• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2023


More Blog Posts53

  • 75 weeks
    I Read a Good Thing

    So I first came across Undome Tinwe from their excellent fics of Monochromatic's Crimson Lips. You can find them here and here, and

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  • 521 weeks
    Still Alive, But Just Barely

    Hello everyone!

    Feels like forever since I've been around. Haven't been writing much in the way of pony these days, honestly, but I will be at BronyCon tomorrow if anyone wants to say hello. I'll be at table 416, tagging along as always with the illustrious EndlessNight. She's got some really great stuff out this year, come check it out!

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  • 532 weeks
    Like Fine Wine Comic!

    You can find it here.

    Apparently there were bits of this floating around on tumblr for a while? I don't know, I hadn't seen or heard anything about it and then BAM. Completed, epic, unbelievably amazing flash adaptation of one of my stories! Made my week. Made my month, even.

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  • 563 weeks
    New PVU Chapter!


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  • 569 weeks
    Next PVU Chapter! Special Guest Writer!

    Next PVU chapter is up! Part of it was written by the immortal and excellent Device Heretic! More thanks to Varanus for proofreading and suggestions! Enjoy!

    Or... er... by the way, this chapter comes with a pretty huge, screaming TRIGGER WARNING for SEXUAL ASSAULT.

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    9 comments · 1,074 views

Still Alive, But Just Barely · 2:54am Jul 31st, 2014

Hello everyone!

Feels like forever since I've been around. Haven't been writing much in the way of pony these days, honestly, but I will be at BronyCon tomorrow if anyone wants to say hello. I'll be at table 416, tagging along as always with the illustrious EndlessNight. She's got some really great stuff out this year, come check it out!

Speaking of me writing pony, I thought I would post something I've been holding on to for a while - I know, I know, very late on the FlutterBat bandwagon. I dashed this out back when the episode came out and have been procrastinating on further chapters in an epic way.

But anyway.

Click here if you're down for some Flutterbat action.

Report SleeplessBrony · 1,461 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Haven't been writing much in the way of pony these days, honestly, but I will be at BronyCon tomorrow if anyone wants to say hello.


Good to hear you are still around. Missed the stories so I will be checking out your new story.

How was I not following you already? I thought that I was.

Unfortunately, I won't be at BronyCon. Have fun and all that.

Author Interviewer

Oh sweet, if I see you, I'll say hi. :D We should do crab cakes again!

Hey man! I won't be at the con, as I'm still in Afghanistan, but it's great to see you pop up in my feed again. I was just reading Ponyville University again last night, and remembering why I consider it the best deconstruction of the FiM universe I've ever read.

I see you have a new story, too. I know what I'll be doing tonight!

2330562 Moderators are gone, post ponies!


Heck yeah, I will catch you at some point tomorrow I hope.


Awwwwwwww Cold in Gardez, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you were looking up my stuff. I've been away for far too long and I have a bunch of your new stuff to catch up on. Stay safe out there, man - wish you were here.

Author Interviewer

I fucking

saw you in the street as we came into B-more

and my window was broken so I couldn't holla D:


I won a contest :D

Hey let me know if you did happen to see me! I was the Solaris with white fur and bad jewelry, who everybody thought was a Fausticorn because my wig was all red except a spot of orange in the back. :fluttercry:

I'm in talks with the guy who made it to get it re-dyed, so I'll be better prepared for my next con-showing! Anyways, whether or not you did, I hope you had an awesome time out there!

Glad to know you're okay! :pinkiehappy: And don't force your writing too hard; we don't want it to become disingenuous. :twilightsmile:

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