Jack, where the series is over for well over a dozen years before suddenly getting a short season or movie. And by then, both audiences had moved on for a long time. Not to mention, all the series that did didn't have one thing that MLP does. Spin offs.

The old transformers and Spidermen shows will never get additional seasons because of how many spin off tv shows there are. Take TMNT for example, the last version TMNT on TV was Rise Of the TMNT, which will eventually be replaced by another spin off show of TMNT. Rise Of got one last movie and that's it, they'll get comics at most and then the new TMNT will replace it, no one will see the profit in continuing Rise Of. MLP Gen 4 was replaced by Gen 5, and then Gen 5 by Gen 6, and while 6 may reference 5 and 4, it'll be so far in the future that making a continuation of G4 would be impractical.

Alright give me a sec.... gotta get the link for it....

Here ya go :)

More like you only brainwash them into joining your so called cause. :/

I’m not brainwashing anyone, I’m not Hasbro.

Be that as it may. The most hilarious thing is that hardly any of your “supporters” ever come and back you up in these threads. I could be wrong, but I don’t see any of them pleading with group admins to unban you from the many groups you’ve been kicked from. Even if I was to take your word for it, which is already pretty shady as it is, and accept that over 8,000 people might be as delusional as you, what does that even prove? What progress have you guys made on your movement at all in 4 years? You say you and your followers messaged Hasbro representatives. What happened with that exactly? How did that pan out? I’ve never seen a single statement from them acknowledging the “nobility” of your cause.

Despite how many people seem to support this delusional campaign, it’s gotten nowhere. And I think eventually, people will wise up after seeing that it has gotten absolutely zero support or acknowledgment from Hasbro, your targeted recipients, for 4 years straight.

Again, that’s not true.


You're still never gonna win. Face the facts. :/

Which part? The fact that G5 essentially replaced G4? The fact that if there is a continuation of G4 that it would be decades from now? Or the fact that Hasbro won't have an incentive to do it, just like they don't have an incentive to continue Rise of TMNT?

You know, you’re starting to sound like Q’Anon, just thought I’d let’cha know.

I don’t expect them to do that for me. I’m not a cult leader or asking Save MLP’s supporters for favors. And while this campaign has been active for about 3 years now, we only started messaging Hasbro earlier this year. I don’t anticipate any real responses for a while now, but eventually. These things don’t happen overnight.

They have an incentive. G4 was and still is the most successful generation. Though other factors are surely in play, Hasbro’s finances were at their highest in recent decades during its peak years, and have plummeted since they moved on from it. I don’t see a G4 revival having no appreciable financial benefit.


I don’t expect them to do that for me. I’m not a cult leader or asking Save MLP’s supporters for favors.


Clearly your profile info says otherwise. :/

I wouldn’t know, because I don’t pay attention to QAnon, and like I said, I’m not brainwashing anybody.


As a fandom, we don't have to accept a badly-written ending for FiM

Then why make this petition at all? We don't accept the ending... and that's the end of this argument. Choosing to challenge would imply that we believe that season 9 is truth. Because at the end of the day, what are we truly accomplishing? The removal of s9 because we like to assume it never happened... or more content? (Your request for a third season of Equestria Girls is a good example of wanting more content).

This is monotonous as they'll likely address the issue of a 'proper ending for g4' in g5. In fact, let me counter that 8,000 supporters you have on your side that's been around for over 3 years with another petition that was around for 3 months that got a million supporters... the Super Bowl playing Spongebob's 'Sweet Victory' song. A slap-on to spark those devoted fans (for better or worse) with a 5 second clip that didn't even drop a note.

7866863 *rolls eyes* Goddamn it, not this shit again...


especially when Hasbro’s move towards Tell Your Tale-exclusivity next year proves that they want to move beyond G4 anyways.

That's a shame. I've really enjoyed the Make Your Mark series.


If it ever does get another chance at an ending, it'll be in 2035 when we're all content with the ending we got and they try to profit off of nostalgia.

Oh, most definitely! There's no doubt in my mind that Hasbro won't do something related to G4 in that time to profit off of peoples' nostalgia.


Last month he partook in Brawny Buck's Brony Debates podcast in which Brawny did his best to expose MixMaster226, but not even getting his voice heard on a podcast and being exposed on there is enough to make him stop. :/

I didn't know that. I'll have to check that out.


Honestly, you're just doing this to yourself all BECAUSE of YOU not liking what happened in the final season of MLP FIM and just being that selfish jerk of trying to reach out to Hasbro and have them do what YOU didn't like.

Describes this group to a T.


About 8,000 people support Save MLP, and many thousands more

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that those "supporters" are either all bots or alternate accounts of yours.

7866897 I'm willing to bet money that all of those "supporters" are either bots or alternate accounts of his.


Oh yes, I am. I’m curious to see what happened for myself. :pinkiehappy:

Same here, mate.

7866901 Thanks, mate. :twilightsmile:

7866903 :rainbowlaugh: What does that even mean? Hasbro isn't Scientology or Jehovah's Witnesses.


The most hilarious thing is that hardly any of your “supporters” ever come and back you up in these threads.

Hence why I say that said "supporters" are probably either bots or alternate accounts of his.

I could be wrong, but I don’t see any of them pleading with group admins to unban you from the many groups you’ve been kicked from.

Any chance we could get him banned from this group, please?


I’m not a cult leader

You sure sound like one.


G4 was and still is the most successful generation.

No, it really isn't. It was popular for only a couple of years before people moved on.

Hasbro’s finances were at their highest in recent decades during its peak years

You mean from 2010-2013? Okay, then.

and have plummeted since they moved on from it.

Says you. Either show me proof or shut up. And it's funny that you say that considering the fact that A New Generation was received mucb more warmly by both critics and fans alike than that shitty pony movie we got back in 2017.

Yes, this shit again.

When I say we don’t have to accept Season 9, I mean we don’t have to do nothing to get Hasbro to revise it.

Also, those are two different petitions for two very different things.


Head of the Save My Little Pony fan campaign.

And Head can still mean Cult Leader either way.

Sorry, but you’re wrong. Again.

No you're wrong and refuse to admit it.

That’s what I was going to say about you.

Just grow up and move on.

You don't know how hard we have to keep blasting that in your defensive face. >:/

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