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A massive Thank You to everypony for 1000 Views! · 4:06am May 22nd, 2017

Oh my gosh. This story is officially the most viewed thing I've ever written, and I've been writing for a while. ~~Even if I don't want to claim some of the stuff I wrote when I was 13 and writing Quatre/Trowa Gundam Wing Slashfics~~ It's been awesome to write with Somber, and to do so as the primary writer, not an editor, for once.

I just want to thank all of you for the comments, the criticism, and the speculative musings! It's wonderful to see these sorts of things, and as an author, honestly all of it is invaluable. I've had quite a few people stop and make me think with their comments, and having gotten constructive criticism both here and on the FoE Discord has been an amazing experience. It's always great to be able to have people be able to stop you and point out where your biggest flaws are in your writing. If anything, because it not only helps you grow as a writer, but it helps you develop more real characters.

But again, a HUGE huge HUGE!! thank you to you all, my readers. Honestly, I wouldn't be writing stories without knowing that I was making someone happy by having them read about Threnody getting dragged across the wasteland. So, gosh, just thank you so much. I hope that the next 8+ chapters are just as fun to read for you all as the first 8 were!


Comments ( 9 )

You're welcome, but, hello? You're writing a story that gives me an ending to PH that doesn't make me ball? And with help from Somber himself? You got a good thing going, keep it up. I'm not trying to goad you into being full of yourself, but you are NOT Blackjack, you're allowed to give yourself credit where it's due. I really only read stories in my fav folder, so being there doesn't mean too much. But if I put your story in my favs, like it, follow the author, and put it in my folder with no name where the cream of the crop goes, just by reading your story description, even if the concept is executed exceptionally poorly (which this sure as hell ain't), props to you.

For my part, you're quite welcome; thank you for writing. :)

Happy to be one of the first 1000 viewers^^ I say first because I truly believe there will be several more thousands before this story is over. Barely made it, I only finally read your story about two or three weeks ago:twilightsheepish: Sorry, last few months had been hard on me, didn't have the time to properly follow Fallout Equestria community news and so on. And even after I finally learned about your story, it took me several days before sitting down to it; reading Project Horizons, especially the last arc, had been soul taxing. Though it is my most favorite story ever, and I love reading stories that make me so emotionally connected to the point I am actually hurting inside (which doesn't happen often, only one book series managed to do it to me as much as PH), it is still hurting. But I pushed those feelings of anxiety away and began reading... and I absolutely loved it^^ I loved reading through all the chapters, and I can't wait for more^^

Yeah, there were some hurtful moments to read through. I mean, that was to be expected, considering. But, like I said, those part make me appreciate story so much more.

I love Threnody's character, and I can't wait to see how her story develops. Also, I am finding myself agreeing with her regarding certain arguments... wow, guess PH really destroyed for me the concept of casual sex in stories:twilightblush::facehoof: Well, maybe not that concept alone, but seriously, a certain somepony begans to act like some sort of a "vaginal predator"... actually, a "genitalian predator" would be more close to the mark, but considering how much easier it is generally for a girl to convince a guy...:twilightoops: I am gonna stop blabbering now:twilightblush: Point is, I think it's a good think that Threnody keeps her in check. Or is at least trying to. Wish it would have been another pegasus continuing to do so, but...:fluttercry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry: My OTP... my favorite ship...:raritydespair:

(keeping it vague-ish in case somebody who hadn't read this story first reads this blog)

Loving Glitter too^^ She has an interesting character for an alicorn. And funny^^ And Bubblegum too^^ They're cute together^^

Oh oh, and I also love the idea of Heartmenders^^ With Equestria being such a magical land and all it makes sense that there would be ponies capable of helping others with their hurts and issues. And the idea of them being physically hurt if things go wrong is very interesting (love the concept of being physically hurt due to their own powers every since Deathwing in Warcraft franchise :twilightsheepish: not that I love characters being hurt, mind you, just the concept). I'm even considering having a Heartmender appear in my FoE story (assuming you would allow that, of course; would ask you in PM first), but that is something I would have to think carefully about; when and how would he or she exactly appear, how would he or she interact with other character, and most importantly, what would he or she "feel" and how it would affect him or her.

Sorry I didn't leave more comments in you story so far. Personally, I, too, consider it wonderful to read comments of readers under stories (especially their speculations and then wait for them to turn out that things go in a different way:trollestia: Although the few that were actually correct were also super fun to read, just happen less often). Like I said, I read all the current chapters in one go, so I didn't want to stop and write a comment... also it would have required me to scroll down past all the existing comments, didn't want to risk getting any possible spoilers. Now that I cought up I should be able to leave my comments with every chapter :twilightsmile:

(Also, I often end up writing such long comments as this one when I finally get down to it. Not just comments, actually; you should have seen the last author's notes I wrote. Aside from me writing it like I was actually talking and blabbering for some reason - which I honestly expect people to find annoying everytime I do that :twilightsheepish: - it's also... time consuming; been writing this for over an hour now. Gotta get going now actually:twilightsheepish:)

So to sum up, congratulations for your story gaining 1000 views, thank you for giving us such a wonderful story, and can't wait for more^^

~~Even if I don't want to claim some of the stuff I wrote when I was 13 and writing Quatre/Trowa Gundam Wing Slashfics~~

In which a certain filly forgets she's not on Discord. :trollestia:

Grats on 1,000 views, Heart.

Yeah, Heartshine, Trowa/Quattre is a weak ass ship! XD We don't ship pilots, we ship gundams!

Congratulations on 1000 views. Your story has a lot of good things going for it. Its been fun chatting and giving you ideas. Looking forward to more content.

I absolutely love your story and Threnody! Thank you for your effort.

Speech is an absolutely amazing story. It works amazing as a follow up to Project Horizons as it follows Blackjack and her mental state somewhat. I absolutely love Thernody, she is just too cute!!! As you already know Heart.."SHIPPING" is on point even if it is not a main focus of the story. One thing I would say I'll like to see is maybe more into Blackjack's mental state as well as Thernody's. I would move to see what exactly made Thernody leave, even though we know know the basics, a more in depth LOOK would be cool. I can't wait to see this to its end!!

4542508 I miss Glory too.... I'm rereading Project Horizons and yea...

Dropping a quick line to let you know that yours is one of the few stories out there in which I get excited enough to reschedule my free time around reading the newest update. I'm really digging the mental and emotional aspects far more than the action sequences. Shooty bits are my usual fare so huzzahs to you for getting a fellow who loves his routine and comfort zone to venture a bit outside.

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