Quantum State: A Letter of Appreciation · 5:40am Nov 5th, 2013
Several of you, mere hours from the post of my blog about the state of Dusttraveller land, offered sympathies and even offerings of donations. I am deeply touched at the gesture, folks. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all very much. However, ethically speaking, I can't accept donations from you. As a writer of fanfiction, it would be immoral of me to profit off of someone else's intellectual property. Writing fanfiction for no profit skirts the edge of the moral conundrum enough as it is.
I want to stress that I deeply appreciate the offers, I really do. I'm not going to stop writing QC, I just need to get off my ass and do it. It isn't just looking for a job, it's... also the depression and stress that comes from HAVING to look for work, you know? A donation like this would certainly help my current situation, but it doesn't alleviate the long term issue. So accepting money from you all wouldn't be right.
But again, thank you so much. Really. I choked up a little bit from the offers. You are the best fans... friends, that anyone could ask for.
What are friends for mate
Though getting spammed with 'feed' updates all the times sure makes it hard to notice blog posts like that. x.x
No problem
Personal Policy: don't be a dick. It just makes people pissed. So hope you get better. You have a gift that would be a shame to be wasted.
Dude, that's untrue. You're the creator of some very original content. You absolutely have a right to rake in the mad dollars that your fans want nothing more than to shove fistfuls of in your face in gratitude for squeezing such a beautifully written story out of your brain.
Besides, don't think of it as us paying you to take credit for someone else's intellectual property, think of it as us paying you so you don't have to spend another evening trying desperately not to vomit up your last meal of ramen noodles.
Ethically speaking, considering how much I've enjoyed reading your story, I'd have no problems sending a bit your way, not as any sort of donation, but just as a token of appreciation. And if it happens to help, then so be it, I've paid for books that I've liked, and looked forward to less.
Cough cough, If we're helping you to not die of homelessness, then I don't really think you're profiting off of someone elses work. Just using it as a piggyback.
you could always join the military, would solve a few issues....
just sayin'
'It's a tough one, but somebodies gotta do it.'
1483348 I was in the military bro, for 9 years. I was an Aviation Electricians Mate, 2nd Class. I'm 34 years old. I'm getting a bit long in the tooth to be starting that stuff again.
We always need ole' dogs to keep us young pups in line
but i'm out of useful advice besides getting a gun and robbing a bank, but no one ever listens to my plan b
Looking for a job is probably the 10th circle of hell. It's a fucking bullshit game that's been rigged against you, unless you know the right person or happen to luck out being in the right place at the right time.
I've paid fanfic authors for the privilege of enjoying their work before. As long as you don't go about asking for money or putting pay walls up, you're in the clear, legally speaking. Can't be sure about the philosophical part of that equation.
Up here in Canada, Alberta is always looking for electricians to throw money at to work on the rigs, and in Manitoba there are two(?) dams going up that require plenty of skilled tradesmen.
The maple syrup is great up here, plus, nearly free healthcare.
1483358 Part of the issue here is that my parents credit is so ridiculously bad from the internet bubble bursting back in the 90s that they have trouble renting houses. Neither of them makes much money, so back when I worked for Northrup-Grumman as a Laser Technician, I bought a house so they would have a place to live. I used the Montgomery GI Bill to secure the loan, and that means that that house must be my primary residence.
Legally, unless I sell the house, I can't live anywhere else, because those where the terms of the loan. I can't sell the house to my parents because they can neither afford it, nor secure the loan to mortgage it. I am an electrical and laser alignment technician with over 15 years of experience in electronics, micro-miniature solder repair, and laser testing and alignment, but there isn't much call for that in my area right now, and I can't move where the work is because then my parents would have no where to live.
That's basically the long and short of it. If I could move, I could find work pretty easy. I can't... so... goddamn it, Florida I guess.
Mmm. Such is the nature of the world, when you have something you're really good at and have devoted a lot of time to. . . Doesn't seem to pop up.
On the other hand, there's always tomorrow. And the next day, and such.
Point is, it could always get better. It could get worse, yes, but it could also get better. Which is what I generally try to focus on.
I hope things work out for you man. You've got moral support from across the world, that's gotta count for something :)
Screw the story (actually, please don't), it's just good to hear that you're still breathing It's not like we have any other means of checking up on you
This is why I don't complain about my job, as mediocre as the pay may be. You can't get fired on a whim in public service.
Dude, think of it like this: you have an MBT's weight of experience in cutting-edge technology under your belt. Much like construction engineering, that's a market that, if it doesn't have open spots at this exact moment, it will have sooner rather than later. There IS consumer demand, and there WILL be the need to meet it, which means there's gonna be staff demand for THAT.
Have some faith: even the ugliest rainy days water your crops.
Besides, can't you work as a remote consultant, or is your job strictly presential? From your description aside from the soldering part, it really doesn't strike me as the latter... Unless I misinterpreted
I hadn't said anything on the previous post because I wasn't exactly awake for it, timezones and all. And even if you don't accept direct help from your fans (which you really should see as helping a friend [something you can appreciate but not rely fully on], and not as paying a storywriter), we're here if you wanna chat.
I feel you're pain, out of work here also. Almost time to throw in the towel and finally become a man-whore seriously though, best of luck to you man.
Did you think about working as copywriter ?
There is great area where one with good writing skills and technical background like yours could have job. And could work from home.
Did you check jobs for 'copywriter', 'writer', 'technical writer'?
Like this one?
Here are 60 pages of technical writing jobs.
Also 66 jobs around Florida.
I am not sure if it can provide you income level you can get as technician, but it can help pay bills...
I'm not even talking about freelance copywriting, which you should be able to do easily.
That was a noble act indeed.
I feel you though, trying to pay my tuition, hold down my shitty job and keep a passing gpa is a pain in the ass.
Still... if you ever need a helping hand, just ask.we've got to stick together in this crazy world.