• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
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Data-Scientist-in-Training and voracious fic reader. Occasionally edits/proofreads for people he likes, and even publishes story chapters once-in-a-blue-moon. Thinks he's a reneighssance pone.

  • ETastes Like Heresy
    Hearth's Warming never happened: The three tribes went their separate ways instead of uniting. Royal Chef Amber Spice is a mostly model Unicornian citizen, but now she's getting exiled from the land. How'd she manage that?
    Bugsydor · 39k words  ·  149  3 · 2.1k views

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Heretical Update · 6:32am Jan 3rd, 2014

A mildly belated Happy New Year to all who read this blog post!

I've just discovered that Knighty, in one of his thoughtful updates (he seems to be getting better at those), has provided me with the long-awaited capability to post blogs from my mobile device. This is great for me because I do most of my writing from my little Droid 4 (physical keyboards are amazing), and I hate being tied down to my laptop whenever I'm not doing something like playing League of Legends or Warframe with friends or figuring out how to play Alpha Centauri.

Now that I'e made sure the lede is good and buried, an update on the status of the last full chapter of Tastes Like Heresy: I said someplace that I'd have the chapter written out by the end of 2013, but it's not quite finished yet. It's amazing how distracting snorkeling and getting a SCUBA certification in Hawaii can be when you want to write something. Now, before you start throwing donuts and full mead bottles at your screens, I have made appreciable progress. Allow me to throw some numbers at you:

Current Word Count (as of this blog post): 8114
Approximate number of those words that I've added since the start of this Hawaiian vacation: 3500
Number of scenes remaining to be written in this chapter: 3

These numbers mean a few things. First, this last chapter is going to be far and away the single largest chunk of words I've written as a unit, let alone as a story chapter. I'm a little bit proud of that, but it makes me a bit nervous as well. Second, I am curiously most productive when I have the least right to be. Typically when I'm being transported or am awaiting transport, and I happen to have a phone available to type away on. Third, I need to take more vacations to Hawaii. These things are awesome and apparently greatly enhance my writing output numbers.

As for those unfinished scenes, they're all right next to each other in the middle of the chapter. One stars Outta Stock the stockroom pony, another stars Princess Topaz the whining, vindictive nag, and the third stars Crispidy, one of Amber Spice's assistants that you may have forgotten about. I know what I want to do with each of those scenes; I just need to throw the words at the page and the chapter will be feature-complete.

Once I get back from this vacation on Sunday, I'll be chucking this (likely completed by then) chapter at two of my favorite prereaders/editors and seeing what they think of it, and then I'll release it at the same time as the short epilogue and the first chapter of Desert Spice.

I'll give you another update if there's anything worth updating on. Heck, might even let you know when the chapter's feature-complete and I'm just sitting on it awaiting my return to my laptop so I can edit it properly!

Report Bugsydor · 341 views · Story: Tastes Like Heresy ·
Comments ( 4 )

If you don't give your blogs a title, it makes it hard for people to read and respond to them! :raritycry:

I'm sorry, one of the artifacts of not writing everything in one sitting while on a mobile device that doesn't always save the text between times I open the browser.

In other words, by the time this was ready to publish, I'd forgotten to add the title back in. :twilightblush:

It's fixed now, though. Did you have any other comments?

Not much, other than 'yay, more Amber Spice :yay:'

This is acceptable. Well, time to write more ponies.

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