• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
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just another brony with random story ideas.

More Blog Posts272

  • 160 weeks
    My Stories

    It's common belief that I have abandoned a select set of stories but I want to point out that this is not true. I had some ideas that required me to put a few things on hold and I am slowly working my way towards them and will be more than happy to release more when things are well and ready. Sadly this may take quite a bit more time and I don't want to spoil things as I have been working on this

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    0 comments · 382 views
  • 175 weeks
    So about that story(MATURE)

    So the clop story is coming along well but I have one issue I have to decide.

    First Person?


    Third Person?

    Story is Human X Pony and Pony X Pony, etc etc. There will be multiple chapters and an ongoing plot. Will mostly follow the point of view of the main characters

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    2 comments · 270 views
  • 176 weeks
    Shameless story on the way

    Shameless clop story for the sake of clop but with story elements because ideas refuse to leave my brain alone and the more things I write the more ideas I get and the further my other stories go.


    3 comments · 191 views
  • 176 weeks

    Dunno what came over me but I decided to go ahead and post the next update for Discovering Friendship. I had intended to do more with the chapter but ended up just focusing on one thing instead. I'm still happy with how it turned out and it leads into a few things I want to expand on in the story anyway. Especially when it comes to a few specific characters.

    0 comments · 241 views
  • 177 weeks
    Discovering Friendship

    Yes, the new chapter is in the works.

    But I've been busy bouncing around ideas for the future of the story. Things that I am very very very excited for everyone to get to read later on. A LOT is planned.

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    2 comments · 312 views

I quit · 2:52pm Dec 11th, 2013

I'm sorry, no. I can't read this anymore. You took a great idea and the slashed it with this bullshit. Why? What compelled you to write Pinkie like that? Just... no. I'm revoking my favourite for the first time on any story. Get yourself an editor, by the way. I have problems reading this because if it.

comments like this are all too common as of late and honestly, its depressing. Work, on top of stress of possibly living on the damn street, on top of my brother trying to get me arrested. I just don't have the time or energy for this anymore.

So I am putting all my stories on hiatus and leaving the site. I'm done struggling to have the time to write and having a constant reminder of how horrible my writing is

"then why post on a website where everyone can criticize?!"
It wasn't my idea! Someone convinced me that I could actually write and here I am paying for my mistake. So to the three or four of you that actually enjoyed my chicken scratch its still there but its not going any further.

Report Saro0fdemonz · 534 views · Story: Sunshine and Rainbows ·
Comments ( 19 )

Pleaase don't go.:fluttercry:
Your writing is awesome.
It's immeasurably better than mine.
Please don't do this.

No!!!!!!!!!!! :raritycry: :raritydespair:

Who evin cares what thos guys say just keep writing don't worry about thos losers

please atleast finish sunshine and rainbows!!

don't listen to those jerks.

I think the thing you need to realize with writing is several things, and it took losing my lover, this site, and a lot of reflection like you to come to this conclusion.

There are people who will support you in a wide range and manners. From fanboyish to optimistic, interested, neutral, not liking, and hating your work. That is part of writing a story that is read by a large amount of people. What you need to do is take what you can from all of them, improve, and realize what helps and hurts.

It does hurt to have your stories torn apart. It really does. You invest so much time and effort in them to not only entertain others but to improve yourself at the same time. Just because some people make your biceps twitch and make you want to punch someone in the face doesn't mean you should quit. In fact, it is because of these people that I have taken countless hours of my time away from my other hobbies and passions to redo my novel from nearly the ground up to fix all of those mistakes I should have caught at first. To not only make myself happy, but to make a better product, and show anyone who didn't like my story before what it can become. That is something you will learn, must learn.

You have enough stress on your shoulders as it is, and that is certainly changing how you are thinking about this world at the moment, and those little things can break your back. I know what that's like. I write to entertain and get rid of stress, and I certainly hound my own ass for not being here Daring Do style and throwing myself out there all the time to crank stuff out. I do think you need to step away and get things in order, but to quit would be silly, considering you have people who clearly are interested in what you are writing, including myself.

If you would like someone to talk to, I will take time out of my life just to sit down with you so you can vent. It's the least I can do.

Always learn from what other people think, always be open to ideas on how your story can improve, even if you didn't think of it or feel it at first. Sit down for some moments, reflect, and think if they have a point. Balance everything out. It will help you as a writer.

I could recommend fanfiction instead of this site, Hell even I am greeted with open arms there. Many people on this site tend to think to much about the gramma and stuff like that instead of reading what in fact is an amazing story who the author puts great work and imagination into. Sometimes I feel ashamed that I'm on this site, it's to brutal and cold hearted to new and inexperienced writers... And also experienced too.

If you truly mean not to come back then I just have one last thing to say before you go:

Thank you for your amazing works I can't describe how much your fictions meant to me.


Umm, okay?

Learn to have thicker skin. Seriously. This is the internet. People hide behind it and post whatever they want to. Besides, why the fuck should you care what others think if you're writing for yourself? And, if you're not writing for yourself, then you need to reevaluate why you're writing.

It's blunt, but really, come on.

No need to leave, man.

Just because someone says that, doesn't mean it's true! It could be, yes, but just take it like criticism and an opinion.

Besides. It was just one, right?

~Skeeter The Lurker


He's an editor.

~Skeeter The Lurker

As one of your readers, I have to say I'm very disappointed in how you are reacting. I get that this is the proverbial last straw, but you had been handling this so well up to this point. Also, who cares what one person thinks? Look at the Like-Dislike ratio of the story in question! 233 Likes to 28 Dislikes tells me that you were doing a good job! And on needing an editor, you said it your self on Colors of the Rainbow: you've had a lot of bad experiences with editors who probably did their jobs too well.

Honestly your spelling and grammar are better then some published writers! For example I know of one person who has stated that they just by fixing the spelling and grammar, and changing all instances of "Vampire" to "Fae" and Werewolf to "Shifter" they would satisfy the legal requirements to republish the Twilight books under their own name; supposedly they wouldn't even need to change the titles or character names.:unsuresweetie: I highly doubt they could actually get away with doing so,... But I have gotten WAY off track. The point is no one is perfect. There have been A LOT of books I've read from public libraries that have had bad enough spelling and/or grammar issues that I have had to put them down and stop reading, I have never even given a passing thought to doing such with your stories.Hell, I can only think of maybe one time where such an error was glaring or bad enough for me to actually notice and that was back in Elements of the Heart!:twilightsmile:

You are nowhere near being as bad a writer as some of these people think. You create a setting and you almost always manage to keep characters believably in character for these settings. That's the important part! A lot of people when they read fan fiction, especially if they are die-hard fans of a series or a particular character; and note that this is usually a subconscious thing, they often won't even realize they are doing this; have the unfortunate tendency to believe that, regardless of setting, the only way to depict a character is the canon characterization. Thus they would likely feel that any other depiction is "Out of Character." This is false. In a setting like... :rainbowhuh:huh, It's hard to think of a story/series that everyone here would immediately recognize that's not Grim-Dark:pinkiesick: or Clop:trollestia:... meh, I'll use a bit of everything:pinkiecrazy:

Alright I'll start with what is EASILY the most infamous story in all of Brony-dom: Cupcakes: Most people Immediately call out Pinkie as being OoC, this is technically false. It is shown through both her actions as well as through Dash's observations that in this setting Cupcakes!Pinkie is actually acting entirely in-character. This is a setting where it is rather firmly established that Pinkie is a serial killer, that she has been one for a long time, and that somehow she has not been caught which makes her extremely efficient at being one. That is who she is, and to act any other way would be OoC.
Similar things can be said about every character in any of Applejinx's Trixieverse, Twilight from Eakin's Time Loop Trilogy, Reality Check's Nyx-verse and his stories "Parting Words" and its sequel "The Great Alicorn Hunt", etc.

:twilightblush:Ok this is running long and my attention span is telling me to go read more stories so I'll leave you with this simple and sincere message:

Don't give up, and never stop believing in yourself.:eeyup:

All the stories I have read on here are not perfect. Your grammar and spelling really are not that bad, and people will hate on people just because you write something they don't like. This is a fact of life, and you will probably deal with people who say things like that all the time.
I have a few questions for you. Do you enjoy writing? Do you write for yourself? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, then don't pay attention to those that hate on your work. you can accept help on minor problems if you want, but just ignore the people that hate on your stories just to hate on them or that dislike the story. so what if some don't like your stories? there are still some that do, and, more importantly, you enjoy it. If you don't like writing or don't write for yourself, there isn't a lot of reason to write.
My point is that you have to love to write, and want to write for yourself. that is when you write. If it is your joy, and you want to do it for yourself, than everyone else doesn't matter towards you writing. people will either enjoy it or not, but you write for your joy. I don't know if the message applies here, but I feel it does.

I hope this has helped you, and I wish you the best in your endeavors.

I am so sorry to hear that you're leaving (if you haven't left already, in which case you won't even read this.) I was looking forward to where you were going to take 'Sunshine and Rainbows.' People are going to hate. You shouldn't let that stop you from doing something you like doing.


Don't leave.

In fact, get used to it.

The more readers you get, the more crap gets heaped onto you. But so do the good things!

Well, here we are. I was just notified of this, and . . . well, I don't know what to say. In retrospect, I was too harsh. Far too harsh. I let my emotions get the better of me, and I made a simple "I don't like this chapter" into something far worse.

And now I made someone leave the site. I . . . I didn't want this. I never wanted this. I didn't like the chapter, sure, but . . . I didn't want to cause someone to leave the site. I would never want someone to leave the site. Ever. That is not me, and that comment isn't me.

For what it is worth, everyone, I apologize deeply for my actions. I can't take back what I did (at least the damage it did), and I can't truly amend what I did, but I hope that an apology can suffice. If not, well . . . that's fine. I don't deserve much else. I don't deserve your apathy. I don't deserve anything.

If you would like to continue hating me, so be it. I'll understand. And I will try to get the man back into writing again. I really will try here, guys. I am going to message him and find all ways of contacting him so I can tell him I am sorry.

I just . . . yeah. I hope you guys have a good day.

I have a lot of work ahead of me here . . .


Least you're owning up to it.

I wish you the best, and good luck.

Bring him back.

~Skeeter The Lurker

1601481 You have my respect for acknowledging your misgivings. Also, I share Skeeter the Lurker's view on how you should attempt to convince him to return.
And finaly, I do not hold you singularly responsible. You are little more than a partial, albeit significant, factor in this.

1596549 fanfiction.net is where all fanfiction writers should start. Once you get good enough for mlp fanfics, move on to here. Once you get even better, that's when you go to EqD

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