I'm an idiot (Part uno) · 10:04am Mar 14th, 2013
So, hi, what's up. Funny story time, k? One of the first of many of how yours truly is a complete idiot sometimes. I put up my first story, but nobody is looking at it; no views, no comments, or likes, nada. And then I'm sitting here reading these other fics that, honestly, aren't that good. But they have upvotes, and comments, and all that jazz. Naturally, I'm getting a little bit mad here. But, eventually, I calm down. In the end, I figure, what the hay, I might as well put up the second
Hey thanks for faving The Tale of Lord Barleycorn!
Hey, thanks for the favorite. It means a lot
Thank you so much for favoriting Equestrian Earth!
That really means a lot!
Be sure to check out my other stories for more awesome reads like Blowing Through the Pages! (If you want to.)
359829 Oh yeah, I love it. Definitely one of the more interesting HiE fics I've read.
Thanks for the fav on Her Forest.