• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2023


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  • 75 weeks
    I Read a Good Thing

    So I first came across Undome Tinwe from their excellent fics of Monochromatic's Crimson Lips. You can find them here and here, and

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  • 521 weeks
    Still Alive, But Just Barely

    Hello everyone!

    Feels like forever since I've been around. Haven't been writing much in the way of pony these days, honestly, but I will be at BronyCon tomorrow if anyone wants to say hello. I'll be at table 416, tagging along as always with the illustrious EndlessNight. She's got some really great stuff out this year, come check it out!

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  • 532 weeks
    Like Fine Wine Comic!

    You can find it here.

    Apparently there were bits of this floating around on tumblr for a while? I don't know, I hadn't seen or heard anything about it and then BAM. Completed, epic, unbelievably amazing flash adaptation of one of my stories! Made my week. Made my month, even.

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  • 563 weeks
    New PVU Chapter!


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  • 569 weeks
    Next PVU Chapter! Special Guest Writer!

    Next PVU chapter is up! Part of it was written by the immortal and excellent Device Heretic! More thanks to Varanus for proofreading and suggestions! Enjoy!

    Or... er... by the way, this chapter comes with a pretty huge, screaming TRIGGER WARNING for SEXUAL ASSAULT.

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    9 comments · 1,075 views

Next PVU Chapter! Special Guest Writer! · 7:50pm Aug 25th, 2013

Next PVU chapter is up! Part of it was written by the immortal and excellent Device Heretic! More thanks to Varanus for proofreading and suggestions! Enjoy!

Or... er... by the way, this chapter comes with a pretty huge, screaming TRIGGER WARNING for SEXUAL ASSAULT.

So... enjoy? Be careful with this one, is what I'm saying. It gets rough. And dark. And bad.

... I'll just let myself out, then.

Report SleeplessBrony · 1,075 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

:twilightoops: Welp, I'll be reading this one tonight when I'm back home. I heard a little bird talking about this chapter and how wretched it gets...

Hopefully we can all handle it. Tata~

Shitstorm, incoming. Fan packed up, and moved away.

Quite sure I can guess the entire chain of possibly generic, monotone events xP

So, two questions. Why the sudden switch into pretty dark subject matter? How bad are we talking here, implied or graphic rape?


It's not implied - the short version is: Rainbow Dash goes to visit her old ex, Gilda. They have sex. Gilda goes too far. Rainbow Dash has a bad time.

It's pretty awful, but I think it's worth it for how much it shows about Rainbow Dash's past, her character now, and how she got a lot of her attitudes towards sex/relationships. It also shows, as a few commenters pointed out in better words than mine, how much Dash has changed since she was riding around tearing it up with Gilda.

It also was kind of my response to a lot of rape fetishization, not to mention all that "Down With Molestia" stuff going around tumblr right now. I'm throwing in my towel firmly with the "Rape is not hot or sexy or a joking matter" crowd. I think a lot of people would consider what goes on in this chapter "not a REAL rape", seeing as RD consents at first and it only goes wrong later. But it is still a very real sexual assault and it hurts Dash just as much, if not more. She thought Gilda was a cool badass, and didn't see quite how much of an abusive personality Gilda was until it was too late.

Not that I'm saying you should read it if that puts you off, because it gets rough. The first part focuses on how Twilight is dealing with the breakup, so that's safe. It was written by Device Heretic and features Professor Celestia's first appearance, and should make for pleasant reading.

Sorry again if this chapter has upset anyone.

Yeah, I'm really not okay with rape scenes, so I think I'll skip this chapter.

Don't go getting too political on me now Sleepless. Personally I hate rape but have never had a problem with the joking teasing way that Molestia is handled, it probably helps that she's not really portrayed as a real sexual predator but more of a giant perv.:trollestia:

Anyways, I'll catch the next chapter I guess, take it easy, and don't be such a stranger, look me up and chat sometime.:twilightsmile:

yay, another story ruined.

So where's the dark tag on the story? Not there? huh....

I'm just gonna leave a downvote right there....

Hey I love that youre still writing and even collaborating with DH but seriously I really want to see what happens with Up in the Clouds, Down to Earth. Please Thank You *squee* :fluttershbad:

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