Vlog #1 - Updates and New Direction · 1:41am Feb 12th, 2015
So, while taking a brief road venture today, I decided to record some thoughts on updates and a different style I'm taking with my writing in the future.
tl;dw - I've got an update of HI-101 coming out today, tomorrow, or Friday and I'm switching up my style to start writing longer, epic stories.
I'll post more info as it becomes relevant. Later, guys!
Yesss, update! And got luck on that new style bro!
good to see the product placement there man. also, you probably would want to think of the mechanics of car vlogging man. might help not get your camera ruined. as for the start, if it helps with the "epic" and does it justice, have at it man. writers should never really stick to one style in my opinion.
Fire your cameraman
ohhh epic storyes sounds fun
Lol couldn't help but kek when the camera started to slide
All talk no show.
Son, don't be driving and youtubing! That ain't safe! Gotta set an example for the kids!
Good luck with trying to move into larger scale storytelling. For a long time I was avoiding big stories because I wasn't sure how long pony stories would hold my interest. Now I'm pretty sure I'll be doing tiny horse stories for a while longer, so I've been doing some longer projects. It's a lot of fun, and lets me tell larger, more complex types of stories. The extra work is worth the trade off.
Eagerly awaiting more Heart Invasion, and again, good luck!
I hear a leaking exhaust header in your car, or a bad weld on a muffler or header again.
Also, tape the camera down and it won't scare the shit out of us.
There are lots of great epic Spike stories I plan to make one with a friend but I can't tell because its going to be a something to do with the comics