• Member Since 11th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen Aug 28th, 2017


From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the support.

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  • 368 weeks
    I lost my little girl today.

    I loved Alice. It was a privilege looking after her. The moment I saw her in the orphanage I cried, I knew she was the one.
    That's why it's heartbreaking to know she has committed suicide, I wish there was more that I could have done. I should have asked her how she was more often.

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    91 comments · 1,822 views
  • 368 weeks
    I'm sorry, she didn't make it.

    I'm Allisons adopted mother, this event is heartbreaking both to me, my husband and I'm sure to all of you as well. This was the last tab open on her phone.
    The doctors did what they could, but she died about an hour ago.
    Thank you all for being the only people who understanded her. Allison was always in need of a friend, but no one took an interest in her.

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    87 comments · 1,353 views
  • 368 weeks
    I overdosed on an assortment of drugs.

    I made a mistake. I'm feeling real faint I can't even get up.

    I'm gonna call mother. See if she can come get me.

    4 comments · 457 views
  • 368 weeks
    Ladybubs and catnerd

    0 comments · 300 views
  • 368 weeks
    And America has fucked shit up yet again.

    in the form of Death Note

    5 comments · 336 views

I'm sorry, she didn't make it. · 8:16am Aug 28th, 2017

I'm Allisons adopted mother, this event is heartbreaking both to me, my husband and I'm sure to all of you as well. This was the last tab open on her phone.
The doctors did what they could, but she died about an hour ago.
Thank you all for being the only people who understanded her. Allison was always in need of a friend, but no one took an interest in her.
I'm happy to now know she found thirty friends online.
I will post occasional updates and answer any questions you may have before I officially log off.
I think it would be nice if we all talked a little about Alice.

Thank you again.

Report SimplyPressStart · 1,353 views ·
Comments ( 87 )

Nooo! Way did she do it?! God damit this sucks my prayers go's out to you and the rest of your family. 🙌 A shining star is gone Rest in peace Allison we will Never forget you.

Her life was cut remarkably short.

Dame thats so young im Only 23. Shit way do god Take the Young ones?

I'm so sorry :( One of my best friends actually died about a year ago. I stayed up until 6 am trying to coax her out of suicide but I didn't do enough. I know how it feels to lose someone important, but in your case you lost a lot more than me. All my prayers are sent to you and your family.

Oh my God I'm so sorry for your loss. She'll be missed. Wish there was something I could say to make it easier.

We are not sure if what happened here is a suicide or an accident. Thank you for the support.

There is not much anyone can say.
Would you mind telling me some reasons she might have done this that happened on this site?

I sadly didn't know her as well as I could have. But she just had a big break up she wasn't over it. She felt no one understood her. She also told me she sometimes heard voices. That's all I know sorry it's not much.

Do you know any things she has said on this site that would compel her to commit suicide?

You're welcome, Like I said I sadly didn't know her as well as some of the others probably did, from what I did know she was a really nice and sweet girl one that went through more than she should of had too.

She was the sweetest girl. She never complained despite all that she had been through.

She was too busy worrying about everyone else and didn't want to worry anyone.

That's rare now a days. We lost one real good ones.

Did anything in particular happen to her on this site? Did she disclose much information other than what you've already told me?
Thanks for the help so far.

I really don't know. All I can segust is you look through her blog posts or maybe someone else knows something.

Sorry I don't know more.

It's fine, I understand. Apparently she had a run in with a bully?

Not that i Know of.

She never told you about that? Yeah one of the bullies from when she was younger found her and started bullying her again. She said she called the cops about it.

No, she never told me about it. That's horrible, can you explain what the bully said to her?

I don't know all the details but one of the things she sent Alice was a photo of a time they beat her bloody and left her in the shower at school.

Oh my god. I wish she would have told me.

That's sad, she made an account just to terrorise my daughter?

So do I sorry I didn't bring it up sooner.

I didn't know her personally, but my heart goes out to her and her family, I'm truly sorry this happened :fluttercry:

I remember her, Alice would come home and quickly run to her room holding half her coat over her eyes. She let it go on for about a month until she showed me her bruises.

I'm so sorry to hear this. May she rest in peace.

I didn't know her well. But I remember seeing her post on an anti depression group. God...just...god...

From what I understand she started again even sen her photos of it.

No........ I am so sorry to hear this. Sending my prayers out to you.

My thoughts and prayers are with the family as they go through this difficult time. I hope that Alice's family, friends, and other people who knew her will remember her fondly and keep the good memories they had of her close to their hearts.

Miss, I don't know her as well as everyone else does, but I want to say, I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. :fluttershysad: My heart goes out to you and the rest of your family members, and I will pray that you will get through.






Thanks everyone for the support, we are definitely going to need it, we just lost a big part of our lives and we are going to feel incomplete forever.

4650513 I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. :heart:

It is always painful and sad when a parent loses their child, I am terribly sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you and everyone else who has been affected by this, especially your daughter

Words can not describe how sorry I am for what happened. I can't even begin to imagine what she went through and what you are going through; what your whole family is going through. I'm sorry to say that I didn't know Alice, but it still breaks my heart to see all this. I will keep you all in my prayers.

I'm sorry about your loss. I lost my grandma and it was hard to lose someone but she'll be with you in your heart and memories.

I'm honestly so shocked. I was only talking to her just the other day… I can't believe it.

well, her bully found her on here and said things that made her out to be truly evil. that may've helped.

This... is terrible. Nobody deserves this.

So sorry for the loss.

I'm truly sorry for your loss, as someone who's lost two grandfathers to cancer, I know what it's like to be upset over the death of someone you love...

My prayers are with Alison, may her soul rest in peace...

I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that our hearts go out to you.

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