• Member Since 21st Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Cold Spike

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  • 2 weeks
    Happy New Years

    I don't have anything fancy to say. Just that I'm still kicking and I still write. A series of unfortunate events have had me switch jobs multiple times and my motivation to write ponies has fluctuated. But it's still there and I still intend on finishing Feather Steel (and hopefully anything else). :moustache: Hope you're all doing well and have a good year.

    2 comments · 19 views
  • 13 weeks
    Fourteen Years...

    Call me in another year. I feel like fifteen is more of a nice, round number. :heart:

    I'm still writing.

    Just give me more time, please.

    4 comments · 58 views
  • 23 weeks
    Grinds my Gears

    You know what really grinds my gears? Authors who write so much crap you couldn't possibly hope to read it all, and you likely wouldn't want to anyway.

    Though I suppose it's better than writing nothing at all.

    4 comments · 61 views
  • 54 weeks
    Happy New Years

    2023 was way too long.

    My goal this year is to find a new job. Try and write more than one new chapter of Feather Steel and to hopefully publish this new story of mine which popped into my head and won't leave. Already written 20,000 words. :twilightsheepish:

    As for my other unfinished works, we'll see. :facehoof:

    4 comments · 132 views
  • 61 weeks
    The Curse is Broken

    So, yeah, finally a new chapter is here.

    What can I say other than time goes by fast and you never realize how much you lose until it's lost. Five years :fluttershysad:

    Read More

    4 comments · 243 views

It's Been a While · 11:14pm May 30th, 2018

Hopefully, none of you expected me to just, you know...

Uh, but no that is not the case. :moustache: Back at the beginning of February, I vaguely explained what I'll be doing for the next couple months and finally that long semester is over with.

If anyone cares, my portfolio is slightly better, but still, it's gonna take way more time to get up to speed. I've also been separately working on a VR project that aims to replicate a ride and experience found at a theme park where you can explore and ride inside of VR. Who knows how far that will get, but it at least gives me lots of excuses to make more models.

On the writing side of things, the summary for Feather Steel is essentially 100% finished. I'm not entirely sure if I'll ever publish it as it was written in a very frank manner and is extremely... inappropriate, though I still get a nice laugh from reading it. theRedBrony and I have been working on this little thing on and off and finally, we can hopefully start working on the actual story again. I've also been attempting to write other stories, though they take a backseat to finishing Feather Steel.

Anyway, happy reading~

Report Cold Spike · 418 views · Story: Feather Steel · #3D modeling #writing
Comments ( 8 )

Wow you have been busy
Good luck wht your projects

I'll keep my fingers crossed for feathered steel. Best of luck on your projects.

That's not even the half of it :ajsleepy: If I could finish one of those crazy game projects of mine (or at least get them to a state where they're ready to be presentable) then maybe I can gain a little audience and try a Patreon or something.

Thank you, man and you too! :heart:

happy things are going well:twilightsmile:

^_^ I hope they stay that way though... :twilightblush:

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