• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2023


More Blog Posts53

  • 75 weeks
    I Read a Good Thing

    So I first came across Undome Tinwe from their excellent fics of Monochromatic's Crimson Lips. You can find them here and here, and

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    5 comments · 496 views
  • 521 weeks
    Still Alive, But Just Barely

    Hello everyone!

    Feels like forever since I've been around. Haven't been writing much in the way of pony these days, honestly, but I will be at BronyCon tomorrow if anyone wants to say hello. I'll be at table 416, tagging along as always with the illustrious EndlessNight. She's got some really great stuff out this year, come check it out!

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    11 comments · 1,461 views
  • 532 weeks
    Like Fine Wine Comic!

    You can find it here.

    Apparently there were bits of this floating around on tumblr for a while? I don't know, I hadn't seen or heard anything about it and then BAM. Completed, epic, unbelievably amazing flash adaptation of one of my stories! Made my week. Made my month, even.

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  • 563 weeks
    New PVU Chapter!


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  • 569 weeks
    Next PVU Chapter! Special Guest Writer!

    Next PVU chapter is up! Part of it was written by the immortal and excellent Device Heretic! More thanks to Varanus for proofreading and suggestions! Enjoy!

    Or... er... by the way, this chapter comes with a pretty huge, screaming TRIGGER WARNING for SEXUAL ASSAULT.

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    9 comments · 1,074 views

Updates! · 12:12am Feb 20th, 2013

Device Heretic has sent me the latest chapter of The Other Mare! It's good stuff, check it out!

Also, new chapter of Clouds/Earth is up... probably a bit less exciting. In fact, I'm pretty sure some of you are going to hate it. Feel free to let me have it in the comments!

Meanwhile, I was thinking to myself the other day... man, you know what I could use some more of?

Humanized ponies.

Not making any promises, not saying anything for certain. Just sayin'.

I might be working on a new chapter of something.

Report SleeplessBrony · 980 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

Device Heretic


Meanwhile, I was thinking to myself the other day... man, you know what I could use some more of? Humanized ponies. Not making any promises, not saying anything for certain. Just sayin'.

Well today is your lucky day!

I'll just leave this here.

Yeah. You were right about the "hate" part there, and not just for the reasons you probably imagined. But I'm not going to repeat myself.

:yay:Device Heretic

Device Heretic has sent me the latest chapter of The Other Mare! It's good stuff, check it out!

You know, every time I decide that that guy must have finally passed beyond the veil for good and entered the sunset pastures, I am somehow proven horribly, wonderfully wrong.

Jesus! It's almost 35,000 words between the two of you! It's like you people want me to get nothing done this evening…

Is it okay if I wish Equestria Girls was Ponyville University instead?

I might be working on a new chapter of something.

I jizzed. Yes please.

I CAME to see about the updates :heart:


Updates by both you and DH in one day? All of my yes :pinkiehappy:

Oh, glorious day :)

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