The Worst Crossover · 3:46pm Jan 4th, 2022
I just stumbled across this picture on Derpibooru and oh no, it all fits.
(Going by the arrangement of the original, yes, that's Wanda on the left and Cosmo on the right. Making Tirek the competent straight man/competent straight man, Chrysalis the overpowered idiot/magical wildcard and Cozy the useless kid with delusions of grandeur/precocious kid idea guy (with delusions of grandeur).)
Fun fact: much like how incubi and succubi were invented to avoid the question of uncomfortably obvious infidelity, changelings were an excuse to murder autistic children. Oh wait, that's not fun.
I agree with your assessment. This works far too well. Also, does this make Twilight Vicky?
Locking the Turner kid in a cage in the basement does fit Vicky's MO, doesn't it?
Twilight: "Hey! How did you get out?!"
Cozy: "...internet?"
'Grogar': "I resent that implication! I mean, uhm... Rar! Grarh! Evil goat noises!"
Oh my...
That is so... wrong but so right at the same time. Headcanon accepted.