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Hilarious Video of Teens Epic Failing At Mega Man · 4:22am Dec 15th, 2014

This is the XBox/PS3/PS4 generation, folks.

This is sad.

(Though personally, I think they deliberately found the most idiotic kids they could find to do this...)

Report MythrilMoth · 266 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

I watch the series for bad cringe comedy, and masochism. Youtubers and Elders are where it's at.

Sucks for that one kid who managed to get to Bomb Man.

You think that's bad? Try watching the Super Smash Bros. episode and see if you don't want to kill any of them for mispronouncing the game's name.

Here's a hint, kids. Let the announcer say it on the title screen.

In their defense, though, I found MM1 to be hard when I was their age.
Then again, my first MegaMan game was MegaMan 7, and that's Babby's First Platforming Game comparatively.

And I would like to say that I got my ass kicked the fist time I played Mega Man.

You are incorrect in your judgement. That one dude said he grew up on GBA. GBA was first invented WAAAAAAAAAAAY before PS3. PS2 is closer and even that's cutting it a bit close.

...On a different note, I have quite a bit of megaman experience of my own, but not much for the first game. Chances are I'd have that level figured out faster than those kids, but I'd still find it rather difficult.

On yet another note, "You didn't say I couldn't walk on them" UM DO PEOPLE NORMALLY WALK ON SPIKES NO DIDN'T THINK SO I mean yeah he's a robot so those spikes must be really f***ing sharp or something to pull more damage than a few energy bullets BUT STILL WHY WOULD THEY EVEN BE THERE IF YOU COULD WALK ON THEM?

I didn't realize there was a way to fail at Mega Man. Unless you, like, used Fire Man's weapon on Aqua Man.

Not really that funny. Mega Man is pretty hard. It took me many days to get good enough to beat it.

2654868 Yeah, it's a hard game, but come on, one of these kids got to the first Sniper Joe before she even thought to try the B button, and two of them just walked right off platforms into the spikes. And only ONE of them even thought to try to learn the patterns of enemy fire.

I do remember that game being pretty frustrating for me. I do think they obviously choose several who don't play a lot of game with the exception of that one guy who did get to Bomb Man. Nintendo Hard is a real thing. Of course the level in the game that alway really got me was Guts Man's stage.. those stupid moving platforms.

It's sad, but I very much doubt it would have looked much different if they had gotten some random kids from the late 80s.

...I literally wanted to just take the controller from them and show them how it was done.

Then I remembered that I sadly was nowhere near them or able to tear holes in space time...

These kids would have lost their mind if they'd gotten to that rock golem thing that breaks up and flies around the room at you. That thing was so damn hard to kill.

2655380 Yellow Devil's actually the easiest boss in the entire game. You just have to know one little trick.

(There's a glitch with Elec Man's weapon that makes it register a new hit every time you pause the game with Select. If you fire it once, then keep hammering Select, ONE SHOT wll kill Yellow Devil.)

2655400 Ha! The Blaster Master trick.

It's both amusing and seriously depressing to learn this kind of thing now. I think about how many times that fucking thing killed me as a kid. In a related story, I was trying to show a young'un friend of mine how hard Castlevania used to be back in the day. I pulled up the Grim Reaper level on YouTube for him to watch, and to my horror, the YouTube player just used the damn Holy Water on the boss. It froze the Grim Reaper in place and just annihilated him. I'd been talking up how hard it was for like an hour before hand. My friend made fun of my all day after that.

There's just no way to convey gaming before the internet made it really easy to look up answers. If you or your friends didn't figure something out, it was just impossible sometimes.

2655423 True dat.

Funny story: Back in the day, the one copy of Mega Man my local video store had (yes, we used to have to RENT VIDEO GAMES! FROM A PLACE! AND TAKE THEM BACK!) either had a page missing in the instruction manual, or the manual for the first game was just THAT bad (with Capcom, either is plausible). Bottom line...there was nothing in the instruction manual about the weapons you get from Robot Masters, and how to select them. And the first game didn't have those "Get Equipped With" screens.

So for over a year, I had no idea you got weapons other than the Mega Buster. I couldn't get past the second Wily stage.

One night, a friend of mine was over, and we rented Mega Man and were playing it. We got to Wily stage one...and my friend accidentally figured out how to change weapons.

That night, we beat Mega Man.

Wonder what these kids would make of the original Metroid or even Metroid II, if they can't beat Mega Man...

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