• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
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Data-Scientist-in-Training and voracious fic reader. Occasionally edits/proofreads for people he likes, and even publishes story chapters once-in-a-blue-moon. Thinks he's a reneighssance pone.

  • ETastes Like Heresy
    Hearth's Warming never happened: The three tribes went their separate ways instead of uniting. Royal Chef Amber Spice is a mostly model Unicornian citizen, but now she's getting exiled from the land. How'd she manage that?
    Bugsydor · 39k words  ·  149  3 · 2.1k views

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Is this Thing on? · 10:11am Dec 3rd, 2013

Well, it seems that Knighty has fulfilled a dream of mine I've had since I started writing ponies on this website:
An update that didn't break the website for mobile users The ability to actually tag stories in blog posts! He's also added the ability to tag one of your fics as the sequel to another one of your fics, and that becomes relevant later. Right now, I'm giving thanks to our glorious host for bringing these changes to pass.

Thankfulness aside, I do have some actual updates on Tastes Like Heresy to share with you all:

First, it's not dead. While it does tend to hibernate for extended periods of time, it is currently under active development. I'm about 3k words into the new chapter last time I checked, and I've got more-or-less everything for it planned out at this point. I'm planning to have this entire fic wrapped up before it's officially a year since its EqD post, and that's not feeling too far-fetched. At the moment, I'm working on a huge rant for Spicy, and my two prereaders are loving it so far.

Second, I'm not going to be releasing this chapter just as soon as it's complete and preread. It's going to have to sit in storage a few days after that until I finish this story's epilogue and another thing so I can release them all at once. And that other thing is...

Third, I'm going to be releasing the first chapter of the second story in this planned trilogy the same time as I release the current chapter of Tastes Like Heresy and its epilogue. I've actually got said short first chapter mostly written at this point. I'm doing this in order to take full advantage of the newly added sequel tagging feature on this site. Wouldn't want some people to get the impression that Amber Spice's story ends just because this story gets its complete tag, after all. The sequel will be called Desert Spice (unless somepony comes up with a better name) (sorry, no worms in the Pegasopian desert), and I'm excited to write it and get some of that juicy worldbuilding that's stuck in my head encoded in electrons and stuff. For those of you wondering when in the hay Spicy gets going on her adventure, this sequel is when that happens.

Now, I'm going to be writing Desert Spice no matter what, but I'm a bit curious how people might react to it and its shift in tone relative to Tastes Like Heresy. There will still be cuteness and humor a-plenty, but there's going to be enough darker themes that I may need to add a teen tag to it. The desert is a harsh mistress, and ponies die in there if they can't handle it. Also, desperate ponies can take desperate measures. I don't plan on making things gratuitously gory or grimdark, but I do expect people to leave that story knowing my opinions on how pegasus weaponry should work. There's going to be a romantic subplot too, but again, nothing gratuitous enough to merit my adding a sex tag. Also, there's most definitely going to be an adventure tag on Desert Spice.

When I write that story, will you keep reading it despite the shift in tone?

P.S. For those of you who stuck with me through the whole blog post, here's a quote from the upcoming chapter:
"Pierce? Your mother was a mud pony and your father smelt of salmon berries!"

Report Bugsydor · 274 views · Story: Tastes Like Heresy ·
Comments ( 5 )

*Squee* This is definitely one of the best things today. :yay: Also glad to hear the story is a trilogy. Definitely a darker story makes me a bit hesitant but I'm still game.


Glad to hear I brightened your day! Brightening people's days is like, the second biggest reason I write this fic.

And I wouldn't worry too much about the darkness hampering story quality. Any that exists is in the service of plot, character, and/or world development. I refuse to take cheap-shots in the name of gorn, porn, or killing off a character because they're happy or well-liked.

I won't let you down!

1568405 Pshaw, I already know that :twilightsmile: But I never turn down reassurances:pinkiehappy:

I do have some actual updates on Tastes Like Heresy to share with you all:

First, it's not dead.

:yay: yay!

I appreciate your enthusiasm.

Not only is it not dead, but you can expect me to finish this chapter by month's end! Might not get posted by then, but it'll be finished!

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