• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 5th, 2014

Bass Drop


Sorry · 10:14pm Aug 9th, 2013

Sorry guys with cross country work and other things its hard for me to write but don't worry I'll be back at it right about now.

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Comments ( 9 )
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Question what happened to your Derpy story, I'm just curious.

Having a hard time writing this next chapter.
1. Cross country takes up most of my free time.
2. Trying to figure out just how this is going to play out.

hay when do u think the next chapter will be out for what makes it stop. if u don't care to tell me:derpytongue2:

Whew thanks bro. ( i just ran four miles at cross country) i'm trying my beat to take every opertunity to write. Excpect more writing!

i love were your story is going keep up the good work. i think u have a new fan:raritywink:

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