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Tomorrow, The Bloodletting Begins · 10:02pm Sep 1st, 2015

Comments ( 24 )


Can't wait.

And no, I am not a bloodthirsty type of person. This is just a very good story series.

3363263 You know information technology? :pinkiegasp:


Well, you all know what time it is:

I thought it was:

If you start killing off people's favorite characters, I suspect the fan backlash will be rather... extreme.

The demise of certain scumbags (Blueblood, Suri and Divine Right), on the other hand, will probably be cheered.

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

"A good story makes you feel."
- Orson Welles

Hmm, good point, the backlash from people not liking that encrypted chapter that got put up 4 hours before the real chapter was going to go up on schedule was pretty bad...

Guess we can't kill Blueblood, Suri, or Divine Right - can't risk angering their fanbases.

Shin wins, flawless victory. Fatality.

3363455 :rainbowderp: They actually have fanbases?

But seriously. Turning it into a bloodbath for the sake of having a bloodbath would not be a good thing.

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.

Just watch, Shin's actually going to release Book 4 where absolutely nothing bloody or violent happens, and this has all just been to troll us.

I'm on to you man, you may be playing the long con, but I'm on to you...

[Kenji-ing Intensifies]

But who did he kill?


But in all seriousness, it's not going to be that much of a bloodbath. Really.

Actually, back when this was still only a trilogy, that was the game plan.

Then Shin got twitchy from not writing AAG and some of it might have caused Book 4 to happen, for better or worse...

Does Divine Right strike you as the kind of villain who solves his problems by foreclosing on orphanages and twirling his handlebar mustache?

3363487 It better not be. (Unless all the blood is from the villains. THEY can be killed off.)

3363490 No. But I'm hoping he IS the kind of villain who gets eliminated without killing off any of the protagonists, or their friends or family.

Until next time...
Anon e Mouse Jr.


Believe me, I get the desire to not want to loose characters that you grow close to.

But on the same token... the loss of such characters to the hands of the villian, can be such a powerful tool.

Divine is the kind of bastard that see's 0 value in ANYONE'S life, unless they can further his own ambitions. And if he gains more by killing them, he'll do it without a second thought.

Character's are going to die here... and I have a feeling, pretty horribly. And we're going to loose at least one of the ones important to us. I've found myself caring about characters in this I never really thought I would... so it's almost to the point that any loss is going to hurt. But a death in a fic series like this, isn't going to be something simple. And Shin and Blue have pretty good reads on us by this point.

Whoever goes's gonna hurt. But we know it's likely going to happen, which will help dull that pain a bit. Still... I'm anxious in all the right ways for tomorrow.

Though, I couldn't possibly convince you to maybe release CH 1 a bit ahead of schedual could I shin? I got work in 6 hours, and would love to burn through at least an hour of my day by reading the new chapter ^_^ Just puttin that out there.

Eh, was worth a shot in the dark. Guess I'll just have to read on a day off.

Still... gah, tomorrow cannot come fast enough!

Actually, it will be tomorrow in...two hours.

3363269 He knew IT. Gotta watch out for that past tense! Guess he hasn't worked in that field in a while :trollestia:

Blue... don't get my hopes up like that.

As awesome as it would be to see the chapter go up in 2 hours... somehow i'm a bit skeptical.

of course, don't let that stop you if you're gonna ^_^

But tomorrow is in 2 hours.

The chapter just goes up at some point tomorrow.

Ooooooooh, I'll sharpen my waraxe. :pinkiecrazy:

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