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Crystal Empire 2: The Re-Crystaling [SPOILERS] · 7:19pm Mar 27th, 2016

Starlight Glimmer: It's must be difficult, being a big, important wizard, and all.
Sunburst: Y-Yes! Wizard! Big and important! One might even call me a... grand wizard...
[Sunburst levitates klansmen outfit to back of his home]

Well, that was fantastic. I don't have much to say other than watch it, because it's easily one of the best two-parters the show has ever done (then again, I think the s3 premier is also one of the best ever done, so there's that). But these episodes were full of amazing shit:

1. Flurry Heart was hilarious and adorable, all I really ask out of the show
2. We got some interesting lore and world-building (there wasn't a ton, but there was enough to keep me interested)
3. We got Shining in top form being totally rekt by fatherhood

4. Spike was written as an actual character and was awesome because of it, I hope they continue this trend in his individual episodes
5. The animators were showing off all the new faces that they made, and they were absolutely excellent
6. Starlight Glimmer was handled very well, and I actually felt for her the entire time. In a similar vein, they cut the subplot and main plot together very well, and spliced them perfectly together in the end.
7. Sunburst is adorable as fuck

There's a ton of other amazing things, but I suggest watching it if you haven't already. Season 6 is off to a very strong start, and I for one am hyped as fuck for this season.

I did it all, Twilight. I DID IT ALL.

Comments ( 9 )

Did you have a favorite part? I liked when Shining shouted "Come here young filly!" in the Neverending Book Land that is their library. Cadance's contrast was also golden. Any moment with Flurry was excellent as well, and Rincewin-I mean Sunburst had a lot of funny dialogue. :twilightsmile:

Totally agree. My optimism tanks were near-fully loaded by this episode. Off to a great start, the season is.

Totally agree 100%. As well as that's all I've really asked out of the show is its cuteness and anti-depressant qualities over the years. Having the writing and plots and whatnot be good is just a very nice bonus. I don't understand some of the hate it's gotten recently... What don't people understand about a show needs to change for it to grow and get better, in my opinion. If it didn't... We probably wouldn't still have it airing. Some just really don't like change I guess. Maybe it's also getting too intelligent and complicated for some people, so many only diehard fans can really appreciate it. That might be a bit of a brazen stretch though, but I think it's a valid argument to explain the loss of interest and appeal for some, idk.

3830966 yeah, been rewatching s1, it's some great cute stuff, but the later episodes are a bit more... intelligent I guess is the right word.

3830893 Flurry being attached to Pinkie's face was golden.


Has King Midas entered our beloved Equestria? Everything is now golden! :pinkiegasp:

That would make a good fanfic, a sort of ponified King Midas, or at least a pony with a similar power.

3830995 Season 1 is fine, there are no "bad" seasons or episodes in the whole series in my opinion (though some are certainly better than others) . However in season 1 that was obviously before hasbro had any knowledge of the fandom, so it catered to the little girls they thought were gonna be the only ones watching. Thus, there was very little continuation and story arc, and each episode really only stood on its own for the most part.

That changed pretty drastically with each passing season, season 2 being quite a bit different (and that's when I joined). With each passing season the writers began catering more and more to the people who actually watched and appreciated it, that being the bronies, whilst staying within hasbro's original marketing guidelines to sell toys to little girls. Up to the point where these days you can pretty much say it's more like an anime-saga and not really a kids show at all with all the references to past episodes and subtle character developments. There's no way a little kid would fully understand especially seasons 4, 5, and assumedly 6. It's a unique show that follows the New Sincerity ideology, and I think most would agree that's very unique in entertainment today. I feel like the people who are giving it hate these days are the people who fell in love with the original earlier season aspects of the show, and don't like to see it change and grow increasingly complicated. On the flip side, I think as a result of its complexity I think it may be harder for new people to get into the show now with its increasing complexity, because the basis for much of the character developments and subplots are originally taken from the earlier seasons. This is why I believe some perceive the fandom as "declining", and maybe it is, but I don't think the show itself is at all. I think the show is getting better and more engaging... With, like in the season 6 premier and like you said, the writers adding multiple subplots and character developments like they did, which is pretty advanced writing. I think it takes a true fan who's watched the entire series closely to realize this though. To me it's just a weird kind of irony in how the show the fandom is based on actually getting better and catering more and more to the adult fans actually may be turning people away and causing the fandom to decline. That's just my theory though... Could certainly be a bit of a stretch as well as generalized.

This premiere did the magical thing of making me do a 180 on not one, but two characters. :rainbowderp:

I found Starlight to be a kinda lackluster villain before with a really flimsy motivation (I'll get to that in a moment), but I think her transformation to "good" horse has been pretty well done so far. She genuinely makes an effort to be good, but you can still see her dastardly side at times, and that makes her more interesting to me. Also, I really dig her new mane style for some reason... I can't explain it, but now I'm feeling a strong 8 to a light 9. :moustache:

As for Sunburst... my goodness, they really made him worth the shitty Freudian excuse. Well, almost worth it at least. In the S5 finale he was just an oddly designed colt who made horse noises and took part in Starlight's badly written backstory, but now he feels like an actual character. He's a massive dork and a total cutie, and his interactions with Starlight made this episode for me, honestly. If the premiere was just about those two trying to rekindle their friendship, I would've been totally sold. :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, pretty solid premiere. The season's off to a good start.

Author Interviewer

Spike was written as an actual character and was awesome because of it, I hope they continue this trend in his individual episodes

They will until it's time for him to star in his own episode! :D

Your opening paragraph made me laugh.

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