• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 14th, 2023


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  • 415 weeks

    Basically looking for some laid back people aspiring to go competitive.

    I'm still in the learning process, but getting there.

    So again, need laid back people, casual and/or hardcore, but willing to work together and bring home the W's. So if you're interested, please leave a message in the INBOX, not the comments. To figure out hours and timezones, etc etc.

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  • 444 weeks
    Trying to pass drug test for employment

    AS the title says, I have to pass a drug test for a REALLY good job I've already been hired on. Everything is riding on me passing this test.

    So background a bit.

    I officially quit smoking weed the 7th of November. Have not smoked since. Last week monday I took a strip test, which came back a positive. For real for real positive.

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  • 446 weeks

    Because people need to hear this including me. Straight truth here.

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  • 452 weeks

    I apologize for being silent and not updating anything.

    For the past few months I have been struggling. External and internal kind of things.

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  • 466 weeks

    I was hoping to have gamers updated by Sunday but work has been taking a toll on me, making me tired and stuff.

    The chapter is currently halfway done. Just giving an update. No more updating the story once a year and crap, but bear with me as I'm trying to get it done, just hard to when you're exhausted 80% of the time.

    After gamers has been updated, the new descent story will be next.

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    2 comments · 444 views

Let's Be Clear · 1:12pm May 17th, 2014

I would like to address a few things that kind of get on my nerves and a few things that I want to clear up even though I don't have to. This may offend people. Welcome to the internet.

1. I do not like it when people speak for me. And that's for anything. Concerning this site, I do not like it when people say that 'this story is dead' or 'he's not writing anything anymore cause he hasn't done jack'. If I am done writing or cancelling a story, I will tell you myself. Obviously people thought Gamers was dead and lo and behold, it's not. You will hear if from the horse's mouth if I don't plan to do anything with a story. Don't speak for me.

2. I don't really identify as a Brony because frankly, I hate the fandom now. I still watch the show but it's definitely not as interesting for me as it used to be. I still have yet to see the finale but I'm in no rush to. I'll see it when I see it. When I say I hate the fandom, I say that because I feel like its changed since when I became involved in it. It seems now the ones I come across now are kids who are really loud and feel entitled to a lot of stuff. Concerning this site (and I should point out some of you who did this but I won't cause I'm not trying to promote hate) it's great to come back with an ass load of messages in my inbox, my fault for not answering, and have entitled assholes DEMANDING updates on stories.

Really? Is it that deep for you? You think that your desire for a stupid fan fiction FAN FICTION is going to take priority in my life? This isn't to say I haven't gotten polite messages about it, which I'm fine with that's cool.

And what's bad is that it isn't just here. I have seen artists that drew cool fan art leave because of those kind of people and more are leaving because of this. I don't blame them.

Another reason is it feels there's always some type of drama now. Of course we all know about the whole Molestia VS Pinkiepony ordeal. I blame both sides of that entire thing. I was disappointed with the blog being shut down, but for bronies to go rabid over it was ridiculous. It was also ridiculous that a hypocritical teenage girl used the guise of rape victims to promote what I consider a hate campaign against something she simply didn't like.

I guess we can't learn how to just let something go. This shit happened months ago and it's still being fought over.

So all in all, I try to distance myself from the fandom now (There are other reasons, but then I'll be writing a book about it).

3. I made a blog post concerning my health and the doctor and etc. I obviously haven't said anything concerning that since then. To put it frankly, the outlook is not good nor bad. I am not dying for now, but this can always change. I currently have appointments I go to now monthly and I still have yet to make a decision on a few important matters such as do I want treatment or surgery or just let it be and the concern of money and how to pay for it.

So again, you people that are demanding updates and what not, I have bigger problems than writing something before your balls fucking quake cause you're not getting what you want.

I'm also dealing with life issues. I said that I quit dealing weed, which I have, and I have improved about the smoking issue. I was smoking weed daily, first thing in the morning, before I went to class, once I got back from class, before I started my studies, after I was done with my studies, after dinner, you get it I was smoking a lot. Now it's more like three times a week. I'm still in the process of quitting.

Due to this, I got rid of a lot of 'friends' cause most of those 'friends' only hanged with me cause I could get them high and others because they dealt and I'm trying to get away from all that mess. So as currently I don't have many true friends as is and the temptation to deal again is still being fought. So I'm a pretty fucking boring person right now.

I think most of you are cool people and that's why I still write. I like writing stories, about ponies and other stuff too. I like interacting with readers, whether it's praise or criticism, I like it. It's the main reason that I still even write here. I think most of you are cool and funny, so don't mistake this post as I'm throwing everyone into that steamy pot of shit.

This is a rant. It may offend a select some of you. I don't care (And I swear to merciful jesus if a person comments on here about OMG U SMOEK DA MARIJUANAA U DUMB etc, I will block you and delete the comment cause I don't want to hear it. I have a 3.86 GPA and will have my degree in one year, so STFU)

I'm done now. I'm going to have a bowl of oatmeal and watch arrested development.

Report P3RROHAMBRE · 591 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

Whoa.... dude I didn't know. I'm sorry I bitched to you way back when I first found your stories and I really regret even thinking about trying to ask about Twilight being updated. I hate it when one of the authors I follow puts up a blog about this because somehow I feel responsible a little bit. I know it wasn't your intention to insult the followers who aren't assdicks but still.... wow.


I'm okay with being asked about updates, in a polite manner. I don't like being demanded though about one. That's exactly the thing that makes me not want to write.

2119508 Okay.... so I hate to ask but when do you think you are going to update Twilight?


I have the chapter actually done, It's been done for a couple months now. I just don't know if I like it or not, so I'm still undecided if I should scrap it and rewrite it or publish it. So for now, it's just sitting back and I'm concentrating on getting Gamers out of the way cause that story is nearly to the end.

But I will work on it. I really enjoy writing that and it's one of my favorites to write for with Gamers and Dark Descent.

I can assure that the story will be going and once Gamers is out of the way, there will be a lot more frequent updates to it.

2119514 Okay.... also I have a Skype if you want to talk.


Mine is P3RROHAMBRE. If you send a contact just say from fimfic or I won't accept it.

My favorite story of yours is SaPHaH.:twilightsmile:


That's not my story. I don't take credit for that.

First off, respect for trying to kick the addiction to get focused on school, it's great that your cleaning up. Second, if something starts feeling like a stressful job then you might just want to take a brake from it all. Hope you show some improvement on your health, I know what it's like not knowing if your going to live.
Also if it's not too personal what a degree are you seeking?

To those of you who are bitching at P3rro and still are, I think you all said enough.

Can we still say you're dead/crushed by optimus prime if a story doesn't update every week? I like those comments. Also, I used to be an alcoholic when I got hold of it at 14, I substituted that shit for jogging and copious amounts of granulated sugar about a year back (I did do well in school however). All my friends think I'm weird because I can eat granulated sugar. Weed must be much harder. But if lowly me can push through, so can you. Then we can be sugar bros.

Oh, I did ask for updates a couple times. But that was more 'Is there going to be any poast on it soon?' rather than 'FUCKING GIVE ME CONTENT YOU MERCILESS BASTARD *warble warble*' Because if I can wait for Ponky, I can wait for you.

The way I look at it, yeah, people should be able to wait for updates and shizz that they want from you; you're the one who creates the stories/or updates anyway. And some people are, but some other people...just aren't. :/
You have every right to feel the way you do.

And I agree with you about the fandom and how it is. What it has become since I became a fan--I just think it's kind of dumb. We're just kind of here, with no real purpose anymore other than to bitch at each other, which is the exact opposite of how we SHOULD treat each other, and create drama. You are SO right about that part, no offense to anyone at all. Just speaking out my observations.

We all have life problems and things that can keep us away from doing the things we like, but I'm pretty sure, with how you stopped smoking and quit dealing with those friends you mentioned, that you're going through some of the best lengths you can go through. It really helps when you have a quiet hobby such as writing, too.

I think you're really cool. :twilightsmile:


Computer engineering tech

Oh cool. Is that like making hardware for computers or is it software?

2119529 I know, but you took over the story, I give credit for the stuff you made for it.:twilightsheepish:


I do both. My major deals mainly with hardware while my minor (Computer Science) deals with software


sorry somebody had to do it.

Sadly a lot of people on the internet have no manners when it comes to asking about these sort of things. I think it is the lack of face to face interaction. It is harder to be rude in person (not impossible of course but people tend to treat people worse in writing than on the phone and even less so in person).

I do know when I am asking those sort of questions I try to be as polite as possible about it since I am actually dreading doing what has happened to you. I don't want to drive an author crazy and as a musician I know the creative process (especially if you are the type to want it to be perfect before putting it out there) can make things take a long time (sometimes followed by brief periods of crazy amounts of work).

Sorry you got people like that. I hope that you don't find those vocal few to represent the whole of us and that everything works out for you. I do however think that your feelings about the fandom may not be as inaccurate as I would wish them to be, or at least as I used to believe them to be.

You know man just one thing.
I hope you get better.
I truly hope so.
You are a great man to try to escape the death grip of drugs.
My deepest and innermost respect.


Power to you for improving your life:yay:!

2120157 ah that's awesome, was going to go to college for computers, but I couldn't do the A+ certification

The sad (and when you think about it, ironic) thing about the mlp fandom is that it's killing itself. People get all bent out of shape and content contributors finally say "FTS, I'm out". Then the fingers get pointed everywhere as to who caused it and it just starts over again.

My preaching to the choir aside, it's just good to hear that you're still around. Hoping things improve for you!

The internet does bring out the worst/best in people a lot.

:fluttercry: You can update your stories when you feel the need to, there is no rush unless there is a rush but that is your decision. I am newer to this site so I don't think I have said something wrong but if I did then I'm sorry.

I found out about mlp mainly janurary of this year so I missed all of the big fights and death threats or major issues with the fandom at least I hope, when things do happen then I am usually kept in the dark so it is difficult to tell when something happens. Last major thing that I heard from fandom that was bad was about when Equestria girls came out and some people were sending death threats. :ajbemused: Those were just some bad apples out of the group.

I hope things in your life go well or improve.

/)(\ bro hoof for staying strong and attempting to quit drugs, that's more progress than most people ever make

Wait, hold your horses.....Do people actualy DEMAND updates? Was this fandom not 18+ mainly?

Well im not sure if i demanded updates but i know i was a whole lot more immature back when i joined so if i did im sorry and even though waiting is annoying at times i find it to be worth it in the end because generrically the update is great, Also, i hope everything continues to go well with your health.

You always have me to talk to dude:pinkiehappy:... well when you can talk to me that is:rainbowderp:...You get point.:ajbemused:

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