• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
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"The changeling looked at the foal much like a space explorer would look at an alien life form. He resisted the urge to prod it." - Flitter

  • EA Pony Named Nope
    In an unremarkable city, in an unremarkable hospital, to two unremarkable ponies, a filly was born. A filly who was all too remarkable. A filly who radiated Destiny, and Adventure. Her parents did not approve.
    Nyerguds · 18k words  ·  1,163  15 · 7.8k views

More Blog Posts50

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    Feeling silly, so here's a silly song.

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  • 190 weeks
    Nope's Little Errands: A Hellish Affair

    Just toying with some ideas. For some reason, I love the idea of Nope running errands for Sunset's Isekai when she grows up.

    Maybe I should've just posted this in the story? I never know what to do with things like these :ajsleepy:

    "You clearly don't know who you're dealing with."

    The large demon gave her a big grin. "Is that so, princess?"

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Nope's Little Errands: A Hellish Affair · 3:24pm Dec 1st, 2020

Just toying with some ideas. For some reason, I love the idea of Nope running errands for Sunset's Isekai when she grows up.

Maybe I should've just posted this in the story? I never know what to do with things like these :ajsleepy:

"You clearly don't know who you're dealing with."

The large demon gave her a big grin. "Is that so, princess?"

The young female alicorn rolled her eyes. "You definitely don't know who you're dealing with. I'm not a princess."

The demon blinked. "But—"

"Nope," the alicorn replied. "Not doing this." She looked around. "Yea, this place is a craphole. Congratulations on making it that way. Personally, I'd have gone for a bit more green and a bit less hell-fire; I'm guessing you'll be dealing with famine and collapse of economy in about a year or two." She looked back up to the demon. "But I hear you brew some magnificent helldraught."

"Helldraught?" the demon asked, sounding somewhat offended. "You came here to confront me over helldraught?"

"Well, what did you expect?" she asked with a bored look on her face. "Battle with a glorious hero bent on overthrowing you?"

"Well," the demon said, "yes." He looked around, quite unsure. "That's how it usually goes, you know."

Nope rolled her eyes. "You have no idea how to manage a country, do you?"

The demon slumped down. "It's just so... big! I thought I could just roar around, and they'd do what I'd say, but... well, it's so huge that it was just too much to manage on my own, but then it turned out most of my minions aren't all that great at managing, either, and..." He gave Nope a desperate look. "I thought it was finally over!"

"Sorry, I'm not in the heroing business," Nope said. "In fact, I came pretty close to being stuck where you are." She shook her head. "I'm just running an errand for a friend of mine, and she had good things to say about your brewing skills."

The demon sat down and leaned his head on his knees. "I wish I could just go back to brewing," he said. "I miss those simple days."

"So, just... leave, then?"

The demon shook his head. "You know, I actually tried that. It didn't work. My minions have a nasty habit of tracking me down, and the townsfolk all fear me so much they just assume I'm their ruler anyway! And not a legendary hero anywhere in sight..."

Nope sighed. "Look... I normally don't do this, because, destiny has a nasty habit of suckering me into these kinds of things, but... I can give a bit of a light show, and let you slump off 'defeated' afterwards. You think that would do the trick?"

The demon's eyes widened. "Oh, would you really?"

Nope shrugged with her wings. "Sure. Some thunder and strange colours in the sky to attract the attention, then a fight with lightning-cast silhouettes on the highest tower. You know. Real dramatic stuff where no one can be sure what's really going on. That should sell it. You just have to draw a crowd, you know?"

"Huh," the demon said. "That could work."

"And in return, you give me some of your magnificent brew. How does that sound?"

"Oh, not bad! But, won't you be stuck here, then?"

Nope smiled. "The folks love stories with a mysterious hero who vanishes into the night."

Nope stepped into Sunset's Isekai, a large earthen jug suspended in her magic field floating behind her. She sighed.

"That was a huge bother," she said. "Why is it that every time you ask me to get you something, it devolves into some kind of heroing situation?"

"I'm sorry," Sunset said. "But, an actual hero might have just killed him. How's the old lug doing?"

Nope put the large jug on the ground. "He qualifies for getting a free drink and a photo here, but otherwise, he's fine. Said he'll look into starting a local brewery after things calmed down a bit."

"I'm glad," Sunset said. "He's not a bad sort, just... easily carried away."

"So, this stuff..." Nope nodded at the jug. "Is it something I can drink?"

Sunset's face lit up. "Oh, definitely!" she said. She floated the jug onto the counter and grabbed two glasses. "You'll love this stuff, trust me!"

Comments ( 15 )


"Drink fast, before it eats its way through the bottom of the glass."

Not bad, not bad at all Nope.

I really like this one! And I most definitely like her working for Isekai when she grows up. I sure wouldn’t mind more of these little vignettes if you’re inspired to some. :pinkiehappy:

Wanderer D

That's actually a pretty cool idea. Let's roll with it.

That's pretty good! Thanks for sharing it with us. :pinkiehappy:

Love this!

Nope best anti hero. :rainbowwild:

I love it. Nope side stories in the isekai world is great. Soon we'll see her show up during all the great scenes of all the best stories on the site. Permanently miffed that she's getting caught up on another moment of greatness that she has to slip away from.

I love reading about Nope :pinkiehappy:

Heh, nice. :)

"I'm sorry," Sunset said. "But, an actual hero might have just killed him. How's the old lug doing?"

Including you?

If Sunset sends someone else out on an errand, that obviously implies she can't deal with it herself for some reason. What exactly that reason is, is entirely her own business :trixieshiftright:

This should be added as Bonus chapter :pinkiesad2: :pinkiehappy:

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