• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen June 16th


just another brony with random story ideas.

More Blog Posts272

  • 166 weeks
    My Stories

    It's common belief that I have abandoned a select set of stories but I want to point out that this is not true. I had some ideas that required me to put a few things on hold and I am slowly working my way towards them and will be more than happy to release more when things are well and ready. Sadly this may take quite a bit more time and I don't want to spoil things as I have been working on this

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    0 comments · 404 views
  • 181 weeks
    So about that story(MATURE)

    So the clop story is coming along well but I have one issue I have to decide.

    First Person?


    Third Person?

    Story is Human X Pony and Pony X Pony, etc etc. There will be multiple chapters and an ongoing plot. Will mostly follow the point of view of the main characters

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    2 comments · 278 views
  • 182 weeks
    Shameless story on the way

    Shameless clop story for the sake of clop but with story elements because ideas refuse to leave my brain alone and the more things I write the more ideas I get and the further my other stories go.


    3 comments · 202 views
  • 182 weeks

    Dunno what came over me but I decided to go ahead and post the next update for Discovering Friendship. I had intended to do more with the chapter but ended up just focusing on one thing instead. I'm still happy with how it turned out and it leads into a few things I want to expand on in the story anyway. Especially when it comes to a few specific characters.

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  • 182 weeks
    Discovering Friendship

    Yes, the new chapter is in the works.

    But I've been busy bouncing around ideas for the future of the story. Things that I am very very very excited for everyone to get to read later on. A LOT is planned.

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    2 comments · 326 views

My Stories · 6:35pm May 19th, 2021

It's common belief that I have abandoned a select set of stories but I want to point out that this is not true. I had some ideas that required me to put a few things on hold and I am slowly working my way towards them and will be more than happy to release more when things are well and ready. Sadly this may take quite a bit more time and I don't want to spoil things as I have been working on this idea for a few years now.

But coming soon to our update list is


The newest addition to their party turned to her with a loud gasp, very quickly pulled into a headlock by Applejack.

She squirmed and flailed, her puffy pink hair bobbing as she whined and kicked. A pair of matching pink cat ears flicked back on her head.

"Y-You didn't tell me SHE was going to be here!" the girl cried out.

"Uh...Nice to meet you?" Twilight chuckled nervously.

"Sorry 'bout this Twi'. This here is Pinkamena Pie, she's th' best dang Beast Master ah know. She's a might bit tough in th' head, but ain't a monster out there she can't tame!" Applejack boasted.

The praise brought a blush to the girls face and, once freed, she bowed her head low.

"I-I can't believe I am really meeting you! I've read all your posts!" she squealed excitedly, never making eye contact.


"She uh...She's a Fan," Spike realized.

Pinkie gasped once more, reaching a shaky hand towards Spike, only to have her hand smacked by Applejack.

"Ya'll keep yer hands t' yerself Pinks. That there is Twilight's Dragon," Applejack warned her.

"R-Right, sorry! I just...I've never seen one in person before...A-A fully functioning Dragon-Kin pet AI. High Defense and Offensive capabilities, access to Tutorial File systems, almost unending storage capabilities and partner functions. It even acts as a partner in quests!" she gushed excitedly

"My uh...My name is Spike. I'm not an it..." he argued.

"S-Sentience!?" Pinkie squealed

"Spike is a rather special case. I earned the right to work alongside him in my adventures," Twilight explained, stepping between her friend and the beast tamer.

"I'll duel you for him," Pinkie said suddenly.

"Now hold on!" Applejack stepped between them.

"Why would I even think of fighting you for MY dragon?" Twilight demanded.

"Because I have a map of Everfree," Pinkie grinned, showing her inventory long enough for them to glimpse the map data. Twilight glanced over at Applejack.

"You want to bring this idiot into our team?" She demanded.

"I-I'm not an idiot! I'm a guide!" she argued, puffing up her cheeks angrily, her tail lashing about behind her.

"Despite her attitude, Pinks' here has been in an out o' Everfree several times. She's th' best bet o' gettin' in an out safely," Applejack tossed in.

"Really? WAIT!? How do you know I am heading into Everfree??" Twilight demanded.

"Oh uh...I was so excited about figuring it out I might've...told Applejack..." Spike admitted. Twilight smiled, running her hand over the spines atop his head.

"So? Do you want the Data or not?" Pinkie demanded.

"Now hold on jus' a minute Pinks! Ya can't jus'..."

"She'll do it," Spike declared, silence falling over the room. Twilight crouched down, cupping his cheeks.

"Spike, what are you doing?" She demanded.

"You're the best there is Twilight. Having me is proof of that. This is about more than me and you, this is about Celestia and the future of this world...Just uh...Don't lose..." he gulped, lightly gripping her arm.

Twilight swore under her breath.

"Applejack, is there a place where we can handle this?"

"Ah can make an instance zone in th' barn...Ya ain't seriously considerin...?"

"//Contract : The Magian Twilight Sparkle Vs The Beast Tamer Pinkamena Pie. Stakes - Twilight Sparkle Wagers ownership of Spike Swiftshrike against the map Data of Pinkamena Pie. In addition, the loser must accompany the winner as their Companion. Are these terms acceptable?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

"So, when I win, I get to keep Spike AND you? Oh this is the best day ever! DEAL!" Pinkie held out her hand. Twilight grabbed it, sparking her magic and sealing the contract between them. Applejack shook her head as she marched them out to the barn.

"Ya'll ain't gotta worry 'bout holdin' back in here. Princess Celestia herself could set off a Niner in here without scratchin it," the Farmer chuckled.

"Niner?" Pinkie asked.

"Ninth Tier Magic. Incredible Destructive, capable of shattering Dungeon Barriers," Twilight explained in passing.

Spike and Applejack sat side by side on a bundle of hay, a barrier forming up in front of them.

"Applejack, how do you know about Ninth Tier Magic?" Spike asked softly.

"Ya don't become a Child of Terra overnight lil dragon," she winked.

"Just so you know! I'm not holding back! That dragon is mine!" Pinkie yelled from across the barn. Twilight let out a slow breath as she pinched the air, sliding her hand in front of her and snapping. The air seemed to quake around her as her mana sparked.

"Mana Restraint: Level 5: Disengage," she spoke softly.

"W-Wait. Mana Restraint?" Pinkie stammered. Twilight inhaled and closed her eyes.

"Applejack, if you would do the honors?" She asked softly, the air shaking around her.

"Begin!" Applejack shouted.

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