• Member Since 10th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 2nd, 2014


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Two weeks. That was all the time that had passed. In that fortnight, Twilight Sparkle had been consumed by evil, locked away the two rulers of Equestria, and left Equestria in a darkness so black that nopony can see a hoof in front of their face. Celestia can feel her sanity slipping away as she lies helpless in her prison.

Chapters (1)

A/N: NO, THIS IS NOT AN APPLETOSH FIC. I do not support that ship. It just the normal relationship between an older brother and little sister.
On an ordinary day, a tragic event took place. After the combine malfunctions and kills her brother a grief and guilt-ridden Applejack takes to the bars, and her friends do all they can to help her through it. But will the comfort of the five greatest friends she's ever had be enough to free the hard-working mare from her alcoholic state, or is she lost to them forever?
I felt like doing a sad fic about my favorite character. Don't judge me.

Chapters (5)

Everypony looks at me as if I'm beautiful and perfect. On the outside I succeed in matching that profile. On the inside I'm scared and envious. I may be generous to all, but want I really want is to snatch their every quality.

You guys wanted another confession story, so here it is.

Chapters (1)

[This story takes place right after Twilight reforms AJ in "Return of Harmony pt 2"]

After reforming Applejack, Twilight and her friend go out in search of Fluttershy. The task isn't as easy as they expect.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Roman Numeral have a had a great third date, but now it's time to part ways for another long while until the next day.

There is no clop in this story, just felt like writing a cute romance story. Based off the song Kissed You (Goodnight) by Gloriana

Chapters (1)

I may not have Rarity's eyes or Fluttershy's grace, but I'm pretty... right? Every day I see ponies complimentin' eachother on their manes how nice they are. Shoot, Rarity gets stopped about every five steps. But not me.

Just a little one-shot that popped into my head. I wrote it kind of poem style, not sure which category fits what you're about to read.

Chapters (1)

Too many friends lost, too many mistakes written in pen. Princess Celestia is condemned to living all of eternity in this lonely substitute of Hell, that is unless she can work up the courage to free herself.

Rated teen for language/themes

Chapters (1)