• Member Since 28th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I am a Scotsman who writes stories, not all of which are of the self-insert variety. Books are available again; check my userpage for details.

More Blog Posts1219

  • Today
    [CONTEST] Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them

    There's a contest, and I'm a judge.

    Get the details here. Please note that you may or may not1 get brownie points from me if you write about the kirin, particularly Autumn Blaze.

    Good luck, and stay awesome!

    1. You will not, but I'd really like to see some more Autumn Blaze fics.

    0 comments · 15 views
  • Friday
    SnarkCast Interview Over

    I was nervous at first, and I did ramble a bit in places, but it was still a lot of fun to do. Once Muggonny has edited the video, it'll be uploaded to the SnarkCast YouTube channel; I'll post another blog when that happens.

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    2 comments · 19 views
  • Tuesday
    I'm Going To Be On A Podcast!

    Lucky Seven and Muggonny recently created a new podcast, called the SnarkCast. They've interviewed a couple of people already, and I will soon be interviewee number three.

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  • 1 week
    Q&A Round Twenty-Eight!

    I don't know why I want to do another one, but I figured it's been long enough, so why not? Only this time, I will be doing something slightly different.

    First of all, you have until June 22nd to send in 10 questions; they can be addressed to me, or any character from any of my stories. Send your questions to me in a PM, making sure you use 'Q&A' as the subject.

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    2 comments · 41 views
  • 2 weeks
    Collab Sign Ups Closing Early

    I've not had any new signups for The Two Hundred Words Collab for the last few days, so I'm closing sign ups early and beginning the process of getting everything organised.

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[Geoverse] Regarding Part Seven · 11:08pm May 20th, 2016

I know a lot of you have been waiting - very patiently, I might add - for Part Seven of a certain series of mine to be published. And I think you've also noticed that I've not posted much about it.

Well, the thing is, I've been thinking about it and I've come to the conclusion that I need to be a little bit more original. Part Seven, Shadows of Equestria, is really just Season Four of the show with humans and a few OCs added in. I'd be telling the exact same story, but with little bits of extra dialogue.

This leads me to my next problem, that being the fact I don't have any ideas on how to be more original. Which in turn led to me writing this blog. The way I see it now, I have three options:

1) Part Seven of the Geoverse will consist of a merry romp* through Season Four, with my own little changes made here and there (such as Spike's appearance, for a start).
2) Part Seven of the Geoverse will consist of Twilight and Geo dealing with Tirek, thus making the story one or two chapters long. Again, there would be some minor differences (such as the lyrics for the songs).
3) Part Seven of the Geoverse will consist of some amazingly original plot that I need to come up with.

Since I always aim to please my readers, I leave the decision down to you. Sound off in the comments, and let me know what you think I should do. If option one wins, then I will do my utmost to pull my finger out and get cracking. If option two wins, then the story might be published in a matter of days (since it wouldn't take long to write one or two chapters). But if option three wins, then I'll need to get my thinking cap on and start brainstorming. Which, I have to admit, isn't exactly my strong point. :raritydespair:

Thanks for reading this long post, and thanks again for being so supportive. I truly appreciate it.

Stay awesome.

* Given how I write Geo and Twilight, I think my use of the word 'romp' is pretty damn accurate.

Comments ( 7 )

Yes the word romp is accurate Geo, but you are now encountering the very problem I foresaw with rewriting episodes. The fact that it'll only work for so long and then become an issue. Doing a totally original story line will be tougher and more challenging but it will also be more rewarding to put up. And you can still use idea based on the show's canon to do so, that's what I do and then go in my own direction with it.

It is more times consuming to be sure but the results do speak for themselves. Perhaps you can still use the conflict with Tirek, but frame it somewhat differently than how it went down in the show.

Besides I personally feel that with so much being so different in the Geoverse it really needs a unique direction all it's own.

You could do a combination and maybe expound on Tirek. You could always have him collecting artifacts o drain first to get enough power to take all of equestria's magic at once instead of his working his way up. Could very easily make up minions for him to chuck at our heroes to keep them busy. As much as I enjoyed watching twilight kick tirek's ass I kinda wish they had built him up slowly over the season, kinda like how starlight kept popping up last season.

Does your story with that scientist is still going? after you pass the ball to him we haven't heard more of it and I was wondering if I should just forgot that happen and think this story will feature Geo, and his friends and his family?

Although, now that I think about it, Shining Armor doesn't count because he and Cadence rule the Crystal Empire, so…Geo might be the first true 'prince' of Canterlot…or Ponyville (poteto potato). So why not make and this is just one micro idea for you to consider, if you go with option 2.

Make Geo, be invited by the buffaloes or the zebras kingdom rulers, to a meeting that previously Celestia and Luna couldn't assist because it was exclusively for males, but with Geo, they welcome him to join, and act as his first ambassador mission…oh! oh! or maybe Geo is with Twilight in the boat of feeling pretty much useless so when Tirek strike, Geo takes hold of Canterlot affairs while the now powerless princess try to rest


The story you are referring to was cancelled, and is no longer considered canon.

Got it, then yeah I think you could go with option 2…with micro stories of option 1 if you come up with something.

also the Alicorn story is also cancel?


The alicorn story isn't cancelled, it's just quite low on my list of priorities right now.

I think you should take the first option, but have an original spin to it. Not just added dialogue, but like, have Geo try and find a way to be helpful during the little adventure during the tirek episodes. Make him have the meaning he deserves! c:

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