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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

More Blog Posts1476


Beyond the Borderlands Alpha Reader Expansion (CLOSED AND DECIDED) · 6:49pm Mar 5th, 2015

Readers! Fans of the Dusk Guard! The time has come for me to open up my alpha reader slots of "Beyond the Borderlands" with an additional slot!

Basically, in layman's terms, I'd like another alpha reader who's reading over things as they get written, checking for plot holes, offering per-chapter feedback in commentary so I can get a rough idea of real-time reader response, and asking questions about things that are unclear (which may or may not be relevant, but that is part of the reader response).

So, I'm looking for someone to read through chapters as they are posted and offer thoughts and feedback on the unedited manuscript of "Beyond the Borderlands." It's not an editing gig, nor is it a gig where you get to drop it after reading a few pages. That's not what alpha readers do. You read the whole thing and just offer thoughts. "This was cool. This was boring. I don't get this scene. I'm wondering who this character is." Stuff like that. It's the kind of stuff that helps the author spot plot-holes and other issues before they develop.

Basically, it's like being an Alpha tester for a piece of software. Features may be missing. Parts might be unstable. You're not allowed to talk about it outside besides going "yes, I'm looking at it." On the flip side, you do get to read it before everyone else, and help point out potential issues before they become potential issues, allowing the author (me) to catch them before the editing process and publication.

So, I've got one spot open. Who's interested, why, and what can you bring to it?

EDIT: I'll leave this up for a few hours before responding, just so I can see what range (if any) is interested.

FURTHER EDIT: This is now closed. Deciding...

MORE EDIT: A decision has been made!

Report Viking ZX · 569 views · Story: The Dusk Guard Saga: Rise ·
Comments ( 15 )

I would definitely be interested, I have really enjoyed your stories so far, and I like to help people make their stuff better. I haven't done any official editing before, but I have helped a couple authors with edits like what you are describing. I am generally pretty good at spotting plot holes or unclear sentences and the like too. Also, I have done a lot of fiction reading over the years, which always helps, stuff like Redwall, Boxcar Children, Star Wars EU, Dragonriders, LotR, Wheel of Time, Mistborn (and other Branderson works), etc, not to mention the crazy amount of FIMfiction I have read since discovering it a couple years back. Anyway, I won't be offended if someone else gets to do it, but it would be my pleasure to join the team. :twilightsmile:

I'd be up for this. I've actually done story analysis and review with friends of mine as a hobby before, so I have experience with this sort of thing.

I'd be happy to help you out. My particular focus when it comes to writing is the top layer structure and construction, and I enjoy digging into the anyalsis of a piece.

Would also be interested here. I'm haven't done much in the way of proofing officially outside of more technical writing, but I'm a big reader with a wide genre base, thrillers, mysteries, sci-fi, fantasy, etc. that I love to read. I like looking over and picking at stories whenever I can. I'm not the best for proofing from a grammatical perspective (by brain auto-corrects as I read too much), but if you want someone to look at plot and ideas then I'm game.

I also just finished rereading the rest of the series a week or two ago. :twilightsheepish:

I'd be lying if I said I were inexperienced* or uninterested. I have an eye for detail as an engineer and I have no objections to length or content in a story (at least, a story from you).

*Nine stories (of a serious nature) of significant length, to be exact. If you're interested, I've a slightly out-of-date blog here that's only partially applicable since the story isn't A) just starting, B) by an author of unknown quality, nor C) one with a lot of unknowns (that characters and setting are well established, for example). If you are interested, I'll give you the relevant portions of what to expect upon request to save you the reading since it is primarily aimed at not-so-complete stories.

Edit: The abridged version of the blog posts is that I'll bring of any potential issues as well as possible improvements if I see any, ranging from dialogue tags to scene arrangements to plot points. I'll frequently include research and/or examples when applicable.

Sure why not. You're a cool guy, with a cool world.

I've done this before for a few one-shot stories, but when I tried doing it for a long, multi-chapter story I wasn't able to give enough useful commentary for each chapter. :pinkiesad2:

What you're looking for definitely describes my best strength when it comes to prereading. I've done a bit of it for a few authors and annoyed the heck out of them pointing out plot holes, characterization and tonal inconsistencies, and murky bits. One of them even fired me. I'm still his #1 fan, of course. The man has wonderful takes on Octavia and Bon Bon.

Honestly, I'm pretty sure you're twice as genre savvy as I claim to be, and I consider some of your writing blogs to be nigh sacred texts when it comes to literary wisdom. Still, if you want a second set of critical eyes, I'd be happy to give you my thoughts. I try to be able to look at things from unusual angles, and I pay a lot of attention to narrative patterns and tone. I'm also an unashamed fan of the well-earned happy ending. Seriously, I love your stuff, and I'd jump at the chance to help make it better, especially when I know I can learn a thing or two from you in the process.

Everyone who wants a spot, get in the cage. It's time to Thunderdome this!
But in a more serious tone, I'd be up for it. Especially amusing to see how much could fit with the Mente Materia world.

I would love to help you in any way!
I don't care what anyone else says I am you biggest fan.

It looks like there are other more 'qualified' people who have already put up their hands, so I don't really stand a chance, but I shall put up my hand(/hoof?) anyway. You are a person and not a company after all so you will be looking for people you want to work with, and not necessarily the most 'qualified' of us.
I might just stand a chance! :pinkiehappy:

Here goes......

Why am I interested?

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell you got half an hour?

Reading is and was my life!

I enjoy reading over gaming (and I LOVE gaming!), over watching movies/TV, and talking to real people in real life! (I.E. not over computers)

But why do I love your stories?

Two things: Pacing, and character development.

Pacing: I love the way you pace your stories! You take it gently, not everything has to happen at once. You take your time to introduce us to our characters, it feels right. Believable.

Character development: You take your time to introduce us to these amazing characters; we are not overwhelmed with their entire back story at once;
(Speaking for myself if that were to happen I would be lucky to remember half of it)
And those back stories! Yowza! They all feel real; like I might actually meet someone who went through the same thing, or struggled with the same thing.
Some were even a little closer to home than that. :D

Which brings me to da feels! All I can say is I felt for every character! Every single one!
In all the other stories I have read I might have felt for one or two of the characters, maybe even 3 or 4 (five even?) but never have I felt so attached to so many at once, and it wasn’t only the main characters, I felt for some of the side characters as well!
(and then my heart exploded!)


What would I bring?

A pair of eyes!
They work too don’t you worry about that ;)

I love to find different ways of putting words together. ‘How could this be said to make this part stand out, or made it feel different?’
In school I was often told that the way I wrote was odd, unusual, but refreshing. Someone even once said ‘enlightening’ *shrug* I don’t know about that…

I often notice little things when I am reading, that my eyes linger on, and I read the sentence a few more times. Often I would like to ask the author about it, ‘Is it right?’ ‘Why is it like that?’ ‘Did you mean to write it like that?’ Stuff like that.

I pride myself on doing things right by whom I am doing it for. So if you can tell me how you want it done, I will to the best of my ability’s, make it happen! I thrive on criticism, I will feel bad for not doing it right, but I will get it right next time :D
I have a lot of time on my hands(/hooves?) at the moment, and I would love to use it to help someone (someone I admire) :D


Why would I not be good for this role?
This is not something you asked for, but I think it is important.

Well first I live in New Zealand so time zones and stuff ;)
Because of that my replies would be delayed (and also why this is late).

Second I have dyslexia which for me means I can’t spell; I rely on memory for that. Yet I am very good at spell checking! How? Why?! I don’t get it.
I can do Microsoft Word’s job for you if you need it! ;D
More importantly it can sometimes take a long time to write words (not always though) for example this took me three hours (with breaks).
I’m used to it :D
I am not looking for sympathy. I just used to hide it thinking something was wrong with me, and you can’t get help or understood if you don’t tell anyone :D


This was actually fun to write! YAY! :pinkiehappy:
I think I put everything on the table (so to speak), the top part is the most important. I just LOVE the way you write bro!


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The decision has been made. No, I will not say who it was. For those of you deeply disappointed, take heart that there will be additional alpha reader slots opening at set points (thus allowing me to get reactions from both per-chapter readers and people who come in at various points and read the whole story to date at once), and I'll refer back to this list to make my choices at that point.

Until then, I'm going to get back to work! Thank you for your time, responses, and most of all, your enjoyment of all my works, both fanfic and published.

The Dusk Guard: Beyond the Borderlands
Evil Awakes ... Spring 2015

2854926 You should probably edit the original blog post to include that it's been decided.

Damn, missed my chance. Honestly, given my (outside of work) perpetual drunkenness, and just my reliability in general, I'd have made a terrible alpha reader to begin with. Doesn't mean I wouldn't like an early peek, still.

Mostly I'm just sore because I'm keening for your next story, because your talent pretty much guarantees it'll be good. It's comforting to know that even if I have to wait, I know I'll still get to read a work of quality. I always look forward to updates from both you and Arad.


You won't have to wait long. At the pace this story is moving, I think I'm already almost at the halfway point. Maybe I'll be done by the end of March? Maybe sooner.

darn. missed my chance. :ajbemused: oh, well.
end of march, though. i'm so pumped! only one more month! :pinkiehappy: (give or take a couple days)

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