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Red,Black and Proud. · 9:34pm Sep 14th, 2012

Before I begin doing something stupid I like to say the some of you may of noticed that I revoked the submission of one of my stories. The reason is I'm fixing it, again. Plan A failed, so I'm going with Plan B. I'm also working on a secret project of mine that is in no way related to the Dark Shadow series

So what I really wanted to call out is what I have seen recently how many good stories are getting hated on because of a red and black OC. Its just sad, some of these character are good, but if the color of its fur and mane is either black or red, if its somehow related to the princesses, if its an alicorn, its an instant dislike for some stupid reason. Some of these characters have an interesting back story and amazing abilities. You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story, so most of these characters through the eyes of the author the character seems red,black and an alicorn, unicorn or pegasus(you never see an earth pony cause their useless).

Just like my OC in one of my stories Dark Slash, I get the name is a bit wrong, but if you guys at least let me finish this part of the Dark Shadow series you will find out Dark Slash is not his real name. And if you are smart enough you realize his mane is white not red, and that he's an alicorn not by choice, his a Pegasus, so get it right.

I get the fact that he is a bit overpowered, but all will be explained in the other Dark Shadow stories, this will explain why he want to be so powerful.

So this a problem seen very much and my OC is an example. And I see people losing good stories just because of a story. Who said the characters or the main characters matter. We are bronies we only and mostly care for background ponies. The character is not important, only the plot is, unless the plot relies on the character. That's just my way of seeing it, I don't care for your opinion, nearly no one important does.

So to all those people who write stories with Red & Black, Alicorn, or Gary Stu OCs, don't give up keep doing what you do, and don't give for their opinion, what matters is your opinion you are the one who is important. I have seen that this group of nice people focus on this type of stories, so if they ever make a stupid comment saying "Where watching you." or "Choo Choo" don't give into their terrible trolling, your story is good by your eyes, not theirs. And if you do happen to run into this group of people with literally no life, just give them one of these

and carry on. Remember to stay Red, Black, and Proud.

Report Darkdrome7 · 1,374 views ·
Comments ( 138 )

You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story,

Flutterborn, bitch. Damn, I'm good.

i totally agree! fuck the haters!


358584 u r felow bronie; u shud join teh anti-bronie destrois! :pinkiehappy:

We don't hate on a series of color patterns. Nor do we hate on a creature that has both wings and a horn. However! it is as consistent as snowy winters in the Alps that those seem to correlate with atrocious Gary's and Mary's of every terrible kind. An unending army of identical, flawless superheros, drowning in a sea of horrendous grammar. That is why the rails rumble and the whistle echoes across the plains.


You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story

Are you daft? Fluttershy is far more interesting than any character you've come up with.

if its somehow related to the princesses,

You've clearly never read My Little Alicorn, one of the best stories on this site.

you never see an earth pony cause their useless

You've clearly never read about John the stallion. He's easily more interesting than Dark Slash, and his toughest choice so far is whether he should buy more toilet paper, toothpaste, or soap.

Who said the characters or the main characters matter. We are bronies we only and mostly care for background ponies. The character is not important, only the plot is, unless the plot relies on the character.

What is this I don't even...

So to all those people who write stories with Red & Black, Alicorn, or Gary Stu OCs, don't give up keep doing what you do


Welp, nothing left to do here, except...

~TWE Co-Founder

Oh you misguided author,

We don't just look at your bloody picture and decide if it's good or not you twat. We prefer to read stories, and more times than not with you badass black n' red OCs, your terribly bland, uninteresting, and unchanging throughout the fic.

You don't read enough MLP fan-fiction to realize just how much we see the same shit repeated over and over and over in an endless loop of mediocrity. It takes a damn good writer to pull off the invincible or super-powered card while having deep and entrancing character development.

I get the fact that he is a bit overpowered, but all will be explained in the other Dark Shadow stories, this will explain why he want to be so powerful.

NO! You do NOT give people empty promises. It is never worth it to trudge through shit to get to the gold at the end, and even then the pay-off might even be half-assed.

And I see people losing good stories just because of a story. Who said the characters or the main characters matter. We are bronies we only and mostly care for background ponies. The character is not important, only the plot is, unless the plot relies on the character.

What? What the hell does that even mean?

1) Some people like to read a good work of fiction, so if we wanted to see background ponies, we would watch the damn show and stare at them.
2) Have you considered that characters support the integrity of the plot? Without characterization there isn't a fucking story. So yes, they matter just as much as anything in a story.

You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story, so most of these characters through the eyes of the author the character seems red,black and an alicorn, unicorn or pegasus(you never see an earth pony cause their useless).


Trolling, I hate this fucking word. Hey! Let's flaunt it around and accuse anyone with a wildly different opinion! Do you ever recognize the amount of work we put into creating these critical comments, pointing out flaws and ways of improvement? Do you think we're just shitting around and trying to incite rage from you?

We're not all the same. We can't tell all of our members to act exactly alike, so yes, you might get the unhelpful and generally hateful comment. But with anything publicized, that is to be expected.


Do you have to take our opinions? No.
Should you at least consider them? Yes.

200+ people, including well-known writers and even a site mod are more than happy to critique your story in hopes that you might continue to make something greater, instead of shuffling in the past and badmouthing your reviewers. YOU put your work on this site, and we have the inalienable right to voice our opinions.

I have seen that this group of nice people focus on this type of stories, so if they ever make a stupid comment saying "Where watching you." or "Choo Choo" don't give into their terrible trolling, your story is good by your eyes, not theirs.

You're forgetting many OC authors have improved thanks to our reviewing and advice. Out of curiosity, how many 2000 word reviews have you written for new authors keen to improve? Before you start slamming our group, take a step back and look at the facts. We're the most proactive review group on the site. We've been acknowledged by famous authors and Wanderer D himself is a member. We're not some bloody small-time troll group. Man up and take the advice we offer, or stop complaining about how unfairly you are treated.

All-powerful Red/Black OCs are as common as AIDS in Africa, making it incredibly hard to write decent stories about them. There are so many different paths you could explore, but you seem dedicated to the one with the smallest chance of success.

~Sierra, TWE Founder.

Stop right the fuck there.

First of all, I ALMOST understand where you're coming from. Prejudice upon the very sight of the lead OC. Let me tell you WHY it happens, though.

First, the reason no one likes the red and black. Have you SEEN the show? How many ponies are straight-up black? Nightmare Moon, and that's it. That's because it's such a grim color, and grim has little place in a place like Equestria. The black alone would turn heads in the wrong way, but everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, tries to "compliment" it with red. More often than not, the connection is made with blood, and the names will confirm that. And the FUCKING STRIPES. There are literally NO ponies with stripes, bar the zebra Zecora, who doesn't even count. IF you need to rely on an outlandish appearance to make your character interesting, you don't know how to make an interesting character.

Alicorns... overpowered by nature. And characters that cannot possibly fail, that have no fault and are instantly liked, are not interesting to read about. There is no conflict, nothing at risk, no flaws that would help the reader CONNECT to them. It has been done right before, I will fully admit it, but there was usually LEGITIMATE JUSTIFICATION FOR THEM BEING AN ALICORN OTHER THAN RELATION TO THE PRINCESSES OR "JUST BECAUSE." If you need to strip the character of all imperfection and grant them nearly unlimited power to make them interesting, you don't know how to make an interesting character.

Okay. Your own OC's mane is white. Like I said, the black coat is a red flag already. White works almost WORSE with black than red does. And okay, you have a reason for him being or becoming an alicorn and a reason he's overpowered. But are they in your writing yet? If you don't have these elements in your existing work, we are in our rights to judge by what has been released, and what has been released has given us a bullshit Gary Stu as a hero.

You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story, so most of these characters through the eyes of the author the character seems red,black and an alicorn, unicorn or pegasus(you never see an earth pony cause their useless).

An actual writer CAN make a backstory for a pink or yellow OC. And the reason these ponies don't have powers is because you fail at making interesting OCs if you think they need them. And by the way, no, earth ponies aren't "useless." They can't fly, they can't use magic, but unicorns and pegasi are physically weaker. And they can't farm.

You're not being torn down entirely because of your OC. You're being torn down because your STORIES are terrible, regardless of who the hero is. The hero just makes them worse. You can't do pacing, you can't do grammar, and you can't do canon personalities for canon characters. And you're being torn down because of the way you try to tear down those who tell you how to improve.

I'm right here with my girlfriend sitting right next to me, one of my oldest friends on the next couch over, watching Doctor Who like a big, happy, dysfunctional family, and once they leave, I'm spending the weekend with my father. I have a fucking life.

And the TWE isn't a group of trolls. It's a group of constructive critics. We don't want to berate authors and tell them they're the worst things ever, we want to tell them what about their stories doesn't work and offer ways to fix them. Most authors actually APPRECIATE the effort we put in, because they actually CARE ABOUT THEIR WRITING AND WANT TO WRITE FOR A POSITIVE AUDIENCE.

Oh, but sometimes we do have those authors that ultimately refuse to not suck. The ones that try to tell us that their stories are the most perfect pieces of literature ever written and all who say otherwise are flamers and trolls. That's where YOU stand. That's why you're on our shit list. Because the worst kind of writer is the bad writer with the bad attitude.

By the way, look through our member list. See if you recognize any big names.

358584 Oh god, clothes and devil horns too? Tell me you're trolling.

Incoming shitstormdl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Twilight_Sparkle_lolface.png

you're going to get so much flak for that...

Also, this little gemstone...

Who said the characters or the main characters matter. We are bronies we only and mostly care for background ponies. The character is not important, only the plot is, unless the plot relies on the character. That's just my way of seeing it, I don't care for your opinion, nearly no one important does.

A mentality like that is why these authors fail. A story IS the characters... If there's no characters, then its just a camera panning across the ocean on a calm summer's day. Characters make the plot, not the other way around... weak characters make for a weak plot, and a weak plot makes for a poor tale.

Can't believe I missed that....

So what I really wanted to call out is what I have seen recently how many good stories are getting hated on because of a red and black OC.

I'd like to ask just how many stories you saw used red and black OCs.

Its just sad

About how many people use the same color scheme? I agree.

some of these character are good

Keyword: some, as in rare occurrance.

but if the color of its fur and mane is either black or red, if its somehow related to the princesses, if its an alicorn, its an instant dislike for some stupid reason.

Have you ever actually considered what that reason could be? I'll run em off for you:

Red and Black: Usually associated with characters who have edgy personalities, otherwise known as 'cool factor'; this spits in the face of authors who decide to try and DEVELOP their characters and actually give them a believable history beyond what's offered in the chapter synopsis.

Related to the Princesses: This, I can give a pardon for, but it's usually looked down upon. We saw Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Blueblood. Who would actually want to BE a royal? I can see someone being a nephew or neice, but I saw one story where the OC was their uncle. Celestia's family tree is fucked up as is, let's just leave it alone, yeah?

Alicorn: Ok, this reason should be VERY CLEAR. Alicorns are RARE, extremely so, as, in canon, we've only ever seen 3. Three. Count em with me, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. 1, 2, 3. Not 5, not 10, not some number that would reasonable help explain an OC suddenly having both a horn and wings without being part of some crazed science fair experiment.

Contrived backstories: This is a point I'm adding myself. Every Alicorn OC is related in some way, except for the few that actually did a good job of explaining things. These relations are either 'human ends up in Equestria, mutates', 'Legendary demon/angel set to save the world', or 'long lost family member of the Royals.' Every single of these plot points is not reasonable except for the 'legend' one, and even then, the Alicorn should not be the narrator!

Some of these characters have an interesting back story

Questionable and rare.

and amazing abilities

That often challenge the power of canon characters that are regarded as masters of magic, or GODS. See a problem here?

You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story

Rainbow Dash is the fastest flyer in Equestria and the only Pegasus capable of using the Sonic Rainboom. Pinkie is a hyperactive pony with seemingly impossible reality-bending capabilities. Fluttershy can communicate with animals, calm down even the largest predator, and SHATTER YOUR SOUL WITH GUILT, reducing even the mightiest of dragons to TEARS. Canon itself disproved you!

so most of these characters through the eyes of the author the character seems red,black and an alicorn, unicorn or pegasus(you never see an earth pony cause their useless).

Haha, Applejack would like a word with you outback. I can hear your balls screaming off into the stratosphere from here. Without Earth Ponies, there'd be no food in Equestria. As for the OCs themselves, there are MANY color schemes that an author can use beyond the typical red-and-black, so my question is, why don't people use them? I use them, my friends use them, every author that seems capable of writing a competent story uses them. So why are red-and-black OCs only associated with bad stories?

Just like my OC

Oh, this'll be fun...

in one of my stories Dark Slash

The name...*Sigh*.

I get the name is a bit wrong

I'd like to ask you a question about that! Can you see ANY Equestrians actually being named that? Because I can't.

but if you guys at least let me finish this part of the Dark Shadow series you will find out Dark Slash is not his real name.

Perhaps you should've started with his real name, and then worked up to a nickname/codename/nameIusesinceIforgotmyoldone.

And if you are smart enough you realize his mane is white not red

Avatar coulda fooled me, man.

and that he's an alicorn not by choice

Again, plot point that would be nice to hear about from the start of the story, if only HINTING at it.

his a Pegasus, so get it right.

How can we get it right if, right off the bat, you give him a horn and wings? Did he duct-tape Twilight's horn to his forehead and start running around?

I get the fact that he is a bit overpowered, but all will be explained in the other Dark Shadow stories, this will explain why he want to be so powerful.

Power should come with weakness, I get the feeling people complain because he has a lack thereof. Lack of weakness, incredible power, supposed "I didn't ask for this" backstory, and generally unlikeable personality all point to an OC's downfall. Lo and behold, that's what other red-and-black OCs have tripped over!

So this a problem seen very much and my OC is an example.

And your OC is red-and-black. Not doing much for your argument! But I digress.

And I see people losing good stories just because of a story.

Because they don't understand that the STORY is what counts, not the character. The current plot line and a character's past should build the character, make them dynamic. They lose viewers because the story doesn't hold their interest long enough to get to the oh-so-important 'character explanation'.

Who said the characters or the main characters matter.

Huh, so we agree on something. That's a first.

We are bronies we only and mostly care for background ponies.

I care enough to know the names of the really famous background characters, the main 6, and the other significant ponies.

The character is not important, only the plot is, unless the plot relies on the character.

Wow, I'm about to disagree with my own point here...ahem. The plot matters, yes, but so does the narrator, the narrator being either a canon character, the Author, or an OC. When you follow the story through the eyes of a perfect individual, there's no strife; the Author limits themselves to a single track. When you have an Alicorn, especially a powerful one (when have we seen a WEAK Alicorn OC?), they have tools for any situation, there's no panic when they face up against an enemy.

Well shit, I just made my argument; Alicorns are TOO VERSATILE. They suit too many situations, and therefore can't get in trouble. Earth Ponies lack magic and wings, so they get into a lot of trouble when, well, they get into trouble. Pegasi can run away through flight, but what if their enemy is a Unicorn? Kinda screwed. Unicorns are probably the best off while still being vulnerable, since they're stuck on the ground. They can walk on clouds, sure, but all you need to do is take a Unicorn and fly waaaay up in the air. Drop, dead.

Alicorns? Magic and flight, they have tools for ANY situation. And that's what pisses me off.

That's just my way of seeing it, I don't care for your opinion, nearly no one important does.

Why you self-centered son of a bitch. These are the words that CRUCIFY authors.

So to all those people who write stories with Red & Black, Alicorn, or Gary Stu OCs, don't give up keep doing what you do, and don't give for their opinion, what matters is your opinion you are the one who is important.

Oh my LORD, I have never SEEN a statement so stupid! When you publicise a story, you give it up for PUBLIC OPINION. Please, God, don't be an idiot and create MORE FelixDawns! I can hardly deal with ONE existing!

I have seen that this group of nice people focus on this type of stories, so if they ever make a stupid comment saying "Where watching you." or "Choo Choo" don't give into their terrible trolling, your story is good by your eyes, not theirs.

It's called 'too much self-confidence'. It blinds the author to flaws that they'd otherwise catch. It's why people use editors, and get public opinion on the stories.

And if you do happen to run into this group of people with literally no life, just give them one of these

*Steel simply shakes his head.*

Alright, that's that...now I'm gonna finish up lunch, then get back to writing.

That's just my way of seeing it, I don't care for your opinion, nearly no one important does.

So to all those people who write stories with Red & Black, Alicorn, or Gary Stu OCs, don't give up keep doing what you do, and don't give for their opinion, what matters is your opinion you are the one who is important.

FelixDawn? Is that you?

You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story, so most of these characters through the eyes of the author the character seems red,black and an alicorn, unicorn or pegasus(you never see an earth pony cause their useless).

Alright. Allow me to introduce you to an earth pony who has more substance then Dark Slash

Name: Apple Cider
Species: Pony
Race: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Eye colour: Orange/Yellow
Mane: White with a hint of yellow
Coat: Brown
Occupation: Bartender
Cutie Mark: Two mugs of cider, clinking together in a toast (representing his ability to make conversation)
A simple bartender who lives in Canterlot, operating the Split Apple, a small pub in the lower part of the city. Like most barkeeps he's very interested in gossip, making him privy to a few 'small' secrets from the lesser nobles and buisness ponies that want to unwind at the bar. He considers himself an 'untrained psychologist', usually helping lonely ponies get a companion through a simple "Pony over there payed for this round.'
He is allergic to grapes and olives, and is afraid of any sort of drink aside from cider and water.

Also, I feel obligated to mention this part yet again:

Who said the characters or the main characters matter.

Ever read Background Pony? No? Thought not. You see, that story is, in essence, a character study. The plot is not important in the grand scheme of the story. Instead, the story focuses on the development and the psyche of the main character. And it is easily one of the most interesting and best stories on this site.

Check and mate.

~TWE Co-Founder


Fuck the haters

Funny coming from a Red and Black Alicorn.

I'll come back and read later, for now though.

Make a Character original not some god damn copy of the "1337 aLiCoRn" you saw on someone else's page
Red and Black look quite shitty together, the only times they should be used is when you can truly justify it, or making a parody.

Alicorns should never be used, ever, there is almost no exception.
Trying to justify making you're character a good, is like trying to explain to Nightmare why I fucked her Husband, sure it shouldn't have happened, But I already did it. Just nod your head say your sorry and try again later.

There is so much wrong with this post. I don't even know when to start.




Who said the characters or the main characters matter. We are bronies we only and mostly care for background ponies. The character is not important, only the plot is,


You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story, so most of these characters through the eyes of the author the character seems red,black and an alicorn, unicorn or pegasus(you never see an earth pony cause their useless).

I want to stab you in the mouth, right now.
Do you know what goes through everyone's mind when they see "Red, black and an Alicorn"? They think, weak, shitty, poorly thought out Character in a terribly over done story.

Earth Ponies are the only creatures that should have super strength, Unicorns should be the only ones with Powerful Magic, Pegasi are the only ones who should have Extreme Speed.
By going "Hur Dur I'M ALL THREE LOOK HOW COOL I AM" You're making yourself look like quite the douche bag, you're saying "Hey, my character is better than your Earth Pony"

That's why people hate Red, Black Alicorn OC's

Written from an iPod.
I'm going to go take a cold shower to wash the stupid this post smeared on me.

I mean... gah! Usually I only stay in the background when these come out but now I feel like joining in.

So what I really wanted to call out is what I have seen recently how many good stories are getting hated on because of a red and black OC.

Then please, show us these fine stories... No really, I'm not being sarcastic, I'd love to see a story that hs greatly done OC characters, something you rarely see. And I can say as an OC writer... honestly, planning out OC's has been, at least for me, somewhat easy. Yes, the dialogue is sometimes hard to produce for something you cannot really refrence any already material (MLP episode scripts for example) for your aid. But it can be fairly easy when you have the basic mentality of the character framed out.

But dark and red. Now that's a red flag raiser right there. And you simply cannot blame other people for being close minded over it, due to the sheer fact how overly used combination that is. I do agree that every writer deserves a chance, but if I see a story having General Zod's Pony Creator image as cover, I steer away from it no matter how good the description makes it out to be.

if its somehow related to the princesses, if its an alicorn, its an instant dislike for some stupid reason.

Now how come this happens? Perhaps due to the tiny fact most of us want to follow the canon MLP: FIM lore in one form of another and it clearly is visible that there exists only three alicorns; Celestia, Luna and Cadance. Also relatives? Once again something lore related, however I can break it on this spot due to Prince Blueblood being related to all three of them (aunts of him). So it is possible for some extent of family to exist.

You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story, so most of these characters through the eyes of the author the character seems red,black and an alicorn, unicorn or pegasus(you never see an earth pony cause their useless).


What are you basing this off? Just the fact pink and yellow are not as masculine colours as dark and red, so they instantly don't fit for an action character or for a great adventurer. May I remind you that Twilight is technically purple coloured and Rainbow Dash cyan with rainbow mane, yet still both of them are great cases of well planned characters with traits and weak spots.

Just like my OC in one of my stories Dark Slash, I get the name is a bit wrong, but if you guys at least let me finish this part of the Dark Shadow series you will find out Dark Slash is not his real name. And if you are smart enough you realize his mane is white not red, and that he's an alicorn not by choice, his a Pegasus, so get it right.

I have nothing to say in here, due to not having read any books from that series and I honestly don't intend to after seeing the line "my element of darkness."
But I'll leave a question:

Dark Slash... so you just broke both rules of not OC naming; 1) Never have anything weapon related in it (Slash) and 2) Never have Dark added in middle of it. One can argue these rules are silly, but it's a silly thing stories that follow these do make it out okay. At least in most of cases.

So this a problem seen very much and my OC is an example. And I see people losing good stories just because of a story. Who said the characters or the main characters matter. We are bronies we only and mostly care for background ponies. The character is not important, only the plot is, unless the plot relies on the character. That's just my way of seeing it, I don't care for your opinion, nearly no one important does.


Really? Did you just say main characters, the ones the story revolves around, don't matter if the plot is good unless it relies on the character?! How in the right mind you can even have a plot without any characters involved?! That's like redoing Part 2 of first episode with the perspective changing to the crowd of ponies in the town hall, staring at each other for the episode untill Main 6 alongside with Celestia and Luna come back. And I would be pretty darn pissed off after that!

This statement of yours alone makes me believe your characters aren't that well conducted.

And you cannot hide under that 'background pony' excuse, because all of your stories have only tags on major characters along with OC (but where does that Other come from?).

I have seen that this group of nice people focus on this type of stories, so if they ever make a stupid comment saying "Where watching you." or "Choo Choo" don't give into their terrible trolling, your story is good by your eyes, not theirs.

I'm glad TWE is around. You know why?

Because these guys do offer help. They really do. They'll go through the stories no one else dares to touch and offer their advice to the writer, usually someone who just has started in their careers. And most of them do heed to their words and that alone proof the error of your words.

So I freaking salute to these 358582>>358585>>358589>>358593>>358597>>358628>>358615>>358629 fine fellows for their fine work and don't you dare they fired the first shot by reviewing your story and then replied to your hateful messages undermining their efforts.

Proud TWE member

lol :ajsleepy: Red and black Alicorn OC.... that's about as far as I got and yes I hate on the color pattern and Alicorns of any kind. Why? Because, A: There are literally three f'ing Alicorns in the entire FIM universe, and one of them was created specifically to sell a pink toy. (We all know who I mean/I secretly find her awesome anyway.) Even some of the creators were upset about her addition to the cast.
Reason B: Red and black Alicorn practically screams Emo background story, that involves at least one lover/family member/ best friend/elmo and big bird having been killed in some traumatic way. Which I guess was destined to happen. Since said Alicorn was born angsty with scene hair.
Reason C: This "pony" OC will get into at least one "battle of the world" fight. No exceptions. It always happens. (Interior design Alicorn aside)
Reason D: If over half of the internet fucktards all come up with the same color scheme and background story as you, shouldn't that be a big red flag? Or red and black flag I should say...
Reason E: Alicorns are like the top of the pony "food chain." Dragonball would suck if everyone hit over 9000.
And lastly, reason F: If you aren't into the whole "yellow and pink ponies with great stories and background" thing, WTF are you watching and writing My Little Pony FIM fanfics for!? The show is literally the epitome of said awesomeness!

btw you also ripped off a much funnier OC that was intentionally designed badly, so let that say what it will about you hth

OOOH! I LOVE to break down certain segments.

Its just sad, some of these character are good, but if the color of its fur and mane is either black or red, if its somehow related to the princesses, if its an alicorn, its an instant dislike for some stupid reason.

Okay. I will agree with this. Characters aren't MEANT to be judged on how they look, that is wrong.

Some of these characters have an interesting back story and amazing abilities.

SOME. Key word. SOME. You rarely can find a good OC alicorn story, or Red and Black character story, or a story that has an OC related to the princesses. You CAN make a good story that involves action, adventure, story telling, and all of the good elements FOR that character, but when you introduce the red and black or the fact that the character is a 'missing prince' or something dumb, THAT is the reason why people don't bother to read. They would rather thumb down and not take a chance. I on the other hand prefer to read a chapter or two before going in. And TRUST me, the first chapter of Pinkamena The Dark Shadow did not do the following...

- Hold my interest for Dark Slash
- Explain to me, a reader that had started reading midway into a series, about how these relationships got together (Ex. Marriage to Twilight)
- Did NOT want to continue reading the series from that point or even go back to the beginning just so I could REACH this point.

You can't give a pink and yellow pony such great powers or back story,

The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog has a character that has some great FIRE power and a decent back story. The characters name is Ginger. You can also use Echo as well for an example for 'giving great powers' or 'back story' for characters that are not of the norm.

so most of these characters through the eyes of the author the character seems red,black and an alicorn, unicorn or pegasus(you never see an earth pony cause their useless).

Really? I dare you to look at Quick Fix here.
He is MY OC in a story being made called Agents of Discord
See ANY Red or Black? No. You do not. You want to know why? I made the character to be much like the universe of MLP:FiM. How often do YOU see a red and black colored pony running around town?

And I see people losing good stories just because of a story. Who said the characters or the main characters matter.

Are you fucking kidding me? Development in a character doesn't matter? How they act shouldn't matter? THIS is the reasoning behind a MASS amount of OOC stories like The Tail (Get It ;P) Of pRince Martin Willis You can make the main characters of the show act HOWEVER YOU PLEASE because character doesn't matter. That is what you have said to me, and for that I am offended as both a reader and as a writer.

We are bronies we only and mostly care for background ponies.

We care about ALL of the characters. That is why questions like 'Who is best pony?' gets tossed around a lot. I am a personal fan of Twilight Sparkle, if I had to choose a favorite, and even then I can look at other characters like Rarity or Rainbow Dash and I can say to myself 'They are believable, I can get why they would act like that.'

The character is not important, only the plot is, unless the plot relies on the character.

The story ALWAYS revolves around the world it is placed in. This is why stories have characters that are followed as the story unfolds and shows how they grow and act as the action goes on.

That's just my way of seeing it, I don't care for your opinion, nearly no one important does.

Opinions are what MADE the internet such a wonderful and grand place, to put this up means you are willing to DISCUSS these matters with whomever may come by. This also is a slap in the face as you, Darkdrome7, say to me, 'My opinion is important, and yours is not.'

So to all those people who write stories with Red & Black, Alicorn, or Gary Stu OCs, don't give up keep doing what you do, and don't give for their opinion, what matters is your opinion you are the one who is important.

STOP! Stop right there! You are ACTUALLY calling the authors that make overpowered characters to CONTINUE? Why? WHY? The stories are dull, uninteresting, annoying, and most importantly are usually very bad with both grammar and punctuation. If I had to give an example as to how STUPID this is think of something like... Birdemic

I want you to WATCH this. I want you to tell me what you feel after watching this. I'll tell you how I felt by watching this and by seeing a LOT of those stories, empty, annoyed, angry, and then finally laughing at the pathetic excuse for something even considering itself connected to art in some form.

Now... think about this for a moment. What if, every scene that was shot, you could go to the director and editor and tell them about what you saw and how they could improve and YET they continue to show those same mistakes that you pointed out. Frustrating, isn't it?

I have seen that this group of nice people focus on this type of stories, so if they ever make a stupid comment saying "Where watching you." or "Choo Choo" don't give into their terrible trolling, your story is good by your eyes, not theirs.

And THAT is the problem. They don't REALIZE what kind of mistakes they may be doing. What the TWE stand for is NOT to be trolls, but to help make stories reach their full potential. As an Administrator for the group as a part of Member Management, I also make sure that the individuals that LEAVE those small messages without leaving criticism get warned and perhaps even kicked out.

And if you do happen to run into this group of people with literally no life, just give them one of these

And, once again, showing how much love you have with people by showing the middle finger. I'm sure you read my message to you on one of your Youtube videos. Here, let me quote it for you.

Before you make the argument that I'm an anti-brony, feel free to find me on FIMfiction under the name of Quick Fix. As a brony, you flip off other people's opinions? They may be harsh, but really? The video should be that instead of flipping off the anti-brony, you should be looking him in the eye and saying, 'You are entitled to your opinion and while I disagree on what you say, I will respect it.'

This video only shows that negative attitudes like that will get negative response in turn.

I leave with that. I wish you luck with your spiteful attitude and lack of understanding.


lol but i liek earth pones...

See, I would read a story about this guy. He's relatable, he has flaws, he's good at something but not everything, he feels
*le gasp*
like a real person.

...pony. You know what I mean.

Actually, I tried to read his stories, they gave me a bloody headache.


Oh boy. They're going to have some fun with you.

By the way. I have to agree with most if not ALL the points those people made.

358821 Your point is that Alicorn OC's should be avoided? Cause that was my point... :twilightsmile:



We are judging the story, more or less the generic actions of an OC make part of that, you dense fuck.


358832 The story sucks, for your information. :trixieshiftright:

Please point out where I'm being a hater.


Crimson is the long lost youngest brother of Celestia and Luna and is the third generation of royal alicorns. Long ago he was lost from birth but was found and adopted by villigers from the village hidden in the waterfalls (his parents wanted him to be strong and fend for himself, so they left him in the forest to learn to survive by getting food but he was too young (5) and so needed help so the village adopted him). He was trained as a skilled swordsman by the samurai that lived there, he was also taught allot of magic by the local wizards so he is a master of fire magic. Eventually the prince left this village to see the world and battle evil such as discord, but he was too late but instead found his sisters and is now living in canter-lot with them working as a general of the Equestrian military.

That's what he means.
Long lost brother to two Almost God like beings, left in the woods by parents to fend for his own.
Trained as a Swordsman by Samurai, taught magic by Wizards, Master of Fire Magic

if your Character was any more Mary-Sue you'd have had to name him "God"

You do realize that some of us actually read through his story. Alicorn OC's do aggravate the problem, but there are grammar errors, canon characters that are so out of character that they're pretty much OC's with canon names and pacing faster then the indy 500.

I do agree that every writer deserves a chance,

Say, what do you think this does mean? Perhaps I'm saying that writers and their alicorn OC's do deserve chance to be looked at.

Give me 5 Good Flaws

I'll be fair here are five Changeling flaws

-Weak Wings, easily torn and Destroyed
-Requires Love for nourishment
-Has no "Real" unique appearance, the same as ever other Changeling
-Feared by ponies for being a Changeling
-Only capable of transformation, no real magic

358832 I understand that. My point is that when you have an Alicorn OC there is no plot. It's the equivalent of FIM Twilight saga. In my opinion there has yet to be an exception to that rule, outside of comedic stories making fun of people trying to create said OC chars. Heck, I pretty much gave you the background/future/current aspect of just about any Alicorn self-insert char in a few sentences earlier. They all follow that because none of them are original. Red and black Alicorn OC stories will always scream angsty teen prose that basically spouts: "I defeat the world because i'm awesome and overcome being lonely yet still remain dark and sad because i have issues fuck you haterz!!!!1!"


Yes. And in the first chapter I was wondering "If there's something monstrous like that flying around, why hasn't Celestia sent some gaurds to find it and capture and/or kill it."

By the way. We don't hate the man, we just hate the character and the many flaws of the story.



Crimson is the long lost youngest brother of Celestia and Luna and is the third generation of royal alicorns. Long ago he was lost from birth but was found and adopted by villigers from the village hidden in the waterfalls (his parents wanted him to be strong and fend for himself, so they left him in the forest to learn to survive by getting food but he was too young (5) and so needed help so the village adopted him). He was trained as a skilled swordsman by the samurai that lived there, he was also taught allot of magic by the local wizards so he is a master of fire magic. Eventually the prince left this village to see the world and battle evil such as discord, but he was too late but instead found his sisters and is now living in canter-lot with them working as a general of the Equestrian military.

Not a Mary Sue my ass.


358851 Yes, we read it, and it was so horrible that we made a riff of it. :rainbowlaugh:


Read further into my comment

I have nothing to say in here, due to not having read any books from that series and I honestly don't intend to after seeing the line "my element of darkness."

I haven't read the story, I admit that. But not once in my comment do I attack against the OC character due to it being an alicorn. I merely point out that Dark Slash might not be the best name for a pony to have.


Stop jumping to conclusions, guy. Maybe you should take two steps back and analyze the whole of what we're trying to get across.

This is far from gold, and I'd rather see him improve than burn to the ground.


358868 Do you know why we have grammar? Don't tell me you don't need good grammar to have a good story, or I will slap you silly. :twilightangry2:

358849 Adding onto this, even if his char wasn't an Alicorn, we at TWE critique ANY bad fic. Also I quote from the blog post:

"The character is not important, only the plot is, unless the plot relies on the character."

The plot ALWAYS relies on the characters. No exceptions. You can't have an epic journey without people to be in it. Same for any other genre. And if i take what you've said here to heart, you're saying that your Alicorn OC is a weak plot device, since as a char he doesn't matter.

Again, I merely point out that Dark Slash might not be the best name for a pony to have.

Hate is never mentioned. So please stop trying to find it in my words.


358877 It's not just because of his name. It's much more than that.

Actually no. It's not pathetic.

I got a story in the feature box once and was constantly told about my grammar problems. That stopped when I fixed the problems people told me of. How many popular stories do you see that have bad grammar? Not counting famous trollfics, not many. Point is, people on Fimfiction and in the real world often hate bad grammar with a passion.

From what I understand, Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Saga might not be the best story out there. But you know what? I've read some pages and the grammar is good. What does that tell us? Well simple, grammar matters.


Honestly I could see a pony being named something like Razor Slash if they were a barber or logger. But Dark Slash. No.

358869 That was fun to read. i was there when you made it, but I never participated

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