• Member Since 31st Dec, 2018
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Sorry for being a Starlight Glimmer apologist

More Blog Posts16

  • 107 weeks
    New StarBurst group!

    About a week ago, I noticed that the original StarBurst group was deleted, or as deleted as something on Fimfic can be. Now the link to the group is just there, hovering annoyingly, can't interact with the group, can't get out or in. This is what it must feel like to be stuck in limbo.

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  • 130 weeks
    Two Burning Stars is now live on Wattpad!

    En español, of course

    and translated by yours truly
    Check it out!

    3 comments · 195 views
  • 131 weeks
    Got a Wattpad now!

    Have had one for a while now, just never bothered to use it until a few months ago. The catch? It's all in Spanish.

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    7 comments · 349 views
  • 174 weeks
    Happy New Year to my 101 followers!

    Two years ago today I made this account, not really expecting much, just wanted to write shippy things and share my work. Still can't wrap my head around the fact that 100 people saw my silly stories and thought 'yeah I want to see more of this person,' and followed me.

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    3 comments · 261 views
  • 185 weeks
    So, about Ink and Flowers

    It came to my attention that this work was stolen. And it was: by me.

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Let me blow your head off with me headcannons · 3:06am Apr 26th, 2019

I present you with a compilation of headcannons by yours truly, some of which will likely be expanded in the "Bits and Pieces" collection, other than that, I wished I had a better, well worded excuse to post this nonsense, but I don't...

I just love these idiots, alright?!


  1. Sunburst’s hair is actually curly but he doesn’t know how to take care of it, and doesn’t understand why it’s such a mess even though he brushes it every morning. (Btw, you’re not supposed to brush curly/kinky hair, especially when it’s dry, and of course that’s exactly what he does.)
  2. He’s very proud of his goatee, his mother hates it and asks him to shave it every time he visits, which makes him like it even more and is considering growing a full beard, just to piss her off.
  3. He loves books for sure, but if you search through his private library, you won’t find a single novel, story book, or anything resembling a fiction section. He doesn’t care for it. Since he knows so much about magic and history, when he reads a novel that embellishes some historical fact or magical effect, it takes him out of the story and immediately makes him loose interest.
  4. Some of his most precious books were found while dumpster diving. That’s right, he dumpster dives once in a while, especially around libraries, second hand stores, old houses and construction sites. Libraries and second hand stores usually throw away or give away books, since they get so many and they can’t sell them fast enough. Constructions sites usually dig so deep that they bring up some interesting artifacts, and when the owners of old houses die, the family usually throws away the previous owners’ things, which includes books and other oddities.
  5. Most of his furniture comes from antique stores, second hand stores, and whatever Equestria’s version of the Good Will is.
  6. Sunburst always leaves the house with an empty saddle back, and somehow manages to come back with it filled to the brim with books he picked up along the way.
  7. After he dropped out of magic school, Sunburst’s income was very limited. He had to live with whatever his mother could send him and with the money he got from part time jobs. This turned him in to quite the penny pincher, he learned the hard way how budget every bit he got.
  8. His luck finally turned when he started working as a freelance editor, since he can read through hundreds of pages in a matter of hours, red pen in hoof, and be done with hefty manuscripts in a day. Many writers appreciated his speed and accuracy when handling their manuscripts, and were quite sadden when he quit freelancing to work full time for the Royal Family.
  9. When the Crystal Empire returned, they were desperate to bring in more ponies to live full time in the Empire, one of the ways to achieve this was to sell houses and land on the cheap, that’s how Sunburst got his house with his meager income. The alternative would’ve been to live with his mother, and Sunburst would’ve rather live under a bridge than move back home.
  10. Sunburst watches Flurry Heart from time to time. He’s very patient and gentle with her, and Flurry Heart adores him for it. He’s the only that can get her to eat her peas without making (too much) of a mess. He’s writing a book about his experiences in watching her, like a guide book on how to raise infant alicorns, he hopes to publish it once she’s grown and already has her parents’ permission to do so. Cadance explicitly requested to send a sign copy to Twilight once he’s done, for all they know, she might be having alicorns of her own one day.

Starlight Glimmer

  1. Her family is actually one of the founding families of Sire’s Hollow, but unlike her father who’s very proud of this fact, she really could care less.
  2. Starlight left home as soon as she was legally an adult. She worked various mundane but safe jobs, studying magic in her free time and slowly building her philosophy, meeting ponies that were down on their luck and vulnerable to her suggestions (working in retail she met quite a few ponies like that). It was a slow process but before she knew it, she had a sizeable community.
  3. Her mother is an important wizard, her work makes her travel often and keeps her away from home. Growing up, she didn’t get to see her mother much, but she’d always sends her letters and postcards from the places she’s at. Starlight admires her mother very much, but she still resents her for being absent during her childhood.
  4. Starlight is very artistic and can actually draw really well. Hanging out with Rarity made her practice her artistic skills, and now she can do a decent sketch of ponies and things if she puts her mind to it.
  5. Ever since she became Twilight’s pupil, she learned how to be more organized. Before she used to be very forgetful, since she never wrote down what she had to do or kept track of important things. If she’d been this organized back when she was commanding her village, she would have been an even more formidable opponent.
  6. Starlight never dated. Growing up she was very distrustful of other ponies, but she was more guarded around stallions. Nothing sets her off like a stallion making an unwanted pass on her.
  7. Starlight doesn’t care about fashion; her sense of style could be summed up in the phrase ‘function over fashion’. Her closet is very bare, even compared to Twilight’s who shares some of Starlight’s tastes when it comes to clothes. She dabbles in makeup though, but her knowledge is very limited in that area too.
  8. Hanging out with Pinkie Pie has aggravated her already very sweet tooth problem. And since her job is very sedentary, her weight gain is starting to show, much to her horror. This prompted her to start exercising more. Now she wakes up early every day to run around Ponyville before she has to go to work.
  9. Unlike Sunburst, all of Starlight’s books are fiction. She likes novels, especially dark fantasy, filled with action and violence. The gorier the better.
  10. When she’s sad or upset, she twirls and levitates stuff around her. It was the first spell she could cast successfully, and it was the first one that Sunburst thought her.

Now some StarBurst headcannons.

  1. When Starlight can’t sleep, she asks Sunburst to read to her. His voice is very soothing and monotone when he reads out loud, and since the subjective he reads are very boring to her, she falls asleep quite easily this way.
  2. When they were little Stellar Flare used to joke that their kids would get married someday, Firelight didn’t think that it would ever happen. Since then they have this ongoing bet that whoever was right would get fifty bits from the looser and full bragging rights at the reception. Firelight just lost those fifty bits recently, and was a little grumpy at her daughter’s wedding.
  3. Starlight is more athletic than Sunburst, he can run a little faster than her just by virtue of being taller than her, but when it comes to endurance, she has him beat. This comes in handy when she’s annoyed with him; she runs around while he chases after her until he collapses from exhaustion, but he still gets up and begins to chase her again.
  4. Things were awkward for them at the beginning, but after the events of the Parent Map episode, they learned to relax around each other again. They started to write letters with more frequency, talking about more mundane and personal things, it surprises the both of them how much they enjoy their correspondence and their bond grew from there.
  5. When they hang out, they’re like a pair of exited middle schoolers on a sugar high. They’re loud, a little disruptive and just so gosh damn happy to be around the other. Sunburst just talks her ear off about magic, and Starlight is more than happy to demonstrate what she’s capable of. The look on his face when she does magic is worth it.
  6. They rarely fight, but when they do, brace yourself! They’re both in a very rotten mood until the issue is resolved. Starlight is a raging bull and will explode at the slightest provocation, you’ll be blasted to smithereens if you catch her like this. Sunburst goes very quiet and shuts himself away, but will bite your head off if you happen to bother him, pulling out every insult in the dictionary until you leave crying. This has only happened twice, and they never let their arguments get that bad after the second time.
  7. Their first fight was caused by Starlight’s jealousy, her insecurities got the better of her and made her accused him of a bunch of things he didn’t do. The second time it was Sunburst’s fault, he was so tired and stressed one day that he lashed out on her and she took it pretty hard.
  8. They make up first by hugging the other from behind, as a measure to keep the other still so they hear what they have to say, and apologizing for their behavior. Even when all it’s forgiven and the air is cleared, they still stay cuddled and close for a while. Their both very touchy feely ponies at heart.
  9. Out of the two of them Sunburst is the better cook. Having been on his own for so long meant he learned how to take care of himself, however, the recipes he can do are very limited. Starlight on the other hand, is much more willing to try new things, even if it don’t always work out, but the times that they do, they’re very good.
  10. Sunburst likes to hear Starlight sing, especially when he’s tired and she runs a hoof through his mane. He’s in heaven when she sings soft, nonsensical songs for his ears only.
Comments ( 3 )

Well...that explains a lot about my hair

If you're having trouble with your hair, google Curly Girl Method. It's basically a guide/routine on how to maintain curly hair, you don't have to follow it to a T, since it depends a lot on your hair type, but it's a great starting point on figuring out what works for you. :yay:

So sweet!

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