• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
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She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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So, I was doing story research · 2:12am Oct 21st, 2014

And I sort of got pissed off when reading about various psychological foundations in good story writing.

Imagine if you will, you have a male protagonist who finds your typical orphan waif frozen in the snow. A little girl frozen waif. So he brings her home, gives her a bath to thaw her out, dresses her in nice pyjamas, gives her a nice meal, and, feeling sorry for her, in true Dickinson fashion, takes her in and adopts her.

The average reader will assume there is sexual motivation behind the act and will react either consciously or subconsciously. Subconsciously, they will feel tense when they read the story, a feeling of unnameable dread. They will intrinsically begin to dislike or become suspicious of the character.

Reverse this though, and have a woman bring in a child of either gender, and this effect simply does not happen.

It sucks.

The reason why it sucks, and this is something I learned in my human sexuality advanced psychology class, is that a majority of child molestations are actually done by women, rather than men. Women who have emotional issues and confuse physical intimacy with emotional bonding. It happens all the time in day cares, schools, men are so demonised now that the childcare profession is filled with women, but it is the women doing the molesting. Well, statistically speaking anyway. Women have much higher chances of opportunity and benefit from under reporting of the crime. When a male school teacher bangs a school girl, everybody freaks out and runs for rope and handguns. When a female schoolteacher molests a boy, we high five the boy and say good job, you scored. and we give the teacher the stinkeye.

Anyhoo, I had this story idea I wanted to do when I started to research this, and it has totally killed off my desire to write said story.

Report kudzuhaiku · 371 views ·
Comments ( 22 )

and have a women

That is all. :moustache:

Where did you find said information?



:rainbowderp: This kinda makes me want to write a story like this just to see if it pisses people off.

This is the precise reason why more works showing adult men treating children well are needed. The fears and hopes of people mimic what they see, so if men are demonized in the news, we must be seen in a good light in fiction, so that we may balance the books.


Suspicion is a funny thing mang, it colours your perceptions and makes your mind act funny.

Comment posted by TheMyth deleted Oct 21st, 2014

I personally hate how things tend to lean towards women usually being only capable of being innocent and/or the victim. In this instance and one my best friend went through. Said thing my friend went through was his wife would beat him on a daily basis and there was nothing he could do to stop her. If he even tried striking back in self defense, the way society works she'd be seen as having done nothing wrong and he'd be thrown in jail for hitting her. Different Situations but pretty much the same thing.

See i dont have that reaction for some reason, but i do react when an elder person (gender dont matter) takes in a child, i believe that comes from my childhood reading about hansel and grettle and having bad elders in my life (they were just bad people)

So i think the reason people have those reactions is because of how we were raised and told; eg, "dont talk to strange MEN" " if a GUY tells you he will help you no longer be lost, dont believe him" ect. So subconciously we have match strange men and children alone as a no no

Yeah... the whole suspicious of men and not of women thing is pretty rampant in society. Instinctively we side with a woman. Millions of years of evolution in protecting and valuing the women over men in our society as they are vulnerable when pregnant or nursing and are the essential rubberneck of producing offspring, has selected that instinct in us.

Men do not get the benefit of being automatically assumed to be needing or deserving of our protection and sympathy, though.

What was the corresponding theory as to why men molested?


One of the main reasons is assertion of dominance and establishing power. But not the sole reason.


I agree with all of this. And the stuff in the blog.

Fuck stereotypes.

Yeah... even the psychological model is... at least somewhat saying: women are victims of their circumstance, men are asserting their awful dominance. That a woman who does this is a broken woman, who has her instincts twisted and hurt, and the blame for this situation lies way back in her past and her emotional damage.

But a man doing it is a man who is just letting his instincts go unrestrained.

Not that it's all one-sided, you did say there were other reasons, but that's the instinctual tendency.

I am undereducated about such things and I know this.

Double-standard crap is sadly so common. :facehoof:

You mean than where I would see a tragic story that managed to get a sunshine and rainbows ending most people see a pedophile?

Jesus people! Da fuck!?

When a female schoolteacher molests a boy, we high five the boy and say good job, you scored.

[youtube= www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikd0ZYQoDko]

Dammit, I tried to watch it again before putting it here but I just couldn't. Holy fuck, I have never seen a more broken man, hell, a more broken peron

Well, besides the stereotype, men naturally have a stronger sex-drive, therefore sex-related crimes are usually pinned on men. A guy getting turned on in public is disgusting, a chick getting turned on is hawt, at least goes the stereotype/society

Wow. To be honest, I just thought the "defrosting the waif" story was a cute tale of newfound paternity. I suppose I haven't been on the Internet enough. :applejackunsure:

If nothing else, it's interesting to see a double standard that actually favors women for once. Of course, it's still terrible that this sort of thing exists at all.

Honestly, I think this would be a good story idea. Letting a single male raise a foal as an act of kindness. Or have said male be in a relationship before he finds said foal...

I think this could become a very heartwarming story, I've had a simular idea before but never started writing it...

This is one of the main issues of misandry and the entire 'feminist movement' we have today. The real feminists, whom I still don't necessarily agree with due to still only focusing on the one gender, are completely outnumbered and shouted down by the man-hating straw feminists who are essentially just reveling in getting to be the horrible people and bra-burners they always were inside, but getting the feeling of justification from doing it in a group of likeminded people who say they're doing this to make themselves stronger and overthrow the patriarchy.

So what we wind up with is a bunch of sexist women and their submissive male supporters, people who are drawn in by the thought they can do some good (essentially being lied to), and people who are so mentally unstable that rather than consider what they're being told, immediately accept all that is said as gospel just because it sounds right at first glance due to the way society is.

Women don't need empowerment. They've been the very center of culture and society since we had either. The very concept of what makes a man was shaped and molded by women. Many of the issues the so-called feminists are complaining about these days are issues that their female forebears caused to develop in males to begin with out of a desire to influence them and attach indomitable worth to themselves. Aside from natural function, the whole refinement of 'seduction' and the image of women as a sensual creature was perpetrated and realized due to their efforts in manipulating their male counterparts for protection, sexual gratification, leisure, and politics. It's no wonder that when society became more 'refined' that women were stuffed into un-sexy clothing and told not to entice men... that wouldn't happen unless it'd been previously a constant issue. Basic logic and history, men were mostly brutes and women were mostly manipulative and sexual creatures. Their setup worked for those times where it was constant famine and war and plague. NOW we still have the same setup and it's not working anymore.

What they need, what we all need, is good goddamn sense and the ability to treat EVERYONE as a human being rather than doing our whole social clique thing where we group up and shit on everyone who isn't us so we feel validated in our own stupid insecurities.

All of this crap that people keep attributing to one or another gender needs to go. Sexism, racism, it's all the same thing. "The other ones are to blame, not me!" It's gone on so long that anyone bringing it back up is at fault. How can we move forward if we're all caught up in "my gender/race needs to be stronger" rather than, "the playing field needs to be level for everyone"?

Also, this whole objectification business is absolute bonkers. It's another thing that sounds right when you first think of it, but if you stop and consider what it actually means, it's nothing. Opposing it is an attempt at thought-policing. You can't make a movement to tell someone they can't think a certain way, that makes you the enemy. Especially with the massive hypocrisy involved, since women (using the modern feminist definition) objectify men, they're just not as obvious about it since society tells them it's not expected for them to be - and the ones who are are typically pointed at by their sisters and cast out for being 'sluts'. Not to mention that society-wise we are only a few short steps away from true legal equality amongst the sexes but there's still this growing faction of idiots who are essentially fighting for being 'more equal than males'. Women already enjoy special treatment and immunities and such by way of our upbringing and the way society has evolved to protect the females within it from the times when a lack of healthy females in your tiny civilization meant your entire people and culture were about to die. If a guy walks up to you and starts talking trash, you can break his jaw and beat him into the dirt and most people won't care. If a woman walks up and PUNCHES you in the face, a male is expected to take the hit and yell at her and that would be the end of it - defend yourself or strike back in anger and you're suddenly getting tackled by the bystanders, because we grow up with the thought that "men are stronger and don't need protecting, women are weaker and need protection". Many straw feminists hide behind this mental conditioning while spouting about how physically and mentally strong they are yet wield 'I'm a woman you must not fight against me it's not fair' like a shield instead of standing on their own two feet like sensible females and males do. It's cowardice and abuse.

The issue of child molestation, for instance, is just another symptom of these problems. Whenever we think "pedophile" or "child rapist" we think of some hairy uncle-looking guy in a wifebeater dragging some poor soul off into a basement. Because that's the stories we hear about and that's what the media portrays. Newsflash, most of the child molestation has always fallen under the female purview, and adult women are also rapists of adult women and adult males, as well. Whenever someone mentions 'rapist' these days as a general discussion term, they always follow it with 'he' somewhere. Yet it has been shown that the vast majority of males who are the victim of female rape just don't report it to the authorities. Case in point, I volunteer my time helping with the local trauma group, and I can definitely say that the main reason why I've heard "I didn't go to the authorities" in this situation is "She'd just say it was the other way around and then I'd be the one going to jail." Which is, sadly, true.

It burns me to no end that we have all these misandrists laying about talking about the evils of men, and yet almost everything they attribute to males are things either they themselves are currently doing ("it's okay when we do it, we're not guys"), crimes that women also commit much more often than advertised ("men can't be raped!"), and just generally being massive assholes who are enjoying their mob mentality and pouring all of their pseudo-intellectual rage into a cause that doesn't actually exist. If they want to do some good for the female victims they wave about as banners to justify their cruelty and insanity, they should volunteer their time as I do. Help people find help, help people come to terms with the fact that who they are hasn't changed despite what's happened to them. Connect them with available psychiatrists, pool funds to get them medical aid and be there to assist them.

And for Celestia's sake, spread the love. We have two reproductive genders. All of humanity has problems. We should be helping PEOPLE, not <insert gender/skin color/nationality/creed/money> here. All of this bullshit divisiveness not only bars our way from the future we could obtain, it's killing us as a people and further poisoning society for our children and their children - because they will NEVER learn different than we did at this rate.

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