New Vore Story Coming Soon! · 10:24pm Mar 25th, 2017
Hey! If you liked Pre-Bacon, you probably like vore, right? Well, I have a new anthology, "Vore is Magic", which should be up soon! Currently, it only contains one story, but I have a lot of ideas I hope to get through!
Ooooo, sounds awesome. ^.^
Can't wait for more. Will characters be added over time?
Each story will contain different characters; for example, the mostly like next to be finished will feature Blueblood, Celestia, Luna, some nameless guards, and possibly a random noble or two. However, Pinkie, Rainbow, Lyra, and to an extent, Bonbon, will likely be featured in more than their fair share of stories.
OK and that was going to be my second question cause I wanted to see Gilda again as I like her as a present. Also would discord possibly make an appearance too?
Gilda? Not so much as far as the ideas I'm bouncing around right now... Discord is a very much "yes", though!
Great I can't wait to see what you do.