Changelings Need Love Too 2,338 members · 1,570 stories
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Let me explain Chrysalis is good.

In the Canterlot wedding,while Chrysalis was singing a song while disguising herself as Princess Cadance in which nopony cares,she sang"In my heart there is no room"Or i have missed heard that.I dunno,watch the song on Tv or YouTube or something.

It would mean that she has to feed her Changeling's with love from other ponies.Don't know how would that work but who knows.Why else would they feed other ponies love anyway?If they don't get love from other ponies,they would die.

Queen Chrysalis seems to be doing this with no other choice.If she had a choice,she would've been doing it by now like eating food or other stuff like that.

If the song doesn't make any sense either you didn't listen to the entire song,don't get it or I've just over reacted to it...but it is fun and interesting to think about.

Do you agree with me?Leave a comment down below!

5408159 If you were a vampire, could you justify killing people for food? Would you bring orphans to your den so the other vampires could feed on them? Is it okay to hurt others if you get something out of it?

5408159 Mmm, nope. Can't say that it is. She seems to take pretty positive glee in treating others as cattle. While not every pony is accepting of outsiders-- see Zecora-- I think it's pretty clear that if they'd asked, Celestia would have tried to find a solution. Especially since there seems to be love to magic conversion that works even without going through changelings, I can't see why getting vice versa wouldn't be possible. Even if they had to drain from a pony to dangerous levels, I suspect you could get carefully managed cases with contracts and social services equivalents to monitor in the case of people who are, say, amazingly lonely, or just full of love or whatever. There's room for wiggles, but you have to push pony xenophobia waaaay up and make a pretty wild backstory for prior attempts to make her come off as even "not quite so evil."

5408159 Good and bad are varying shades of grey. To Chrysalis, what she did could be argued as the only option for her people, thus, to her and hers, she was in the good. The ponies however wouldn't see it that way.

I personally don't consider her good or evil, same for Celestia/Luna.

5408159 That honestly depends if you see her as either a very complicated character... or a very dumb one, depending on how you explain why the one pony she chose to seal away and imitate was the one pony that made 'love bloom wherever she goes" and would easily solve the changeling's food problem.

>>Bad Dragon

No,it would sound satanic a bit.But remember,Changeling's or animals do these horrible things to keep them alive.I am not saying that i think its ok,i think its HORRIBLE if there was just another way,things would go a little more peaceful.

This is why your not allowed to tap the glass on a lion cage.

5408171 Ah, but do changelings really hurt anypony? I mean think about it. Nopony really knew they existed, they obviously did a good job of hiding, and I'm pretty sure that means they hadn't physically harmed anyone. Though I imagine their um... love-stealing probably has some negative consequences. I like to think that a lot of relationships go sour because changelings are temporarily replacing ponies. Not really their fault, nor their intent, just a side effect of them doing what they do. Not even related to love or anything. Just imagine for a moment, pony A spends time with pony B (changeling) and later spends time with the real pony B, now there's a gap in experience for pony B, things that they 'never' said, etc. Would get confusing and frustrating.

5408198 Well, why is she evil? I don't think it was xenophobia. More like... changelings hate ponies. I mean, think about it. Assume hate is the opposite of love, or at least, the opposite of love is the absence thereof. Changelings, for whatever reason, must steal love from ponies. Therefore, changelings would never love a pony, or ponies. Obviously, they can't give stolen love back, that would defeat the purpose of stealing in the first place. So changelings 'hate' ponies, because they must. We don't know what Chrysalis' end game was. So from what we know, maybe she appears 'evil' in the ponies' eyes. But how could she be to the changelings? To them, she must've been... well... their queen. See the thing is, we don't know enough from show canon to label her as evil. She invaded a city (with the possibility starting a war), to feed her people. I mean... crazy as she is, that seems a noble purpose to me. She just... went about it the wrong way. A lot of writers cast her as this ancient immortal like Celestia, but honestly, I don't see her that way. How could she be? To me, she comes off as a young, overzealous, headstrong, and inexperienced ruler. So can you really just label her evil, speaking strictly from show canon? I'm not saying she's a saint... just not evil.

5408203 <- This. (Although, seriously, how can't Celestia be good? Conniving, maybe, but still good.)

5408246 That is an interesting point. She did impersonate the one pony most associated with love... makes perfect sense. Though I can't see her as being dumb. Headstrong and overzealous, yes. Not stupid.

5408292 It all depends on what you perceive as good and whose perception it falls under. It wouldn't be amiss for the Changelings or another to see her the monster {as well as Cadance/Shiny} that led to their likely forceful and violent/painful ejection from a last-ditch effort to save their species.


And why do you reply to the comments like this?I don't have a problem with that.

Also i read your story"Spike befriends with a Changeling"


And i think that would explain why that Changeling is imagining a demonic version of Celestia.

I honestly think Chrysalis should be given a second chance. I mean think about it, their kind needs love to survive and the only thing I can think up for them doing the assault/invasion of Canterlot is if they were running out of love or being stuck in a love drought which would mean they were starving. Anyone to everyone would know that you will do anything to survive and that would mean getting food due there nature and needs, also I bet they might be what's left of the Flutterponies because of all the similarities they have. Of course this is my thoughts and opinions about them.


If you were a vampire, could you justify killing people for food?

Yes, minus the vampire part.

Would you bring orphans to your den so the other vampires could feed on them?

Well no, I,d have the orphans fight each other to the death for food. and sell the winner on the street for money.

Is it okay to hurt others if you get something out of it?

Fuck to the yes!!! Human nature for the win!

5408159 Do you see the >> In the far right on the commentators box., click on that other wise no one will know you replied to them.

My Headcannon is that Chrysalis isn't evil - she's just a bit mental and vegefull with hunger pushing her to what she does. Most Changelings live in Equestria as small underground societies which live peacefully between the ponies - granted they can have loyalities to the Equestrian crown or Chrysalis, aiding one of the sides in Celestia's hunt as Chrysalis'es swarm marauding through the country but nothing besides it.

She's beyond good and evil.

She's a queen. She's also recognized as an alicorn in official lore. She is evil in the thinking of her and the changelings as hunters with ponies as her primary source of food. She is evil because she is an invader and has little remorse for her victims. She can't be considered evil for her megalomania and she is arrogant and proud.

Also, she's drawn that way.:trollestia:


She's also recognized as an alicorn in official lore.

Source, please?

5408159 I don't know that I'd call Chrysalis good, or evil, really. She's certainly not nice. She's arrogant, overconfident, and aggressive, with a vindictive streak when she isn't able to just take what she wants. Going by the comics she's also quite snippy with her fellow changelings, but doesn't seem to abuse them, so I'd imagine she's at least got her race's interests somewhat at 'heart'.

I can imagine a lot of possibilities for why she is the way she is: young, short-tempered, and inexperienced at running a kingdom; hard-hearted after a lot of rejection by others that see her as a monster; just plain amoral when it comes to non-changelings, because hey they're all just livestock; or even willfully self-deceptive, convincing herself to be the villain that the nature of changelings makes them appear to be to others.

5408432 Don't cut yourself on that edge, bro. :rainbowlaugh:

5409055 Well, that's kind of debatable; she's physically described in production notes as "a gangly black pegacorn", which seems more like art direction than canon background. She's definitely on the same order though, horsepower-wise. :twilightsmile:

5408159 Considering only the cartoon, I think that you can pass this idea because there is so little to work with. We don't know anything about Chrysalis, how changelings actually work, what ponies thing of changelings (Cadance seemed to be the only one that actually knew what a changeling is and also, I think that there isn't really anything stopping Chrysalis from getting what she needs via peaceful means. She needs more development in the cartoon.

Including the comics, Chrysalis seems to really enjoy being deliberately cruel. That is something I call "evil".

5408320 Exactly!
5408342 Why do you reply to comments like that? (You're supposed to use the reply button '>>' on the top right of my comment, not just type my name...) Also, thank you! I hope you enjoyed it.

5408292 I think you're spot on! My only gripe with the whole 'locking away a pony of love' would be that if they were able to stomach love magic, why was Cadenza and SA able to use that spell they cast to blast them away? If love was the essence of it, wouldn't it had sated the changeling as opposed to harming them? I realize love was used as a power source for something more physical, but at the heart of the spell do you guys think changelings could've sensed that? Or at least QC wouldve been able to sense it at the least?

Also, if love is something you give freely, say like an aura you could project, how could 'stealing it' be painful. With the way love is romanticized ppl make it sound like a constant flow of feeling... I've read lots of different interpretations in various stories and most sound plausible and are very interesting to ponder but I guess until something more definitive is established by the show's writers, QC will be more of a grey character. A wild card full of ambitious and noble ideals with an execution that's more Machiavellian in nature.

Does anyone else find it odd that Cadenza was the only one to know what QC was???

wouldn't it had sated the changeling as opposed to harming them?

Why not both? :twilightoops: It was ironic to begin with, it would be horribly ironic if the love blast both fed AND hurt them.

how could 'stealing it' be painful

It wouldn't. Though, we've seen that Chrysalis was able to harm Shiny, but then again, Twilight could probably kill a pony with magic if she felt like it, not really that different. Passive love stealing, well, we have no indication that it's harmful to the pony.

QC will be more of a grey character. A wild card full of ambitious and noble ideals with an execution that's more Machiavellian in nature.

All of my yes!

Does anyone else find it odd that Cadenza was the only one to know what QC was???

It was odd. But then again, the show indicated quite bluntly that Chrysalis had a bad tendency to monologue (as most super villains do). In her careless zeal, she probably just told Cadence her whole plan.


Then what is she?(Nice Twilight OC too!)


I believe that,that's the main reason why people can't tell weather Chrysalis is doing this because she has no other choice or she's just doing this for...evil i guess,because there isn't enough research in the show.

We only know that the Changeling's only appear in Canterlot wedding where Shining armor gets married to Cadance in which nobody cares and wishes they were dead because side characters,and nothing indicates in the show as to why Chrysalis steals love.

You can't just expect somebody to go on a rampage with a giant robot for no reason.Every villian has a reason but Chrysalis's reason is unknown.

Its sad that Hasbro didn't include another part as to how the Changeling's managed to become friends or even speak to the ponies calmly because they were too busy having Discord involved in EVERYTHING!!!...Why couldn't return the Changeling's?I dunno,maybye Shining's and Cadance's love explosion must've killed them and the ponies mistaken it for pushing them away.

If so,Cadance and Shining are under arrest for murder and sentenced to death.(And the reason why i am adding these stuff is just for fun)

Yes. She's a narcissist.
But a good character who is fun to watch bounce off of (and chew) the scenery.

Also; cheeselegs screensaver just because.

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