• Member Since 7th Feb, 2014
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Stories about ponies are stories about people. Every challenge is an opportunity to change. My Patrons let me keep writing, at: https://www.patreon.com/RealStarscribe

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State of the Scribe: May 2020 · 8:00pm May 1st, 2020

Hey pones, another quick update with this month's news. Hopefully you're all doing well during this dark and confusing time. But the stories must go on, or else I'll go insane here in quarantine.

Only two pieces of news in this month, so that should be quick to get through. Convergence(I think I miss-titled it as Confluence on the last calendar) will finish this month, and if Zutcha is willing, will acquire a cover so it can make its way to fimfiction as quickly as possible. For those who don't know, Convergence is a prequel to Synthesis, depicting Starlight Glimmer during the very early days of Equestria's creation, and following her through the shift of Canterlot and the integration with human society. I don't really want to go into more detail, but I'm excited to see it make its way to fimfiction soon, artist willing.

I also noticed that Frames of War chapter 2 didn't get scheduled correctly last month, so its been posted here. I debated whether or not to include it at all, since the project has been postponed. That slot has now been taken by a story I'll working title: Optimal DM.

I don't know how it is I keep finding new Friendship is Optimal stuff to write about, but here we are again. This time we'll follow a tabletop gaming group quite early in the universe's timeline, who decide that the other remote gaming tools aren't working for them, and decide to try Equestria Online for that purpose. As someone who played plenty of remote games back then, I can certainly sympathize.

Last piece of news, one that doesn't quite fit anywhere on the calendar. For those who ordered the Through the Aurora book, it's just waiting on a few last pieces of art before we can get the wheels turning on the print. It sucks that we had a pandemic in the middle of the project to slow things down so much, but I want everyone to know that the book is on the forefront of my mind, and I'll commit to no other big projects until each of you have your book.

Thanks so much to everyone who continues to support me during this rough time. Your support means the world to me, and lets me keep doing what I love.


Comments ( 8 )

Optimal DM certainly sounds intriguing. CelestAI playing backseat Dungeon Master should be a lot of fun. And I'm greatly enjoying Convergence.

Author Interviewer

You know, I have a great deal of respect for you and your ability to plan out an entire month of writing like this.

But the stories must go on, or else I'll go insane here in quarantine.

And everypone else, too!

I can't agree more!
Even to this day I have no idea how Starscribe manages to pull that off.

Is the auto-scheduler messed up? Been waiting for Child of Mine today....

I absolutely adore all of your Optimalverse stories. They are among my favorite stories on this entire site. As long as you keep writing Optimalverse stories, I will keep reading them. You are a fantastic Optimalverse writer. Just incredible.

Thanks, that means a lot. Somehow I keep not running out of ideas, so now there's another one coming.

I would like to second this wholeheartedly. All of your stories are great, but your Optimalverse content just keeps me coming back like nothing else.

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