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Meanest little raccoon with the cutest little boots.

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Crackfic Storm 2024 - Less than a week until April 1st! · 7:36pm March 25th

For those who missed it, Crackfic Storm 2024, the yearly writing event where we write stupid stories for April 1st, is underway.

This be the last year I run this, so be sure to write something if you want to get in on it! You have a little under a week to get a story written in time to submit on March 31st!!

Even if you're not that good at writing, you can still bang out a wacky story and submit it! Every story helps! Who knows? This may be the story that gets you into writing! (remember that if it's your first story, it has to pass moderator approval, which means it needs to be coherent and may take a full day just to post!)

There are no rules for Crackfic Storm. Just get something silly out, and Submit it on the night of May 31st, or the morning of April 1st.

Previously, I put out such gems as The only fanfic that asks the Question! (or, How Twilight Sparkle learned to stop worrying and love to Vomit), You're Welcome, Internet!, An Even Greater Warrior, and began it's prequel, Zoinks!...

...and this year I will be releasing more chapters of that. Yay Shaggy-time!

Comments ( 4 )

Between this, the sci-fi contest, and the current Sunset shipping contest, I'm tempted to find a fanfic triple point...

Remember that submissions for this can be anything, so feel free to do whatever! I'm planning to post more than one thing!

Why the last, if I may ask? I somehow missed this announcement.

I'm not sure I'm going to be up to it. I've kind of phased out of the pony community, and with the nerve damage, the stuff I used to juggle is a bit much for me to keep up with. I'm giving myself an out.

Someone else can run this sort of thing if they want though.

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