• Member Since 28th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I am a Scotsman who writes stories, not all of which are of the self-insert variety. Books are available again; check my userpage for details.

  • TThe One Hundred Words Collab
    Eleven authors worked to create a story together, writing just one hundred words each — but all they had to work with were the one hundred words that were written by the person before them. This is probably the most random thing you will ever read.
    GeodesicDragon · 1.2k words  ·  33  0 · 739 views

More Blog Posts1220

  • Today
    SnarkCast Interview

    For those of you who might have missed it, my SnarkCast interview is now up on YouTube.

    Be sure to give the video a like, and subscribe to the channel to help them get going.

    Stay awesome!

    1 comments · 4 views
  • Sunday
    [CONTEST] Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them

    There's a contest, and I'm a judge.

    Get the details here. Please note that you may or may not1 get brownie points from me if you write about the kirin, particularly Autumn Blaze.

    Good luck, and stay awesome!

    1. You will not, but I'd really like to see some more Autumn Blaze fics.

    0 comments · 27 views
  • Friday
    SnarkCast Interview Over

    I was nervous at first, and I did ramble a bit in places, but it was still a lot of fun to do. Once Muggonny has edited the video, it'll be uploaded to the SnarkCast YouTube channel; I'll post another blog when that happens.

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    2 comments · 21 views
  • Tuesday
    I'm Going To Be On A Podcast!

    Lucky Seven and Muggonny recently created a new podcast, called the SnarkCast. They've interviewed a couple of people already, and I will soon be interviewee number three.

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    0 comments · 54 views
  • 1 week
    Q&A Round Twenty-Eight!

    I don't know why I want to do another one, but I figured it's been long enough, so why not? Only this time, I will be doing something slightly different.

    First of all, you have until June 22nd to send in 10 questions; they can be addressed to me, or any character from any of my stories. Send your questions to me in a PM, making sure you use 'Q&A' as the subject.

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    2 comments · 44 views

Collab Sign Ups Closing Early · 12:42am May 27th

I've not had any new signups for The Two Hundred Words Collab for the last few days, so I'm closing sign ups early and beginning the process of getting everything organised.

If you have signed up, you can expect to receive your 200 words to work with within the next week or so (it depends on how quickly people get back to me with their entries). As a reminder, here is how the process works:

1. I write 200 words to start things off.
2. I send those 200 words to the first person on the list.
3. They write another 200 words to continue the story based on what I wrote.
4. They send those 200 words to me, and I forward them to the next person on the list.
5. Repeat until everyone has written their 200 words.
6. I write another 200 words to finish the story.
7. Everyone involved in the collab is sent a link to a Google Doc containing the completed work.
8. Once everyone has read it, I publish the story on Fimfiction.

Stay tuned to see the finished result, and remember to stay awesome.

Comments ( 1 )

You stay awesome for initiating this great idea of a collab.

Even though there's been plenty of others like it in the past!

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