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Carrie Fisher, best known for playing Princess Leia in Star Wars 4-6 and recently 7, has died today, December 27th 2016, at the age of 60, right here in Los Angeles, due to complocations from a heart attack she had on the 23rd.

This is devestating news for Star Wars fans everywhere, including myself. Princess Leia is such an important character, not just in Star Wars, but popular culture. She deviated from the typical character of a princess, she wasn't a damsel in distress, she was tough and didn't take any crap. She had attitude while she was being rescued and actually jumped in to help, she told her rescuers to listen to her and was smart enough to recognize that they were allowed to get away. Even when she was forced to be a slave girl wearing a metal bikini, she didn't let it break her, refusing to come to Jabba when he yanked on her chain, and later on USED THAT CHAIN TO CHOKE AND KILL THE BIG FAT DISGUSTING SLUG CRIME LORD.

Princess Leia became a role model and inspiration for girls everywhere and helped pave the way for strong female characters to appear in pop culture later on, such as Ellen Ripley in the Alien films, Sarah Connor in the Terminator films (1-2), Padmé (Leia's mother) in Star Wars 1-3, even Rey in the new Star Wars film The Force Awakens.

Carie finished filming her scenes for the next Star Wars, Episode 8 shortly before she died. Her passing will complicate matters for Episode 9, but it's Star Wars. The new films are being made by fans of the originals and they'll figure something out, becuase if there's one thing we Star Wars fans know, it's perseverance. A big part of us learning that from the films was Princess Leia, figuring out ways out of tough situations, leading a Rebellion that no one thought would win against the Empire. She taught us to keep going. And Carrie can rest easy knowing that she does not owe us anything, she does not have to worry about not being able to come back for the last movie in the new trilogy. She has earned some much needed rest. And now she can rest as much as she wants.

I send my condolonces out to Carrie's family and friends, and of course Carrie herself. She was taken from us far too soon, but now she can find peace after becoming one with the Force.

We're going to miss you Carrie. Rest in peace.

And may the Force be with you.

Either they'll have a CGI of her older like they had a younger version of her in Rouge One or something else.

"Although I'm leaving, the Force will be with you. Always." She will be missed

This is both mine and Vader's response to this news.

Guess it's true what they say: the good die young.

5708504 She actually had her scenes all done and wrapped up.

5708614 Meant for the next movie.

5708615 I know what you meant. They already have her scenes shot and done for it.

5708616 I think he's talking about Episode 9, not 8.

She is one with the Force and the Force is one with her.

5708487 She was so close to making it to 2017! :raritycry:

R.I.P. 1956-2016:fluttercry:

5708487 And at this very momment, thousands of voices cried out in terror and grief, but were suddenly silenced.

Rest in piece, your Highness.

You shall be remembered.

5708824 Unfortunately we all know it to be true

What is it about 2016?

May her memory be eternal

When I first saw the news, I was shocked. I watched Rogue One this weekend, and seeing Leia’s face in the final scene gave me a sense of joy for the film, even if it wasn't really Carrie Fisher. I knew something would happen eventually, but i never thought anything would happen so soon. Like all of us, she was a huge part of our childhoods and it is sad to see her go, just when she's being reintroduced to a new generation of fans. My condolences go out to her family, and I hope the best for them. However, I would like to put this on a lighter note.

I may be an idiot for writing this, and a bigger idiot for sounding preachy and getting some bits wrong, but I guess I'm tired after everything that has happened this year. I can't deny that Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia, has passed away, and I'm not saying we should stop mourning, but I would like to remember her for all the happy memories she gave us. She gave a terrific female role model, and she didn't stop encouraging the fans, even though we can be crazy. We loved her. She knew it and gave it back willingly.

Plus, Carrie was a badass, like everyone on the SW cast. She went through drugs, family problems, and much more, yet she managed to pull through. So, let us remember her for the badass she was, for the badass role she played, and being badass while doing it.

I'll cry when I think of that princess warrior from a galaxy far, far away, but I hope I can also smile and remember all the fun I had watching Carrie Fisher as Leia, our rebel, our princess, and our hero.

Thank you, Carrie Fisher. May the Force be with you, your friends and family, and everyone.


in some sick twisted coincidence my granddad died today as well


May she be in a happier place now.

RIP Carrie you have Gone Beyond the Rim and Become One With the Force

Family, Friends and Fans will miss you always

Just in--now Debbie Reynolds, Carrie's mom, has also died: May their memories be eternal.

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