• Member Since 20th Apr, 2017

Discord The Narrator

Hey guys! It's me, Discord!

Approved by Applejack 2 stories
Found 2 stories in 40ms
Total Words: 4,234
Estimated Reading: 16 minutes



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The Mane 6, Spike, Zecora, and Maud Pie all meet for a private poetry recital in Twilight's hollowed tree home. Together they share their thoughts on many things, mostly in the form of rhyme.

Contains nine original poems, as well as some heartwarming and humorous interactions between friends. Smiles abound.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer was a model student when it came to academic achievements. She aced every test, topped every chart, and became the personal student of the Sun Goddess.

Even after becoming friends with the most inspiring people around and changing her life for the better, Sunset can’t help but criticize her time in Equestria.

Chapters (1)