• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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Imagine dragons (plotting!) · 6:49pm Feb 17th, 2017

It was the third and final day of the festival, the end of a long and wonderful weekend. Appleloosa had to get back to work as did Twilight and her friends. The Princess Suite was crowded with sleeping bodies, save two. Amid the sleeping, snoring ponies all piled into the same bed, two figures stood out and both were standing near the window, watching as the sky turned pink.

Spike stood, his front claws resting on the windowsill, and he was just tall enough to peer out. Boomer, beside him, was perched on the windowsill itself, and her face was pressed up against the glass. Her long tail was curled around Spike’s arm and the tip of her tail twitched with happiness.

The two dragons couldn’t be more different; Boomer was a tree dragon and a wyvern by technicality. Spike was an earth dragon and one day, he would grow into a massive, lumbering land drake. Yet, for all of their differences, there were remarkable similarities. They were both dragons raised by ponies, they both struggled to fit in, and both were bonded to their companion equine in such a way that neither understood the connection, but both were aware of it.

Both were the first lines of defense for their bonded equine companion. Spike, a consummate professional, even though he was a baby dragon, micromanaged all of Twilight Sparkle’s affairs. His perfect dragon memory was the real secret behind Twilight’s success as a princess, and it was the two of them working together, covering each other’s strengths and weaknesses, that allowed Ponyville and the surrounding environs to prosper. He protected Twilight from her shortcomings and from bureaucrats wanting to waste her time.

For Boomer, the protection she offered Sumac was more straightforward. She was his literal first line of defense. Boomer was a fire breathing creature made of thick scales, sharp claws, and when she was provoked, she had a mean streak a mile wide, because she was still struggling with the advanced equine concept of ‘being nice.’

“I think Twilight needed this trip,” Spike whispered.

“Yeah?” Intrigued, some of Boomer’s spines rose.

“Now that I think about it, we all needed this trip.” Spike drummed his claw tips on the windowsill. “Boomer, I’m gonna do something bad.”

“You are?” Boomer asked.

“I am.” Spike nodded and swallowed. “We’ve drifted apart, Boomer.”

“We have?”

“No, not you and I, Boomer… but us. All of us.”

Relieved, Boomer let out a gasp, pleased to know that she and Spike were still best buddies. She didn’t quite understand what was going on, but that was okay. Spike was older and he was in charge. She didn’t need to understand what was going on, she only needed to trust in Spike.

“I think I’m gonna start filling in time with Twilight’s friends into her schedule and take advantage of the fact that she can’t always remember the little details.” Spike let out a sigh and looked guilty. “If I tell her that she should maybe go to the spa with Rarity on a spur of the moment sort of thing, she always tells me that she can do it tomorrow. And the next day, when I make a suggestion, she says that it can be done tomorrow. Problem is, Rarity leaves for Manehattan. Or Fillydelphia. And tomorrow never comes.” The little dragon let out another dejected sigh. “Twilight never argues with the schedule though. At least, not often. If it’s written in ink, she does it. She just assumes that she told me to ink it in.”

“This is bad?” Boomer asked, flexing her tiny clawed fingers into fists.

“Bad, but good,” Spike replied, his voice strained and cracking. “It’s a bad thing to do, but I’m doing it for the right reasons… I think. I don’t know, but things can’t keep going on the way that they are. I’m really unhappy, Boomer. They’re my friends too, and I miss them.”

Extending his arm, Spike pointed at Sumac, who was being used as a pillow by Pebble. He looked at them for a moment, his eyes narrowed, and his tail swished from side to side behind him. “Boomer, you would keep them together, even if it meant getting in trouble, right?”

Hunching over, Boomer gave thought to Spike’s words, and she gave her tummy an absentminded scratch. Her head tilted off to one side, her spines twitched a bit, and then she replied, “Trouble with Twinkleshine?”

Cringing, Spike recoiled in horror and he slumped down to make himself look as small, helpless, and harmless as possible. A faint whine of fear could be heard, and Spike clutched his own tail, trying to comfort himself after suffering the terrible thought. With a slow turn of his head, he looked at Boomer, who was still thinking, still pondering.

Some ponies had a reputation.

“I would keep them together,” Boomer whispered to Spike.

Nodding, Spike looked relieved. “That’s what I thought.”

Comments ( 12 )

OOOH! Boomer would dare cross Twinklestinkle to keep those two together. Not sure if brave or suicidal.

What a radioactive comment by Boomer. I'm sure she'd rather face demons than an angry Twinklebutt.

Good ol' Spike, micromanaging should also mean taking care of the boss's social needs, even if she doesn't realise she needs them.:twilightoops:


Or a revolution, I suppose?

There's a reason he's a personal assistant, after all; all work and no play is business as usual, but it totally makes Twilight a dull girl.

I approve of this plotting. It is for the Greater Good. And I'm not being entirely sarcastic, either.

Both were the first lines of defense for their bonded equine companion.

2 dragons on 'de' fence?


Well, we know that little monster can give a pretty good battle cry when she's on top of the world.

4426272 4426514

Your responses are gold. I'm so sorry you aren't getting recognition for them.


Thanks for not taking shots. You're either a believer or a sucker for pain. It's time your response was recognized too.

Little dragons are best secretaries companions.

There is a surprising lack of music.

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