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Diplomacy by Other Means gets updated cover art, heads to Equestria Daily · 2:26am Jun 7th, 2014

Just a quick blog post to pass on some news:

Estee has a new story, A Confederacy of Dunce Caps that promises to show the lengths that Diamond Tiara will go through in order to be proven right, even if it involves -ugh- teaching Snips and Snails enough so she can copy off their tests. For those of you who enjoyed Diamond Tiara Buys a Little Sister, you will love this.

MuffinExplosion is working on a drawing of Luna and the coffee machine titled ‘Luna’s Favorite Thing’ that will be totally awesome. Muffin has an account on Patreon here, and I would encourage you all to visit and throw much, much money into the tip jar. In addition to the cover art for other fics, Muffin has done the picture for Diamond Tiara Buys a Little Sister, and I’m hoping to bribe convince this fantastic artist to do a few more.

I’d like to encourage you all to go read a very nice short story called Princess Celestia Bursts Into Flames that means just what it says on the tin. There will be a tribute inside The Traveling Tutor and the Royal Exam that I have not written yet, but will go along the same fiery lines.

Speaking of that, I’ve been making progress on The Traveling Tutor and the Royal Exam (source document), and will include a nice scene at the end of this blog posting. It’s a little long, but I’m hoping it flows well enough to hold your attention.

Diplomacy by Other Means now has updated color cover art (below) and I intend on sending it to Equestria Daily this weekend, depending on how many pages of chores the wife has for me over the weekend.

Original line drawing by Ralph Hayes Jr.
Background Summer Campfire by BonesWolbach
Colors and shading by Shaleclaw
Special mention to JoyfulJ for shading on Pumpernickel’s armor.

A rather lengthy clip from The Traveling Tutor and the Royal Exam

Princess Celestia was well-known for conducting business and casual conversation at the same time, and more than one Royal had accepted an invitation to meet with the Princess at an event only to find they had been outmaneuvered in some complex political calculation before they even managed to open their mouth. Still, she had a flair for the sport with such a practiced edge that no Royal ever turned down an invitation, even if they knew beyond a doubt just what was in store for them, because even in the middle of their shattered dreams and broken schemes, watching the Princess of the Sun shine in her element was a privilege they would tell their grandchildren about for years to come.

Green Grass was fully aware of his future Teacher-In-Law’s proclivities, having been the rather reluctant target of her wit on several occasions and finding the experience quite instructive. As a tutor, he was supposed to teach instead of finding himself being taught, but nopony could spend more than a few minutes in the presence of Princess Celestia without becoming a little more than they were before.

Except Blueblood, perhaps.

They had been having a quiet Princess-Groom talk regarding small trivia about the wedding over a cup of tea, which Green Grass was sipping with growing skill. Over the last few weeks, he had gotten considerable practice with the Art of Tea while attending countless teas and social gatherings with elderly mares who wanted input into the wedding process. It had been a fine line to trot between Twilight and his own wishes against those of the Royals, but Celestia’s network of ‘Close Tea Friends’ had centuries of combined experience, making that fine line seem like a wide road with gravel sidings and giant marked signs. Something seemed to be bothering the Princess of the Sun this morning, and after a few brief questions about the photo shoot yesterday and a few foal naming suggestions, she stood up abruptly and left the room, calling back, “Walk with me.”

There was even something about Celestia’s long, casual stride that was relaxing, although anypony she would talk to during a ‘walk’ was at least trotting, if not at a canter. The busy halls of the castle tended to open up before her, with ponies backing out of the way to smile and nod at their princess as she passed, and then pass their own looks to Green Grass that tended to veil their actual feelings. He had been tempted to wear a sign that said ‘Stomp if you approve of me marrying Twilight’ except for the indignity of it all, and the knowledge that the resulting silence would be all the more accusatory in his wake.

They turned a corner and swept into a large, colorful hallway, where Celestia limited her pace to match Green Grass’ respectful slow stride. The brilliant sparkle of cut glass in every shade of the rainbow and then some distributed the morning sun around the hall in a dazzling counterpoint to the subjects portrayed in each stained glass window. It was one of his favorite places in the castle to go with Twilight, and he remembered teasing her on their last visit together. Every important event in her life had been immortalized in a window so far, and he was half-expecting to see a few workponies engaged in the process of making a window to be titled ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle in Labor.’

The empty hallway echoed back their steps as they walked until Celestia spoke in a very soft voice. “This is your last chance to back out.”

He scoffed in return, trying not to wince at the sound his voice made echoing through the open space. “I had my chance to back away just a few weeks after we met. It didn’t work out well. I think we’re pretty much saddled with each other. Besides, I can’t think of one reason why I would want to run away.”

“The Royal Houses may never accept you as Prince Consort to Twilight.” Celestia gave him a telling glance. “Without a horn or wings, of course.”

He could not keep from giggling despite the solemnity of the surroundings. “Then I shall teach them acceptance.”

“What if they do not learn?”

Memories of his students slowed his walk to a stop. “Then I will teach their children. It is my special talent, after all.”

“I thought your special talent was teaching young unicorns how to use their first magic?”

“True.” Green Grass began walking again to catch up with Celestia, taking his place at her side in the same way somepony he was very familiar with once did. “Your Highness, can you think of anything more special than teaching a young and promising mind something that will change their life for the better?”

Celestia paused for a moment. “No. I can’t.” She stopped to pat Green Grass on the shoulder. “You’ve grown a lot since you were that young colt leaping around my school testing room, pointing at your flank and grinning. Your future with my former student shall only become more difficult with time. There will be many tests.”

Green Grass responded instantly, “We’ll pass them.”

“Considerable homework,” added Celestia.

“Twilight will be overjoyed.”

Celestia smiled from his attempt at humor, but did not laugh. “Raising a child can be thankless pain with few rewards. Many of them turn out to be obstinate little brats who do not listen to their parents.”

He fought a scowl and lost. “You’ve been talking to my father again, haven’t you?” Silence was his only response, other than Celestia’s constant tranquil expression that indicated she was willing to stand there however many hours or years it took until she got the right answer from him. Finally, unable to take the silence, he looked back down the hallway and muttered, I’ll go apologize to him.”


He wanted to whip around and snap a response, but common sense tempered his words to a growled, “What, you want me to go crawling back to him on my knees and thank him for trying to ruin my life?”

Celestia’s benevolent expression did not change one iota. “I expect you to respect him, as you are to respect your elders.”

After a long and thoughtful pause that included consideration of just what level of disrespect he was paying to who, Green Grass glared at the floor and grumbled, “I’ll get my kneepads.”

Celestia’s voice was quite clear. “Neither I nor my sister shall marry you two until you have reconciled with your father.”

The granite floor was proving fascinating to Green Grass in the way the little cracks and crevices sparkled in the brilliant sunshine. Unfortunately, no matter how he twisted or slumped, the gloss of a fine coat of wax kept the reflection of Princess Celestia in front of him. Finally he looked up with a final appeal. “Can’t I just get some impossible labors instead? Cleaning the Augean Barracks? Slaying some fierce and undefeatable monster? Reforming the tax code?”

The faintest of smiles curled the edges of Celestia’s lips. “I can send Luna with you, if you wish.”

“No!” Green Grass hopped up off the floor like it had become white-hot. “No, don’t worry your sister about this. I’ve got it. I’ll go talk to my father.”

With your father.”

He cast a puzzled look at Celestia before realization soaked in. “Oh. Yeah. We’ve talked at each other for years.” Green Grass looked back at the floor. “What am I supposed to say to him?”

“What else could you say to a close family member with whom you have argued and become estranged from for such a long time?”

“Like you know anything about—” Green Grass paused, ever so slowly looking up from the floor to Princess Celestia and the large stained glass window behind her that showed the story of Nightmare Moon. “I’m sorry.”

She nodded. “That’s a good place to start. Try repeating it a lot.”

~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~

“I’m sorry.”

Sloped Flank, fifteenth Baron of Chrysanthemum, looked at his son quizzically before picking up his tea from Green Grass.

“That’s fine, boy. An extra sugar cube won’t kill your old stallion.” He stirred the sugar cubes into the dark tea with his spoon, casting the occasional sideways glance at where Green Grass was still wrestling with the tea set. The Prench press the family had used for years was getting a little loose in the joints for an earth pony to properly manipulate it, but his son managed with teeth and hooves what seemed so simple to his magic. He snuck an extra tea biscuit while Greenie pried on the press to fill his own cup, giving a sigh when his son finally sat down at on the padded cushion opposite his own.

There was a long period of silence, sounding much like their previous arguments. His wife had always been a restraining factor in their disputes, and their previous attempts to find a proper mate for their obstinate child had all been quite a trial on her delicate physique. Where most family arguments typically involved screaming and threats, arguing with Greenie in that fashion would have been like beating a puppy. He had always seemed so fragile, just like his mother. Without a horn on his head, despite his early habit of wearing a hat to camouflage his deficiency, he was so out of place among their friends and family. As a colt, he would just cringe when shouted at, and had been horribly picked on at school. Finding a proper mate for him and setting him up in a stable household of his own was just such a right idea when he became of age, but after the first two arranged marriage attempts, he had retreated so far away from them that they had become desperate enough to try one last matchmaking effort that had failed in a much quieter fashion.

And now he was marrying a princess.

That same awkward colt who had been so timid and vulnerable was going to be Prince Consort Green Grass, Lord of Whatever Titles They Would Give Him, although he hoped Princess Celestia would temper his odd sense of humor when it came to naming or he would be something like Lord of the Naked Noggin.

Comments ( 5 )

Psst. You spelled "Hayes" wrong in the credit on the cover art. :derpytongue2:

Looking forward to it all!

2182540 (scribble, scribble) No I didn't. (whistles)


My eyes must have been playing tricks on me! :derpytongue2:

I can't wait for the next Travelling Teacher ! :)

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