• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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  • 1 week
    Hope to have story updates soon!

    So its been about a week since I sat down to write, spending my free time with another Skyrim run instead. Hope that changes after work today.

    First up will be a short update to Roots of a Cold Heart, then another update to Meet the Lings.

    Haven't forgotten about Unicorn Attack either.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    3 comments · 49 views
  • 2 weeks
    I... Just... Sure, why not?

    4 comments · 63 views
  • 2 weeks
    Next Chapter In The Works

    Well, part of me figured after six once-a-day chapters in a row, some followers of my new 'Meet The Lings' story might have been like this for the second half of the week:

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    2 comments · 58 views
  • 3 weeks
    The Rivalry Reignited

    I have a longtime internet friend down in Fort Worth that has been racing me in various Sonic game stages since Sonic 4 launched in October 2010. We dueled over literal milliseconds in Splash Hill Act 1.

    That then moved over to Sonic Generations the next year, where we raced for the top times in Chemical Plant Act 2 and Crisis City Act 2.

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    2 comments · 85 views
  • 3 weeks
    Tell Your Tale: Mystery of Missing Time


    Well, um, this week, I kind of want to say that we were robbed. Because of Allura's trust issues, this episode goes nowhere in the end, but for about 60 seconds, this was some phenomenal character development for Zipp.

    11 comments · 194 views

Tell Your Tale: Friday Night Food Fight · 9:25pm Nov 9th, 2023

Well, this was a first; the new episode wasn't out in time for my 10:30 am break.

This week, we get what is probably the best possible origin story for why mayonnaise is a forbidden word.

Comments ( 14 )

I would say that's a pretty interesting episode and a also interesting tradition as well but hey everybody has the weird ones by the way

Misty out here playing juggernaut with all of Briddlewood.

Man, I really forgot just how brutal the Vietneighm war was...

Okay so the scene with her as a filly was cute but going in I was thinking: is this a dream perhaps? because out of nowhere all the Bridlewood pones throwing rotten foods at each other in an epic battle just seemed WAAAY to weird to be reality (but then again, magical talking pones, so what's normal to us would probably seem equally weird to them)

as to the mulch and ending: not sure it quite works that way (at least speed wise), and smirk respectively

Even the depressed pre-Unity Unicorns could not resist the adorableness of foals having fun. :twilightsmile:

Anyone notice in the short one of the unicorns somehow has magic? Someone in a discord server I know spotted it.

I sometimes get the impression that Izzy is taking on sort of a big sister role with Misty, particularly with introducing her to Bridlewood and unicorn culture. Though with TYT, it's more a case of what if Pinkie Pie was an older sister to one of the CMC.

I'm also questioning why Alphabittle would try to call an end to the food fight tradition, other than to give the writers an excuse to make him leave the sanctuary of the Crystal Tea Room.


Has anyone here actually taken a pie to the face? Seems like it'd hurt, not even taking into account some of that pie filling getting in the eyes. I've taken a snowball to the face, and that's not fun.

I think he had a feeling that would happen, and it would jog Misty's memories.

Because then she went full Rambo and it was freaking awesome.

Misty's so cute...:raritystarry:

Yeah. This WAS a pretty enjoyable episode. And on other notes (in addition to the ones already mentioned), I noticed that, in the flashback, Alphabittle said "Pegasus" instead of "zeppelin" or even "bird". I guess that was a little foreshadowing that, even then, he didn't have AS MUCH against Pegasi than most of the other unicorns (which is some pretty amusing foreshadowing considering - well - ).

And, yeah, that weekly city-wide food fight was probably one of the very few things that got the Unicorns other than Izzy or Alphabittle to have some actual fun once in a while. And Izzy had a point about how re-using the old food is also helpful to the environment.

Yeah. This WAS a pretty enjoyable episode. And on other notes (in addition to the ones already mentioned), I noticed that, in the flashback, Alphabittle said "Pegasus" instead of "zeppelin" or even "bird". I guess that was a little foreshadowing that, even then, he didn't have AS MUCH against Pegasi than most of the other unicorns (which is some pretty amusing foreshadowing considering - well - ).

And, yeah, that weekly city-wide food fight was probably one of the very few things that got the Unicorns other than Izzy or Alphabittle to have some actual fun once in a while. And Izzy had a point about how re-using the old food is also helpful to the environment.

Misty unleashing her inner beast... Drawing on the power of the Dark Side.

I've seen that, too. Maybe that's a mistake.

Probably which has become a trend for many tyt shorts as many small things people have caught kinda ruin the plot in some way.

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