New Episodes; So Much Headcanon Destroyed; An Important Question · 7:36am Nov 26th, 2013
... Not really, at least as far as my stories are concerned! Well... there is one small change I had to make to "Love Mine"'s next chapter, but thankfully it was easy to do.
Anyway, what was up with that ending? Assuming the Summer Sun Celebration is held every year, does that mean everything that happened occurred in one year? ... I suppose another explanation is that this was the first Summer Sun Celebration Luna decided to brave, but then why did Celestia only now announce it as "not a celebration of NMM's defeat"? She would have made that clear at a previous Summer Sun Celebration, even if Luna didn't wish to attend it, wouldn't she? EXCEPT ALSO she probably made a similar announcement at the Summer Sun Celebration on which NMM/Luna returned... So...? I dun'no. What do you all think?
Just another example of the show writers not bothering to check whether or not they have kept things consistent. That is what headcanon is for...
For all we know, it's been 10 years. I'd like to think there was an extra SSC in there somewhere. It's possible that Celestia only now spoke about her feelings of the occasion to Twilight now, and that Twi may not have even attended the last one.
I hope this hasn’t all been only one year. Because if so, you have to wonder if this kind of weird stuff happened to Ponyville before Twilight Sparkle showed up.
If so, it doesn’t explain why the denizens run screaming when weird stuff happened, because they’d be jaded as hell by that point.
And if so, I’m not entirely sure they’d want someone like Twilight in any position of authority….
I assume a year per season.
This is specially true when you consider the number of Friendship Reports that Spike regurgitated during S2E2, that were then confirmed to be weekly on S2E3 (Lesson Zero).
Here's your problem. Given that it was a celebration of the defeat of Nightmare Moon, it's not hard to picture it being cancelled for two years after Luna's return.
Or, perhaps more interestingly, Canterlot didn't hold it, but other cities in Equestria did. Possibly without thinking about the symbolism.
But, yeah, I'm pretty sure it isn't possible for everything that's happened thus far to have happened in one year. Not without the population of Ponyville abandoning the town.
I've always beleived everything so far has been one year.. i was not a fan of the "Seasons=Years" thing.. implies we missed too much
I looked... Didn't hear anything about "years".
I may be having trouble reworking my original thoughts on the SSC. I never saw it as a celebration of NMM's defeat, because the pilot episodes never showed any symbolism to indicate that. Instead, as I mention in a couple of my stories, I thought it was (merely) a Summer Solstice festival! In which case it wouldn't make sense to not hold it every year because... the Summer Solstice happens every year (presumably--this is Equestria though, so...). In accordance with that, I've also always thought every city held their own SSC, but Celestia would choose one city to visit each year...
Ooo! Perhaps, while Luna was still too nervous to attend any SSC, Celestia also denied to appear? Thus she wouldn't have had the chance to make this announcement before... Instead, Cele waited not only for her sis, but for public opinion on Luna to shift enough that her announcement wouldn't be challenged/disregarded... That sounds like something she would do, right?
Alternately, the whole Nightmare Moon aspect could've originally been only Celestia's personal opinion. She mentioned it to someone at some point, the telephone game ensued, and it got tacked on to the preexisting solstice celebration. Or she never said it and is just projecting, thus confusing everyone at the joint setting/rising, because Sunbutt is a silly pony.
I like to think that they didn't get too specific with the show on purpose. They kinda left it open to where you can interpret it as one year or multiple years.
I've never really felt that we'd gone too far past a year or so since the the beginning it really didn't change that much in my mind.