Ponky Legacy Group 199 members · 9 stories
Comments ( 22 )
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I just got my first letter from Ponky. He sent it out after the first full week at the MTC.

He appears to be doing well, not to mention feeling quite enthusiastic over his mission.

He's emphasized how insanely busy his time is at the MTC, and apparently elders and sisters are only allowed one day out of the week to write to their friends, and when they do so it must be in their own handwriting.

It was his personal request that I convey a message to you all: "Would you mind telling everyone in Ponkacy that I can't actually respond to their every letter? Let them know how grateful and sorry I am, but that my schedule is (indecipherable figure) busier than I expected and I just don't have the time."

He's expressed this with utmost humility, and I do believe we can all respect the fact that he simply is too preoccupied to respond individually to a flood of mail (he's living fourteen hour days at least six days out of the week). By no means is this to suggest that we should refrain from mailing him, as he's happy to receive info from friends. I just think we should be in understanding that he is not nearly as capable of writing back to us as we are of mailing letters to him.

Back to your regularly scheduled Piano Ponky Obsession.

Miss ya, Ponks. Miss ya.

That's good to hear he's doing well :twilightsmile:

As long as he's doing well.
736500 Are you going to be doing this every week?
And are you sending letters back to him?

Glad to hear he's doing good!


one day out of the week to write to their friends

While that doesn't make me too happy, I can definitely see the reasoning behind that.

Still, it's good to know.

Good to hear he made it there safely.

We really should do a single bulk letter once every month or two, with only the most frequently asked/said things in it, or something like that. It might be a bit less overwhelming for him.

Suddenly I feel the urge to do something. And the first thought in my head is crazy, time consuming, and absurd.


736500 I think people would be just happy to know he has gotten the letters. He would hardly have time as it was to reply to all his story comments before, with what schedule he has now it'd be just fine to have him be able to read what he can.

Glad to hear he's doing well. My prayers are with him, it'll only be a matter of time before all that is routine though. It just takes a bit of conditioning. Hope he gets to have some fun though, take in the sights. Is he allowed to take pictures or are all forms of electronics still a no no in the whole nun world?

Someone needs to draw his Ponky Exhausted and Ponky Soldier holding up the fort pics.
He might actually have those sort of expressive Ponks in his gallery some where too :rainbowlaugh:

I miss his blarghs :pinkiesad2:

Great to hear that he's doing well!

Great news to hear he's doing good! Must hold back manly tears though

Group Admin

Not to say anything, but I actually knew.
It was obvious, after thinking it through, that my idea was to be discarded; even though it could compress this flood.

I got a reply from my letter, with a response to the group!

"Pass my love and well-wishes along to Ponkacy, if it still exists. Remind the wonderfolk that I think of them daily."

Pff, Ponky. Of course we still exist! We will exist until you return!

Implies we will no longer exist once he returns? :applejackconfused:

Last I spoke to him, he was afraid this whole crazy pony scene would vanish before he returned.

Well then. Let's just say I don't think that'll happen.

775198 Well, we won't need to have a Ponkacy group when he's back. We can just talk to Ponky.


I got a letter back from Ponky a few days ago. This is the last paragraph

Sorry for the short letter, I have very little time.
Again, thank you! Let the wonderfol know I love them. -Anziano Burton

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